Sedna in Gemini, Food Revolution, Conscious Consumers, and Wooly Mammoth Cultivated Food

Image: A Wooly Mammoth via wikimedia Commons.

Oort cloud object Sedna enters new zodiac sign Gemini for the first time on 16 June 2023 to retrograde back into Taurus in November. Sedna finally leaves the 29th degree of Taurus the bull, for her long stay in Gemini in 28 April 2024.

What does that mean, as it switches from zodiac sign Taurus that rules the bull, farming, agriculture, finances etc. into more cerebral air sign Gemini? What are some of the societal and environmental changes at play?

Sedna enters Gemini for the first time 16 June 2023 to retrograde back into Taurus in November. Sedna finally leaves for her long stay in Gemini on 28 April 2024.

Sedna is about a massive shift in consciousness. It's about deep in the moment presence and profound silence loaded in knowing; as soul incarnated in human form.

As Sedna in Gemini approaches, the artifical/fake/lab created food market will continue to encroach on the consumer with MASSIVE FINANCIAL BACKING, in order to get them to bite on the synthetic foods that mimic meat and dairy that are being cooked up by science, that the general consumer has been slow to try, and even slower to embrace… Researchers now also claim to have been able to successfully bulk-produced fat tissue with a similar texture and make-up to normally occurring fats from animals, to aid with the taste factor of meat... Most of those products in development are in the form of an unstructured mixture of cells – like chicken nuggets rather than a slice of chicken breast. 

(Please note that the writer of this article is a nutrient-dense, paddock to plate foodie, and do NOT APPRECIATE that these REAL foods are being driven out of reach of the consumer by government red tape, and legislative injustices, heavily in favour of alternatives like these that are not palatable to some.) Truely sustainable animal agriculture and food freedom should not be disrespected in the pursuit of creating these new forms of so-called ‘climate friendly’ food, as Sedna moves into Gemini.

Below is a video that describes the inroads that these new ‘foods’ are making, yet one country is taking legal steps to ban them. Italy's right-wing government has backed a bill that would outlaw lab-produced meat and other foods in what they're calling a battle for the country's food heritage.


One ambitious Australian company is already laying claim to having produced the first ‘meat product’ made from wooly mammoth DNA.

Just a few days after Pluto first moved into new cerebral air sign Aquarius, Vow, an Australian cultivated food company startup that creates meat in a laboratory setting from animal cells, was reported to have said that it has used advanced molecular engineering to resurrect the woolly mammoth in meatball form, by combining original mammoth DNA with fragments of an African elephant’s DNA. It’s reportedly not deemed fit for human consumption yet, though…

We chose the woolly mammoth because it’s a symbol of diversity loss and a symbol of climate change.
— Tim Noakesmith, Vow

And with Pluto having recently moved into Aquarius examining corruption, abuse of power or other transgressions in the new sign of Aquarius as it relates to science and technology, there is likely to be challenges in this arena. However, a reported $49 million round of funding will see the scientists push ahead to make their lab grown meat from animal cells campaign work… somehow… It is said to be marketed as more sustainable meat in the face of climate-related extinction, not market mammoth burgers. The animal is thought to have been driven to extinction by hunting, by humans and the warming of the world after the last ice age.

Sedna, The Last Ice Age, and the Wooly Mammoth Return with Sedna in a Climate Change Crisis Spin

Dwarf planet Sedna will reach her closest point to the earth and sun in 2076.

Where Pluto takes 248 odd years, and Eris about 556 years to complete an orbit around the sun, Sedna takes a whopping 11,390 years. Like Eris, Sedna also has an elliptical orbit, but it is extreme (see the image below). According to Wikipedia, Sedna will come to perihelion around July 2076. This close approach to the Sun provides an opportunity for study that will not occur again for 12,000 years.

Image: Sedna’s orbit. WikiMedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

According to National Geographic, the Neolithic Revolution—also referred to as the Agricultural Revolution—is thought to have begun about 12,000 years ago. It coincided with the end of the last ice age and the beginning of the current geological epoch, the Holocene. And it forever changed how humans live, eat, and interact, paving the way for modern civilization. During the Neolithic period, hunter-gatherers roamed the natural world, foraging for their food. But then a dramatic shift occurred.

The foragers became farmers, transitioning from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a more settled one.

Though the exact dates and reasons for the transition are debated, evidence of a departure from hunting and gathering, towards agriculture is obvious and has been documented world wide. The woolly mammoth (Mammuthus primigenius) is an extinct species of mammoth that lived during the Pleistocene until its extinction in the Holocene epoch.

Most mammoths went extinct more than 10,000 years ago, coinciding with an important climate change at the end of the last ice age.

Image: Extreme trans-Neptunian objects, 9 objects plus 4 new ones in orange, Date 20 June 2017 via Wikimedia Commons.


As Sedna is returning, causing changes and bringing new challenges in the next 50+ years, will mankind be dining on wooly mammoth again via laboratory grown / cultivated food, reportedly using advanced molecular engineering to resurrect the woolly mammoth in meatball form? According to this article, scientists are already working on ways to achieve something close to resurrect the long-extinct animal, using DNA from soft-tissue in frozen mammoth remains and meshing it with that of a modern-day elephant…

Image: Sedna Highly Eliptical orbit via Wikiemdia Commons

Image: Research via Wikimedia Commons.

Food and Sustenance Revolution Transition with Sedna

A Sedna transit around the sun takes approximately 11,400 years. In Sedna’s massive elliptical orbit, she is on the last stretch of being closest to the earth in about 50 years.

Farming and animal agriculture began 10,000 -13,000 years ago.

According to this NPR article, the origins of agriculture is complicated, however it seems clear to archeologists that our hunter-gatherer ancestors started trying their hand at farming at this time.

This entailed growing and cultivating seeds to create something new to eat, that hadn’t been conceived of previously… What became the agrarian ethos we know today, was quite revolutionary back then…

“First, they grew wild varieties of crops like peas, lentils and barley and herded wild animals like goats and wild oxen. Centuries later, they switched to farming full time, breeding both animals and plants, creating new varieties and breeds. Eventually, they migrated outward, spreading farming to parts of Europe and Asia.”

The earliest farmers seems to have lived in a region in the Middle East including modern-day Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Israel, Palestine, southeastern Turkey and western Iran. It seems that multiple groups of people living in the fertile crescent started agriculture.

This Wikipedia page details the history of agriculture, which is the growing of food in a sustainable way that can help humans flourish. This is what we are currently re-evaluating, as is evident with people like Climate Activist Greta Thunberg despairing on a very public platform about social norms and what she considers ‘the bleak predictions’ about ‘the climate emergency’. But are things really this bleak?

With Sedna on the precipice of entering new zodiac sign Gemini in a handover, this entails a massive shift in food providence, as it relates to Taurus issues, into Gemini, and this is why the Climate spin is spun in the global media as a political issue, but where will the dice fall when it comes to what is truely wholesome food, sustenance and shelter for mankind on this planet?

SCAPEGOATING meat and dairy animals for ‘farting’ methane, while ignoring the massive amounts of methane pouring out of the earth - into the air - while more fracking holes are drilled into the earth’s deep crust, and releasing even more… is hardly sensible… Scapegoating is where things are presented to be one way, when they are actually another. It’s called GASLIGHTING and fear mongering, for someone’s self-serving political agenda and gain.

Images: Images via Wikimedia Commons: Bushmen, Tractor, Chickens and Cattle

Sedna Ingress into Gemini as part of a Climate of Change Bigger Picture

Astrologers and beginners to astrology know Gemini as a zodiac sign of the twins, that is ruled by the planet Mercury and the third astrological house. It focusses on COMMUNICATION SKILLS, logical thought, the processes of the conscious mind. It’s the experience of exploring two sids of the coin, being quick-witted, intelligent, perceptive and curious. It’s a sign of THINKING FAST, and inspires witty word plays and dynamic dialogues.

Gemini is a zodiac sign of duality and the path to unity in consciousness, which is the point of resolution between the tension of opposites. Gemini focuses attention of the many, the multiples and the myriads, the potentials and the possibilities. It opens the door of all sorts of environments and life situations. Gemini broadens the mind and expands our sense of connectedness with life. Sedna moving into Gemini may ultimately entail a profound loosening of rigidity as the ice melts from her stay in the last decan of rigid, greedy, machiavellian Taurus, and the encounter with malefic star Algol.

Gemini is the sign of those invested in mimicking each other, and just like Artificial Intelligence is Sedna in Gemini, so is lab created food, mimicking the foods of nature.

Gemini is a mutable sign, which signals the shift away from the extreme immovability, fixed nature and stubbornness of the previous sign Taurus, with greater ease and readiness to change and embrace the new and expansive. It is eager to experience the new, with the sign of Gemini also having ancient links to the interplay and interconnectedness of spirit and matter.

Gemini is an astrological AIR sign, and with both Pluto, Uranus, and Sedna permanently moving into new AIR SIGNS in the upcoming year+, there is going to be a great focus on awareness, mind-expanding, the cerebral and also a very different consciousness revolution. Above is the ingress chart, which is described briefly below, but detailed in this article about Artificial Intelligence instead.

Sedna’s mythology speaks about the creation of new life forms, and Gemini speaks of communication, relating, relationship, intimacy, analysis, stories, new ideas, use of information, experiment, research, etc.

What we are currently seeing, is the shifting of a large amount of outer planets (Saturn, Uranus, Neptune), and also trans-Neptunian objects (Pluto, Haumea, Sedna, and eventually Varda) into new zodiac signs, as the Sedna Ingress chart above demonstrates. This entails some time traversing through the crisis degree of those signs… This is the bumpy road we are currently experiencing. There are also four yods (Sedna Yod, Haumea Yod, Gonggong Yod and Varuna Yod) in in the astrological sky that are formed by these outer planets interacting with the slow moving TNOs.

The Pentagram of Change online course has explained in great detail how all of the outer planets, and many of the brightest Kuiper belt objects, as well as Sedna, will be hovering in the 29th degree (crisis degree) of their signs during 2021 to 2026, see the chart above. This is a time of MAMMOTH change, as slow moving objects change signs, and herald massive societal leaving of the old, and having to embrace the new. As they overlap, they make tight orb aspects to each other, which means the energies work together powerfully to bring in MASSIVE CHANGE or BREAKTHROUGH that people may experience as great upheavel. Click to enlarge image.

Just because Sedna finally settles in Gemini in April 2024, doesn’t mean that Sedna has settled all of her Sedna in Taurus issues… Why? Because the changeover of energies doesn’t just suddenly dry up, they slowly bleed through on both sides of Taurus/Gemini for many years.

And since a Hammer of Thor apex focus powerfully on the Moon in Sedna’s ingress chart, and then later on Uranus at around 21+ degrees Taurus for some time to come… get the popcorn… for many shocking, surprising things and twist and turns to come. This is discussed in several other articles, like this one in the Sedna Blog, and another in the MakeMake blog and also the Sedna ingress article.

Sedna’s Inuit Mythology and Food Providence

Sedna is the goddess of the sea and marine animals in Inuit mythology, also known as the Mother of the Sea or Mistress of the Sea. The story of Sedna, which is a creation myth, describes how she came to rule over Adlivun, the Inuit underworld. There are many versions to Sedna’s tale, however, according to Wikipedia, the chopping off of her fingertips, transforming into seals and walruses, is common to many versions. The most common is where Sedna’s father comes to retrieve her from isolation, but a massive storm overtakes them while travelling in a kayak. In desperation, Sedna's father throws her into the raging sea to save himself. Attempting to cling to the kayak, her hands freeze and her fingers fall off becoming the creatures of the sea. She falls to the bottom of the sea and grows a fishtail.

In Sedna’s mythology, it was her severed fingers that become a source of food for the community. It’s a metaphor for the abundance that came after letting go of an old way, to embrace a new.

In a sense, the hunter gathers slowly abandoned their nomadic lifestyles 10,000 - 13,000 years ago to continuously grow, cross-breed and cultivate seeds to create something new to eat, in one area, that hadn’t been conceived of previously… In Sedna’s lead up to her closest encounter with the earth/sun in 50 years, we too will be getting sustenance and shelter in new ways previously not conceived of.

In Sedna’s myth, this massive change in consciousness is represented in her having a higher consciousness, thus separating from the ungrateful people who - according to old customs - were supposed to nurture and support her, but instead rejected, abused and tried to kill her spirit, and even physically tried to get rid of her.

Completely alone, Sedna connected to the divine spirit within, finding great abundance, providence, and wisdom from connection to soul essence. Finding new emotional sustenance in the friends and healthy high vibing connections that are supportive and wholesome.

It’s a strange tale for those who don’t understand the rich symbolism in the story that the Inuit (Eskimo is a description with derogatory connotation) had been retelling in their communities for a very long time, or how this translates to the trans-Neptunian objects with soul purpose.

Sedna in psychological astrology is a common, lived experience that those who have been significantly impacted by certain Sedna transits in their life, resonate with, and understand all too well.

Demonisation of Food Freedom and Animal Agriculture via Fear of Animal Disease

climate change in astrology

Plant-based alternatives to meat are already commonly available in supermarkets, but cultured meat made from DNA replicates the taste of conventional meat, and is something quite different. Likewise, the environmental impacts of animal agriculture from modern meat and dairy operations, is not the same as the wholesome animal husbandry of bygone years where there was a more balanced microbial balance in farming environments, and where calves were reared with their mothers sharing the abundant milk supply, which is typical of lactating mammals. Overseas ethical farming models like the calf-at-foot model in the US and UK, have many consumers willing to pay extra for the raw milk, and raw milk cheese that are produced from the very popular model, that allows the mother cow to keep her calf, and still be milked for human consumption as well. Below is a Sumerian scene showing the milking of cows and making dairy products from 2800-2600BCE, click to enlarge image.

Image: Inlay frieze with limestone figures. A Sumerian scene showing milking cows and making dairy products. From the facade of the Temple of Ninhursag at Tell al-'Ubaid, Iraq. Early Dynastic period, 2800-2600 BCE. via Wikimedia Commons.

lab grown cultivated meat and dairy food

The large-scale production of meat, particularly beef that are intensively grain-fed and reared on antibiotics, do cause damage to the environment, with studies claiming there must be a big reduction in meat-eating in rich nations in order to end the ‘climate crisis’.

Cultivated meat is said to entail much less land and water than livestock, and is claimed does not produce no methane emissions, but this may be just a spin to get people to change their eating habits, and bring profits to newly created so-called ‘green industries’. These new fangled foods are said to be a supply solution for the growing consumption of meat and dairy, but that may not be what some consumers want to eat right now…

Why has many governments been deliberately choosing to target food freedom as it pertains to sustainable, small family farmers producing nutrient-dense, traditional and pasture-based livestock products directly to the consumer, like raw milk cheese, raw milk, and pasture-raised meat?

Animal-based food produced by animal agriculture of the last 5,000+ years where the animals are raised by small scale family farmers are healthy and wholesome, and is NOT the same as the extreme large-scale agricultural practices, like grain-fed feedlots where antibiotics are rampantly abused, that we have seen in recent decades. They should not be bunched up as being the same, nor demonised as the same, when they are not.

Consumers should not be cheated out of easy access to the food and food production methods of their choice that come from agrarian ethos of thousands of years!!!

Hammer of Thor Apex in Taurus - MakeMake Square Quaoar

In astrology, transit Uranus falls under a MakeMake square Quaoar Hammer of Thor apex around the same time that Sedna moves into Gemini in June 2023. The last time Uranus came close to this area in the zodiac (19 Taurus) in July 2022, the media started scaremongering about the threat of Foot and Mouth disease coming into Australia.

Uranus in Taurus will fall under this Hammer of Thor apex again, and it happens around the time that Sedna had first moved into Gemini.

The first major direct hit Hammer of Thor that comes down hard on Uranus happens around June/July 2023, when Uranus moves into place at 21/22 degrees Taurus, to become the Hammer apex for Makemake in Libra and Quoaoar in Capricorn that square exactly at 7 degrees each. This happens at the same time that Pluto squares the Nodes exactly, and Eris turns retrograde. More Hammers will follow involving malefic fixed star Algol at 26 degrees Taurus (like for example in January - May 2025), which conjunct Uranus as well.

Taurus is very much about grounded events on the earth and material plain, finances, food, resources, the natural world, agriculture, and cattle…

Makemake square Quaoar

The June 2023 event will certainly be a pinnacle milestone in the journey, as these hammers take us into the future, and show us their physical manifestations in the last degrees of Taurus, going beyond 2030. With both Hammer of Thor and Yod apexes in the last degrees of Taurus… there WILL BE CHANGE.

Mid 2023 will be an interesting time, when we need to sift between which events are artificially engineered by the media, or large financial vested interests, and what happens organically at this time… Why? Because Hammers are about certain things that WERE BUILT WITH GREAT EFFORT AND DILIGENCE (in Taurus) being smote with such force, that they come to the forefront so powerfully, that they either have to die a permanent death due to a FAULTY FOUNDATION BEING STRUCK DOWN, or have to rebirth themselves involving significant transformation by looking at VISIONARY INNOVATION. Note, that this is not meant to be taken as scaremongering, for what is smote, is sometimes on its way out anyway due to the unsustainability, corruption or injustice of its energy dynamics… See another article for more details and astrology charts on this.

Conclusion of the Sedna Yod with Ixion as leg November 2023, Hello Varda:

Sedna herself is also synonymous with viruses transmitted between animals and humans. The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 3 degrees orb:

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

As can be deduced from the dates above, the Sedna Yod has been within 2-3 degree orb - on an off - for more than a decade. At the end of 2023, the Sedna Yod with Ixion as leg concludes the last time they aspect within this orb of influence. In fact, both Sedna and Ixion stations to change direction in September 2023, with Sedna going retrograde and Ixion moving forwards. By mid November the Sedna Yod with Ixion as leg is over. Sedna and Ixion come into orb again in November 2024, but it is just beyond the maximum of 3 degrees astrologers typically afford a yod. In fact, trans-Neptunian object Varda takes over as the leg of the Sedna Yod in 2024, within tight orb in April 2024, going beyond 2030.

Sedna finally leaves the 29th degree of Taurus for Gemini on 27 April 2024, when the Sedna yod with new leg Varda is in tight orb. Sedna will be in Gemini until 2067.

Antibiotic / Antimicrobial Abuse and Superbugs Ballistic Missile

Image: Antibiotic Resistance via Wikimedia Commons.

The debate oround antibiotic overuse and antibiotic abuse is explored in the ABC News segment below. For almost a century, antibiotics have been used around the world to treat bacterial infection, but scientists warn that over-use could raise the risk of antibiotic-resistant SUPERBUGS. The World Health Organization has listed the problem as one of the top ten global health threats facing humanity. New research has found antibiotic resistance in samples of meat taken from supermarket shelves.

In the video, ethical butcher Laura Dalrymple who sources whole animals from REGENERATIVELY MANAGED FARMS in New South Wales. These animals are managed with as few interventions as possible (without the use of antibiotics). However, joining these food groups - and having easy access to these foods when you live in the city - is challenging.

This is also how consumers get to learn about the plight of the small scale farmer, and the disproportionate regulations, prohibitive costs, over-regulation, and hoops that they have to jump through, to produce these foods and get them to the consumer.

These are the kinds of foods, with healthy essential fatty acids in the fat, that are nutrient-dense and produced in environments where there is a large variety of diverse species grasses and beneficial microbes, that quorum sense, thus effectively dealing with pathogenic microbes in the environment, the natural way. NATURE’S WAY.

Handover to Sedna in Gemini: Conscious Consumers, Innovative Food Designers and Food Insecurity

In some first world countries around the world there is great food insecurity due to government red tape.

Small scale farming is severely challenged by large animal agriculture industry groups that influence government bureaucracy, to prevent the farmer-consumer relationships and the production of the food that conscious consumers are looking for. Sedna has been conjunct malefic star Algol as early as mid 2014, which is when the political push for industrial agriculture and international trade in Australia took off in earnest… and when animal rights activists started protesting about animal cruelty in farming.

sedna in gemini consciousness food security

Many consumers wish to grow a personal relationship with their local farmer, so they can give input into how the animals are raised and what they eat. Perhaps to pay the farmer more for high quality, nutrient-dense grass-fed products. There is great awareness of animals that are cruelly farmed and exploited. Many meat and dairy consumers want to participate in food systems where they feel the animals were properly respected. Where there isn’t the greed and moral decay of large and powerful ‘corporate food interest groups’ to wipe out the competition, and to desecrate the quality of the food with cheap fillers, unwanted additives or processes that adulterates the food quality.

Conscious consumers want to be caretakers of the planet. Not morally deprived criminals forced to participate in food systems that they don’t want to be invested in.

Humans are recognising that it is time to take responsibility for nature and the environment. From growing beneficial microbes, to ensuring the survival of larger mammals, like whales.

Sedna relates to either providing sustenance, or withholding due to offending the underlying harmony of nature.

From a certain point of view, there is a god complex, over who can eat, and who cannot, and what should be eaten. If city-dwellers don’t participate in the financial system, they may not be able to eat. Corporate food is veering away from traditional food, as genetic engineering, hydroponics, lab-generated food and other food-like substances engineered by food scientists, are becoming more widespread. Large supermarkets want to ensure that all the clientele walk through their door, while avoiding the competition. Small-scale farmers often provide those high quality grass-fed products, and the farmer-to-consumer connection, which is why they are targeted with tactics, like red tape, to keep them from flourishing.

Consumers want to regenerate life, restore their own health, and replenish hope, by going directly to the farmer for the food of their preference. Sedna reminds that consciousness and the law of reciprocity operates at all times amongst interconnected natural systems.

In synergistic Gemini, there is going to be a massive confrontation with reality, about seeing both sides of the coin regarding the abundance and lack consciousness; regarding what in the human psyche is causing those who are in power to withhold and/or legislate against food sovereignty.

Sedna in the 29th degree and in the Last Degrees of Taurus in General? The Painful Change Over.

The fact that the myth of Sedna originated in the Arctic, and the Arctic was (and is) experiencing the most dramatic effects of climate change is no accident.

In the Arctic, the effects of what scientists call ‘climate change’ (thinning ice, changes in polar bear behaviour due to depletion of their natural prey, shifts in wind and unpredictable weather) are not distant, removed, conceptual. They are felt, and they are changing how Inuit live, however, if you study Sedna in the last degrees of Taurus in particular, closer, you’ll discover that the footprints of Sedna are all over the place… Sedna will leave the anarectic degree of 29 Taurus on 28 April 2024, however this energy will still reverberate deeply into the future, for the deep footprints of her stay in Taurus will still be with us for a long time…

Sedna represents the rage of the Earth responding to callous abuse. She is a reminder that we suffer the consequences of callous actions.

Multiple other articles on this website has described Sedna’s discovery chart and the gems that can be extracted from it.

Sedna is about the invisible abuse of power between life forms, wether human to human, or in relation to nature, animals, or something else, that is an unfair and an unequal exchange of energy, for a selfish gain. Sedna lower expression people are often found in the top echelon of the business and political world, or their area of expertise. These people obliterate all the competition around them, to secure their space in a market or industry, and an open playing field, to make a ‘killing’ of some kind. The Venus, Mercury, Pluto, Ixion, Quaoar, Vesta, Juno, Cupido conjunction in Sagittarius in the 11th house in Sedna’s discovery chart, reveals the ideals, ideas and betrayals of interest groups towards a particular goal. As well as them influencing politicians and institutions of government who legislate (Eris) in the favour of big business, and deliberately install red tape for the small scale business and small-scale farmer, who is seen as competition.

It’s seeking total control and domination of markets and being money hungry. Taking social license - from political influence or position in large industry/business - to disadvantage large groups of people, for a materialistic gain of a particular industry, and the financial interests around it. In agriculture (Taurus) for example, it is the desire for surplus and massive consumption to quell the insecurities and make huge profits. It’s the quantity over quality, neglecting the nutritional value of food, and also cutting off the farming practices that some conscious consumers desire; making it too hard with red tape for small scale farmers to develop a niche that would otherwise see the consumer shop direct from the farmer instead. It entails making farming communities unstable, unviable with large-scale agriculture practices. It’s stealing the wealth of the farmer, and the health of the consumer and interfering in their relationship, for big business profit and big cities where people live in disconnection from nature, but entrenched in rampant greed and materialism (Taurus). Also think of city housing being so pricey and cost of living there impossible for some due to inflation. It’s turning this dense real estate lifestyle into an unsustainable money machine, with farming also not a viable occupation no more due to massive input cost, prohibitive laws, startup too costly and not financially viable due to control over markets via manipulating market forces, etc…

The writer of this article has no doubt that the eating of synthetically grown food will become normal for many in the future, however it is not fair that the consumer’s right to choose their food is targeted by industry interest groups and at legislative level, as if people don’t see what is going on.

Sedna in Taurus

In mundane astrology, the 11th house cluster is the scheming, devaluation, betrayal and exploitation of the earth’s natural resources, by entitlement, and by taking social license, to expand corporate investments, global economy, international relations and trade. It’s discouraging stable local food economies and local food security, that would see consumers buying directly from the small-scale farmer. Instead funnelling both city dwellers and country folk to spend their money at the big supermarket instead, where profits often go overseas… It’s the importing of food that can be grown locally, from the other side of the world, that introduces unholy ‘competition’ that destroys local food security. This may very well be part of why many workers are demoralised, burnt out, quiet-quitting the hustle culture, not seeing the use to work hard, and not wanting to work in toxic work environments anymore, where there is glib talk but unfaithfulness, disloyalty and betrayal.

Perhaps finally realising that they had been giving all their life force energy - to build a strong economy - so that the benefits can be funnelled primarily in one direction.

Selling their souls and creating imbalance, and for what?

This results in the taking shape of a mass ideology like quiet quitting, Karoshi death by overwork (Japan), Gwarosa death by work (South Korea), or the lying flat movement (China), that undermines physical, moral and spiritual well being.

It is said that between 50 - 60% of Australians are in exhaustion or suffering burn out.

This news article reports about the new 2023 Budget papers containing a buried treasure called Structural Shifts Shaping the Australian economy, about an estimate that reckons two-thirds of all occupations will be at least partially automated, as it relates to artificial intelligence. Another article on this website talks about Artificial Intelligence and how it relates to Sedna in Gemini.


Test Tub Fake Steak? Laboratory-Grown Pork is Big Business and 3D Printed Food

“Forget paddock to plate. This is test-tube to tub.”

Laboratory-grown meat is expected to ‘cut agricultural emissions’ according to this news report. One company in the UK has just had a major breakthrough, scientists cooking and eating a pork steak created entirely from scratch. It is marketed in the news clip as a benefit to decrease animal farming, and cutting down on greenhouse gas emissions. It is said to be a supply solution for the growing consumption of meat.

In the clip, a scientist explains that the use of antibiotics are avoided, and pathogens are not involved in the creation process. (These are the very things that became a massive problem as large scale animal agriculture was pushed for in Australia, especially around 2014 when international trade relations became heavily pronounced as a new norm…)

It is reportedly believed that lab-grown meat will be widely available in supermarkets in 10 years time. 3D printed food is reported to potentially be available to the masses in 12 - 18 months.

More Sedna in Astrology Articles: