Food and Farming in Crisis: MakeMake square Quoaoar smite Uranus in Taurus

There has been massive change in our lives since 2020, and the five pointed star in the astrological sky, making four Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect pattern apexes, shows that we are in a climate of massive change.

The Kuiper Belt objects, and trans-Neptunian dwarf planets bring hope, change, expanded thinking, soul purpose, and quantum leaps into our consciousness.

Ever since Uranus moved into Taurus in May 2018, there has been many very interesting predictions and observations made by astrologers. A great many of them have transpired, like the drying effect enhanced due to poor agricultural practices; with massive resulting bushfires and dustbowls at the start of 2020. Yet this article will not focus on that, because the more immediate interest lies at the very last degrees of Taurus and the bigger picture around that. Sedna has been conjunct malefic star Algol in Taurus as early as mid 2014, which is when the political push for industrial agriculture and international trade in Australia took off in earnest… with a CRUEL curb to prevent what consumers want to eat. Uranus will move into Gemini in 2026, but before then, it will move

through the very last degrees of Taurus, conjunct malefic fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus, and also Jupiter and Sedna. And be at the receiving end of a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern apex. Yikes.

At the writing of this article, Makemake at 6 degrees Libra squares Quoaoar at 6 degrees Capricorn and makes a Hammer of Thor apex out of the North Node at 20 degrees Taurus. Uranus is at 18 degrees Taurus, therefore not quite at the apex of a Hammer yet, but it’s getting closer. Or is it close enough?

What does Uranus in Taurus entail?


Astrologer Pam Gregory in particular, details that Uranus in Taurus is highly associated with the earth, and our practical survival here. Taurus is the zodiac sign that wants to keep life peaceful, practical and continuation-based; to enjoy security, calm, providence and permanence. Yet, Uranus is quite the opposite; it imposes change, disruption, and newness with its maverick and innovation. Therefore, Uranus in Taurus, innately, carries conflicting energy as it brings shake-up to old ways of being, demanding change.

Taurus is very much about events on the earth and material plain, the natural world, agriculture, and cattle.

We have already seen massive changes as it relates to how farming, food production methods, use of land, awareness of animal rights (like bobby calves), and ethical values of consumers are changing. We’ve seen the

introduction of regenerative farming, more ethically-raised beef and dairy, and restoring the health of the soil for soil microbes to increase farm productivity and nutrient-density of food. And on the flip side, scientific engineering is growing both beef and dairy cultivated in a laboratory selling to certain groups of consumers. These are the revolutions that Uranus (the change-making maverick) have brought to Taurus (the sign of the bull, which relates to agriculture, food and farming), who loves security and things staying the same, yet are forced to embrace change, unpredictability and volatility.

Uranus in Taurus also affects banking, the stock market, finance, currency, the new crypto trend, and lending. With Uranus soon moving into the third decan of Taurus, it is obvious that humanity’s values have already changed tremendously, and people are leaning more towards different, less materialistic live styles, learning to accept uncertainty and rapid change.

Pam Gregory, also explains that Uranus in Taurus is associated with the the significant expansion of medicine, digitisation of everything, electric cars, 5G rollout, and a cash-less society. It is the massive electrification of everything, like more devices for human convenience.

Please do not perceive this information as scaremongering. We are having multiple significant signatures of collective change. Expect the unexpected. Changes are coming, and maybe, it will be for the best.

As astrologer Kesenya Moore describes in her video, Uranus is about needed reformation, destiny, and breakthroughs. It’s new visions and new potentials. Do not be in fear, for Taurus is the sign of practicality, and Saturn in Uranus’ home sign of Aquarius, wants to bring in benevolent change for society, despite limitations or challenges…

This website is about the alchemical wisdom that may be derived from studying and learning how to ride the decidedly feminine - divinely retributive - energies of the newly discovered trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects, like Eris, Sedna, Haumea, Varuna, Varda, and others. To restore balance and order to society.

This website is for the more advanced astrology wisdom seeker, who already understand basic astrological concepts, and their dynamics. Basic concepts are not explained here, because there is an expectation that the reader already have that understanding. Please see the disclaimer or the ethics of pioneering work pages if you have a problem.

The Hammer Smiting Uranus in Taurus, The Food Supply and Basics like Meat, Dairy, and Coffee?

Nobody wants to be the person who brings in a disease that would devastate our livestock industry, cost the economy $80 billion, and shatter regional communities for years to come.
— NSW Deputy Premier Paul Toole.

In July 2022, this Hammer aspect pattern that forms from MakeMake and Quaoar in square, comes within orb to make a hammer apex out of Uranus at almost 19 degrees Taurus and the North Node at 20 degrees Taurus. It’s also known as the fist of god, and highly potent energy.

This formation packs a strong punch with sharply focussed intention, aggression or assertiveness. The apex is challenged to find a creative way to resolve the conflict of the square. If a constructive way cannot be found to deal with the powerful driving force suddenly coming down on the apex, the energy may vent that tension recklessly or destructively. This is the dilemma of the Hammer apex. When planning for a Hammer event, one needs patience and discipline to find a way to use it constructively and creatively, else the energy manifests as destruction. It’s not called gods fist for nothing…

In addition, at the end of July into August, Mars, Uranus and the North Node of Fate makes an incredible conjunction at 18 degrees Taurus, which is possibly the most influential transit in 2022. The North Node is all about the activation of new destinies and potentials. At the end of August 2022, Uranus square Saturn transit within close orb, which entails the tension of a square between embracing the new (Uranus) or staying with the old (Saturn), releasing in a Hammer smite on Mercury at 4 degrees Libra and MakeMake on 30 August 2022. Those who know astrology will understand what this entails; something shocking and sudden, planned or organic… good or bad…

This is followed up by a solar eclipse on 25 October 2022 at 2 degrees Scorpio, activating the Haumea Yod.

This is followed by a total lunar eclipse on 8 November at 16 degrees Taurus, which is exactly conjunct Uranus also at 16 degrees conjunct the North Node of Fate at 14 degrees Taurus, while Uranus square Saturn are still in close orb. Eclipses are the wild cards of the zodiac, and with astrological weather like this, there is no way of predicting what will transpire…

The Gonggong Yod, Haumea Yod, and Varuna Yod are exact during the writing of this article (but not the Sedna Yod). Many parts of Australia are underwater, which means some paddocks don’t have pasture, and corn fields will not produce livestock feed this year.

The Australian media is already on full alert regarding reports of foot and mouth disease outbreak in neighbouring Bali, Indonesia, where many Aussies holiday. In this report, the media warns that Australia could experience a massive caffeine crisis, as the ‘highly contagious’ disease could devastate the livestock industry. Holiday makers are encouraged to throw away their holiday thongs to protect the $80 billion industry. “The disease would leave scars on rural Australia for years to come.”

“The disease has been foreign to Australia for 130 years and authorities want to keep it that way, with travellers being urged to avoid contact with animals or farms and ensure their hands and shoes are clean before boarding return flights back to Australia.”

President of the National Farmers Federation Fiona Simson said travellers who buy themselves a new pair of shoes after their holiday will be performing an act of national service. She said that those people throwing away their old footwear will also be given a voucher towards a new pair of shoes as part of the campaign, as foot and mouth disease loves to hitchhike on shoes.

According to this report, staples and essentials like meat and dairy could vanish if this outbreak occurs in Australia, and like many other countries facing severe agricultural crises, we too may have to import our food from other countries.

It’s estimated more than 330,000 animals have been infected across 21 Indonesian provinces, most recently, on the popular tourist island of Bali, the closest it has been to Australia in over a century. Clearly, the stakes are high…

The cost of farming have risen significantly since CoVid took off, and many dairy farms have been inundated with destructive floods. Queensland and NSW have received a record-breaking year of floods and rain.

This week, the price paid to dairy farmers have ‘reportedly’ been increased, yet this is an industry that have been struggling for many years in what is called the dairy crisis, and many farm owners are deeply in debt. If this disease should be found in Australia - which it might - it would mean significant mental health crises for people who have been stressed and stretched out thin financially for many years. This article explains why FMD vaccines are not used… Some large meat and dairy processors have already diversified by investing in ‘meat’ and ‘dairy’ alternatives, some of which can be grown in a laboratory, but the poor dairy farmers will be left stranded…

Dairy farmers are some of the most de-valued human beings, as few are able to sell cow’s milk directly to the consumer, where they would be able to get real value, for example, in producing safe raw milk for human consumption, from small, well protected herds where bio-security protections are in place.



4 days after this article was published, news broke that Food and Mouth Disease ‘fragments’ had been found in Australia.

This occurred as MakeMake in Libra and Quaoar in Capricorn was squaring within 1 degree, making a direct Hammer apex out of North Node of Fate at 20 degrees Taurus, conjunct Uranus at 18 degrees Taurus. The Varuna Yod and Gonggong Yod were active as well.


Below is the chart of the first direct Hammer of Thor that comes down hard on Uranus. The images are from the Foundations of Change Haumea Yod course. The red lines are the Hammer of Thor aspect patterns (including the t-square involving Salacia), and the yellow lines are the three Yods that are also active at that date. Please note that this information below is a small sample of the information that are part of The Pentagram of Change online course.

It is interesting to note that both the Hammer and the Sedna Yod apex falls in the zodiac sign of the bull. For the first few years, Ixion is a leg in the Sedna Yod, and curiously, both Ixion and Sedna carry elements regarding

showing disrespect towards a person, or an animal, and there being consequences for such behaviour… The livestock industry, especially those that involve cattle, is in a precarious situation indeed… Astrologer Heather Ensworth explains in this video that this entire area in the astrological sky around the constellation of Perseus and Medusa (zodiac sign Taurus) is quite troublesome and trauma-filled. Even the Pleiades, which is at the very end of Taurus has elements of trauma in its story; and both the Yod and the Hammer visits this entire area from 2020 beyond 2030, triggering multiple points. This is detailed with dates and charts in The Pentagram of Change online course.

The first major direct hit Hammer of Thor that comes down hard on Uranus happens around June 2023, when Uranus moves into place at 21/22 degrees Taurus, to become the Hammer apex for Makemake in Libra and Quoaoar in Capricorn that square exactly at 7 degrees each. See the chart above.

The Gonggong Yod conjunct Saturn is also active, which might entail events of significant rain, flooding, or some kind of climatic restriction or challenge.

The Varuna Yod and Haumea Yod are active, but not quite the Sedna Yod, that is just out of orb. Curiously, both Haumea in Libra and Pluto in Capricorn are also in a tight square making a Yod apex out of 15 degrees Gemini.

As is detailed in The Pentagram of Change online course, this square between MakeMake and Quoaoar has been building since before 2020, and first became exact at the Venus, Jupiter, Neptune in Pisces conjunction, and Haumea Yod ingress, which happened to kick off the very first five pointed star / pentagram seen in the charts below.

The June 2023 event may not be the first, but will certainly be a pinnacle milestone in the journey, as these hammers take us into the future, and show us their physical manifestations in the last degrees of Taurus, going beyond 2030.

Mid 2023 will be an interesting time, when we need to sift between what events are engineered by the media, and what happens organically at this time… Why? Because Hammers are about certain things being smote with such force, that they die a permanent death, or at best, have to rebirth themselves involving significant death and transformation. Note, that this is not meant to be taken as scaremongering, for what is smote, is sometimes on its way out anyway due to the unsustainability or injustice of the energy dynamics…

MakeMake Square Quoaor Tension

There are other articles in the Makemake blog that explains the dynamics of the energy in detail, therefore it will not be explained in detail. But in brief, the energy can be quite antagonistic, forceful and overly-masculine in nature, where Quaoar is more of an energy of temperance. On Uranus it’s ushering in quantum change and the revolutionary.

Trans-Neptunian objects Salacia in Aries and MakeMake together make a very long lasting t-square to Quaoar. Thus, Quaoar is already at an apex of tension. When the square between MakeMake and Quaoar is exact, and Uranus moves into the Hammer apex opposition, this collective tension may be expressed at the Hammer apex… This is the hammer smite… that takes us deep into the future, and is worth exploring, for MakeMake energy entails a selfishness, and a desire to win at all cost in order to keep enjoying privileges, while others have to take a loss. MakeMake very much represents the activism and finagling we see being applied at government level, to promote big business interests and squash competition, for example. And with the apex falling in the last decan of Taurus, something/s of that Taurus nature will be persistently made to leave… as the hammer hits repeatedly in the same area over many years. The power of a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern’s apex is extremely quick and powerful, as is detailed in The Pentagram of Change online course… Something will be smote… Why? To make way for the new. Fortunately the pressure being applied to Quaoar in Capricorn may also yield the kind of results, that may see people making wise, mature choices, instead of repeating the same self-centred, bad choices that puts large groups at a disadvantage.

The energies of MakeMake and Gonggong are very much involved in what potentially led to the coining of the concept called ‘Climate Change’, which may be rooted in astrological understanding, which is not an option to talk about in the media…

There are new, so-called ‘green’ industries that want to come into being, and time will tell if farming as we know it, will survive… or not…

MakeMake’s Rapa Nui island’s climate changed, due to human mismanagement of fertile natural resources.

Fertility is a highly important concept in ancient sea-fairing Polynesian culture, that is perhaps most important in the mythology, of MakeMake (pronounced MakeiMakei). Rapa Nui culture of the time before near total societal/environmental collapse worshipped MakeMake, the bird God, which has strong connections to the Hawaiian stories of Haumea, who had a magical stick called the makalei, which is symbolic of providing food abundantly, from nature’s natural capital and wealth. In Hawaii, nature is lush, green and provides abundantly, however, Rapa Nui islands climate changed due to human activities, which meant that nutrient-dense foods like the egg, became paramount for fertility, on multiple levels.

The charts below shows the longevity of the MakeMake square Quaoar aspect.

The Pentagram of Change Online Course:

Below is the ingress chart for the seven year Haumea Yod that started at the 30 April 2022 eclipse, when Venus, Jupiter and Neptune conjuncted in Pisces.

Spectacular, isn’t it?

Since 2020, we’ve had three Yods and three Hammer of Thor aspect patterns at play, joined by the Haumea Yod in April 2022. One Yod and one Hammer extends beyond 2030 and they all involve these newly discovered TNOs, KBOs and Sedna… A new online course explores the

Pentagram of Change from an astromythological perspective, which is a highly unique look at the strange mixed bag of events that has happened since the start of 2020, taking it beyond 2030. Together The Foundations of Change, and the The Pentagram of Change courses are designed to decode the dynamics of any of the Yods; the Sedna Yod, the Varuna Yod, the Gonggong Yod, and off course the Haumea Yod. Then there is also the consequence of multiple Hammer of Thor aspect patterns, some which strike some very potent planets on the apex… The Eris square Pluto smite Orcus Hammer that took everyone into the underworld (coronavirus lockdowns) showed us just how powerful a Hammer apex can be.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated and betrayed, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that needs to return.

  • The Haumea Yod is about the wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus smiting things Taurus, perhaps into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. Go to courses for more information.


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