Sedna, Opening the Windows to Change, and The Metaphysical Total Transformation

The newly discovered dwarf planets Sedna, Haumea, Eris and MakeMake are bringing in the new age. These are longer, slower transformations than transpersonal planets Pluto and Neptune. Ushering epochal changes, like discovering that the abundance were within all along, not out there somewhere, where people needed to steal it from another.

Sedna’s Psychological Journey in Brief

Sedna is the Inuit Goddess of the Arctic Ocean and its Sea Mammals in Astrology.

Sedna’s myth starts with young woman who refuses all suitors, and when she marries a birdman, she is taken to a far off remote island, where isolated and cut off; being overcome with the pain of her solitary existence. While longing for contact, there are storms of resistance from within, which prevents her from relating while in her state of death-like freeze on life, unable to tolerate relationship. On the island she relives betrayals, abandonment, being swindled and the brutal amputation of an old life, as well as going through her metamorphosis. The withdrawal from the outer world results in a slow-changeover into who-knows-what initially, and a deeper connection with the unconscious. This time in slow-motion helps her develop a mature and highly conscious relationship to her unconscious world of mind and imagination, and slowly evolves her into another state of being. In which the boundaries between what is human and what is divine become diffuse and

intermingled. As Sedna looses her previous form, as is visually explained in her disappearing into the ocean and going through the underworld, she acquires the divine power to give and take life. Sedna becomes an Arctic goddess who both give abundant life in the form of her creativity - the sea mammals - or take life when she withholds the abundance from the Inuit hunters and eaters. In the withholding, the Inuit realised that they had grievously offended against nature, by refusing to honour and maintain the practices and commitment to right living; taking more from the ocean than needed.

Sedna’s story is the tale of how a woman restored the meaning of her own life, as well as for others, by allowing the ‘waters to flow again’ by transiting the depth of emotion, to emerge with new life; being able to release sustenance for all.

With her cycle matured and complete, Sedna’s evolution is a source of inspiration for many who may be still in the early stages. Sedna had allowed the suffering of her own pain, isolation, and descended into that icy abyss of frozen emotion, having developed a capacity to transit the abyss and emerge with a great reward. Growth and abundance as her justice. Sedna has integrated emotion, mind, body and heart, and in the new state has blessings, divine energy, and creativity. Living a new, entirely different life, with new friends and new prosperity, as the divine feminine.

The Death card signals that one major phase in your life is ending, and a new one is going to start.
— Death Meaning in the Tarot,

Please remember that this article is for the more advanced astrological wisdom seeker. Basic astrological concepts are not explained here.

Please see the disclaimer, or the Ethics of Pioneering Work pages.

Sedna Energy and Death

When Sedna energy first visits a person, via a transit or a progressed personal planet conjunct Sedna, a loss and a separation of an old way of life is often felt deeply. It involves major conclusions.

  • Pluto is associated with transformation, and metamorphosis. It’s an ending of circumstances that were dragging on for a long time, and one day you may just realise that the slate had indeed been wiped clean.

  • Sedna on the other hand, is often sharp endings or a great big loss, or multiple losses, that sets in motion a major ending phase in one’s life. It’s often a sudden brutal break involving investing in relation, that turned out in a betrayal.

The past needs to be placed in the past, so a person can focus their energy on what is ahead of them; they are going through a major change or transition. Old attachments, old patterns and an old version of identity needs to die, and the future may be scary and uncertain. A person may be clinging to the past or their current state because it offers stability, certainty and safety, just like Sedna was clinging to her father's boat, Yet the raging energy of change, represented by the ocean's waves, made her realise; that there is no safety in that boat either...

Look at the imagery in the Death Card in the Tarot. Death personified visits, and four people from different walks of life, have a very different response. The living skeleton rides on a white horse, signifying that he brings purity, cleansing and purification. His flag bears a white five petaled rose on black, representing beauty, new hope and immortality after physical/metaphorical death. Five is the number of change and also ‘spirit’, which is a requirement for spiritual transformation. Death is about endings and glorious new beginnings represented by the rising sun - which is life and growth - and so is Sedna energy when you allow it to be so…

On the ground lies the crown of a king. The man with grey hair already have a blanket drawn over him, perhaps signifying that he didn’t make it. On the ground lies the golden staff of a bishop, seen begging for mercy. There are red dots on his face, perhaps indicating that he feels ashamed, or is sick. There is a young woman who leans back facing away from the frightening figure, as if it is unbearable to face the consequences associated with the figure’s arrival. On the ground kneeling, is a curious child bearing red flowers held at the chest, able to face the figure. It is not resistant to change, but in being open-hearted and pure, allowing the presence of transition. Death in astrology is represented by the zodiac sign Scorpio, and an embrace of feeling emotional, letting it flow and being vulnerable, allowing the metaphorical death and psychological growth. Allowing the obtaining of bigger picture knowledge. Changing deeply in the subconscious layers. Seeing the world with fresh eyes. Willing.

The Death card exposes us to the inevitabilities in our lives: change.

We can always count on change.

Keywords for Death Tarot Card Meanings:

  • Change

  • Transition

  • Conclusion

  • Clearing

  • Renewal

  • Silence

  • Retreat

Sedna: Accepting a Loss for a Gain

A Sedna crisis in one’s life entails, ultimately, emotionally accepting different choices and different paths in relation.

A Sedna transit invariably involves having to take a loss, in order to take a spiritual gain. With Sedna energy, those who are low vibrational, selfish, greedy, power-hungry and materialistic, are separated from those who desire a high vibrational soulful life. Due to the stark difference in vibration, there may not be a reconciliation in relation… due to irreconcilable differences, priorities, values, and one party finally realising their worth.

When someone is having conflict within themselves, due to not following their own heart, perhaps prioritising status-driven things instead - like their career or finances - they will make biased choices or judgements that may forcefully wrong, sell out, or disadvantage those who don’t fit into their self-serving agenda, or player ways; causing the sacrificed to feel betrayal, loss, or like collateral damage. This is what happened to Sedna in unequal relation to her father Anguta, with his mysogynistic power over her dynamics. Anguta was a greedy, undeserving sellout; betraying principles for an advantageous gain, rather than doing what is right or just. The swindler was forcing Sedna to get married for a benefit, and in some versions of the story, even her husband was strategically taking everything from her; draining her emotionally, physically, mentally and financially. During Sedna transits, the sacrificed may be forced to accept a separation of something or someone they

had previously invested in, because it takes like-minded people to be in a healthy commitment. And sowing seeds in fallow soil, or watering dead plants are futile effort. Sedna energy is the frustration and fear of being misunderstood, used, and pleas falling on deaf ears. It’s feeling powerless and at the mercy of outside forces, and the controlling behaviour of others. It’s getting unfair treatment, being used as a pawn, or not having the ability to adequately protect oneself. Also feeling unable to be what self-serving, selfish people want, and needing to guard against becoming accustomed to tolerating these situations in suffering or martyrdom.

​The goddess Sedna teaches us that we must delve into the dark, cold places that we fear most if we are to find the riches that rest there. Sedna reminds us that, in spite of all our infirmities and our foolish mistakes, we are still worthy of love and respect and have every right to expect, and even demand, that others treat us well.
Sedna in a reading indicates deep, buried anger and a feeling of powerlessness. Unacknowledged or disowned anger can lead to depression. However, this anger or buried emotion is in fact very powerful and needs to be accessed, acknowledged or released in a safe manner. Take your cue from the shaman’s journey and treat this inner angry person with compassion and soothing gestures. Above all, listen.

Sedna transits are times to come back to Self, and sit with Self, because Sedna transits offer an opportunity to take reign of one’s life; as a sovereign being, providing the narrative for one’s own life. Getting away from situations where one may have coalesced or conceded, by giving energy to situations or people that were not worthy of that investment. Getting away from what is unsteady, unreliable and inconsistent. Investing in Self, abundance, stability and security, that comes from within instead. Committed and loyal to Self.

Sedna energy is decidedly Piscean/Neptunian and 12th house energy, and taking the time to restore and rejuvenate Self.

Ultimately, there will have to be an allowing of what is and forgiveness, in order to take a gain elsewhere, through significant edification, rising in frequency, with the potential to eventually enjoy new abundance and a joyful state. This is illustrated in Sedna’s story in other articles on this website, especially this one.

The Death Card in Tarot does carry some terrifying, challenging energy, because it asks you not to suppress, avoid, or delay facing the truth.

When this energy pops up in your life experience, it’s asking a person to get out of denial, embrace change, and go with the flow.

Allow alchemy, edification, and elevation. Restoring passion for life… eventually…

Above is a snippet of Sedna’s discovery chart. It is both the Yod and the Hammer of Thor aspect pattern that is involved in her having to take a loss… and in the energy expression of Sedna. This energy in her discovery chart, will repeat in the astrological sky in the next decade+ on Sedna herself, see the courses page.

Sedna and the The Grim Reaper

The grim reaper is another character often depicted on the more modern and older versions of the Death Card.

According to this article, the Grim Reaper seems to have appeared in Europe during the 14th century. This was when Europe was dealing with what was then the world’s worst pandemic, the Black Death, believed to be the result of the plague. It is estimated that about one-third of Europe’s entire population perished as a result of the pandemic, with some areas of the continent suffering far greater losses than others. The original outbreak of the plague occurred during 1347–51, and outbreaks then recurred several other times after that. So, clearly, death was something that the surviving Europeans had on their mind, and it is not surprising that they conjured an image to represent it.

Other articles on this website shows why Sedna - with her associations with the crossing of the barrier of species in the story with the raven, bird-like human, death, and the shaman - are associated with pandemics in astrology, like CoVid.

Even though some may experience the physical death with CoVid, many live to experience the metaphorical death during this transit Sedna activation, as a temporary cessation of life, time slowing down, or a feeling of a freeze on time.

The symbolism of the Grim Reaper is imbued with great meaning:

Image: Hour glass via Wikimedia Commons.

  • The skull and skeleton reinforces one of the great human fears: the fear of obliteration.

  • The black cloak symbolises impending menace, loss, mourning and those things we cannot predict or see hiding in the shadows, playing on our fears of the unknown.

  • The scythe is a super sharp harvesting tool, to cut short, or be separated from, which stirs the fear of loss and survival.

  • The hour glass is strong symbolism for time; the passage through an uncomfortable time period. And the running out of time - before some calamity strikes - as the hour glass runs its course, and empties…

In Greek or Roman mythology, Cronos (or Saturn) an agricultural deity - also known as Father Time / Lord of Karma/Teacher - appears as an old man who had a harvester’s sickle and an hourglass. He was invested in sowing and reaping the harvest. According to Wikipedia, Time (in his allegorical form) is often depicted revealing or unveiling the allegorical Truth, sometimes at the expense of a personification of Falsehood, Fraud, or Envy. This theme is related to the idea of veritas filia temporis (Time is the father of Truth).

In Sedna’s discovery chart there is a Yod or Finger of god configuration with Saturn at the apex in the sixth house. And opposed to Saturn is Chiron in the 12th house, which is quite symbolic of time slowing down, and having to enter the Chironic state; having to look within for the cure… and it taking time…

Image: Death from the Cary-Yale Visconti tarot deck via Wikimedia Commons. Click an enlarge.

Many centuries ago the Grim Reaper was associated with doom and gloom; the Spectre of Death, the psychopomp to sever the last ties between the soul and the body.

Yet we know that more modern representation puts the Grim Reaper as a guide to the underworld of the subconscious, and this is what we have the collective opportunity to explore at this time.

The Grim Reaper is often shown with a scythe, or an hourglass. As the scythe cuts the cords that link us to the past, it liberates us to go forward without fear, because we have nothing left to loose.

But it may be a slow process for some, as not everyone is able to let go with the same speed of what they had been attached to for a long time, staying stuck in morbid despair for longer than necessary. And it can become an anchor that can lock them down, in a funk, or non-productive mindset. Both Sedna, the Death Card, and the Grim Reaper have associations with time, frozen time, a sickle, a scythe, and hourglass, death personified. Also alchemy. And in this process some may think that there is nothing they can do about it…

This is a time where one must guard against self-sabotage, self-deception, self-delusion, or justification. It is important to get out of thinking, and getting into the action of moving on, through discernment and will power; getting to the doing of the edification.

To level up, reach divine clarity, and understanding. To gain the ability to reduce. To cut away from. To move away from foolishness.

To allow everything to be pruned away in the transitory phase, and to be recycled for the fertility of the future, so that nothing is really ever lost, despite seasonal cycles of gain and loss. The Tarot’s Death means a new beginning and new joyful experience as a spirit having a human experience, to the Soul. Sedna learnt that sometimes you have to take your ‘L’ and move on, and that the ‘L’ means taking a very valuable ‘Lesson’, not being a ‘Loser’.

There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030. Sedna will be a massive influence for many years to come.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that needs to return.

  • The Haumea Yod is about the wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus. This Hammer makes an apex in Taurus, smiting all things Taurus into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. 

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.


Conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Pluto: A visit to the Underworld

In the discovery charts of the newly discovered dwarf planets Sedna, Eris and Haumea, there is a conjunction of Venus, Mercury and Pluto in Sagittarius, IN ALL THREE.

This shows three significant paths and choices that were made in interconnectedness and relation, that led to truth, elevation and sovereignty.

These are the goddesses who have completed this cycle, from one state into another, able at the end, to live a highly abundant, Higher Self, Soul connected life.

As I write this article, Venus, Mercury and Pluto had again made a conjunction, but in Capricorn, and the Venus retrograde that started in December 2021 will soon end at the start of March 2022. Venus is the symbol for the maiden Persephone, who was taken by Pluto into the Underworld, which was a frightful place. Having had to sit with her visceral experience, shock and feeling of having her entire world turned upside down. Persephone allowed the changeover and transition; becoming Empress of a Dark Place, possessor of its frightening knowledge and fierce wisdom, yet independent, mature, strong, and sovereign like never before. Knowledge of this transition phase is visible in many ancient cultures and stories, like Inanna the Sumerian Goddess, Ishtar, Persephone the Greek Goddess, and many others associated with having experienced going through the Underworld.

Below is a list of three articles in which the Venus/Mercury/Pluto in Sagittarius conjunction was discussed as it relates to the particular energy and house placement, in Sedna, Eris and Haumea’s charts:

The Ontological, Metaphysical, Ornithology and CoVid

Ontology is the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as existence, being, becoming, and reality.

According to Wikipedia, it includes the questions of how entities are grouped into basic categories and which of these entities exist on the most fundamental level. Ontology is sometimes referred to as the science of being and belongs to the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics.

Ornithology is the branch of zoology devoted to studying birds.

Katherine Florence wrote a great thesis on Inuit Sedna, explaining the complexities of turning to the oral history and myth. She describes why the complexities allows for the story to shift and change, adapt and innovate to fit the expectations of the audience and the needs of the teller (Sedna's legend has many versions). Sedna’s story is thus more easily called a myth than oral history in theory because of its function as an Inuit cosmogony and how it is adapted by the storyteller in relation to the context within which it is presented. These stories are a means of conveying and recording knowledge, and cultural salience—that deal with particular concerns and fears. Katherine writes on page 34, that the act of transformation (Sedna having half the body of a fish in some versions) is ascribed to the movement of souls, such as that of the shaman’s trance.

In the Inuit ontology relayed in nineteenth-twentieth century accounts, there is no distinction between the supernatural and natural world; ontological boundaries were


crossed as a simple fact of life. The line between human, animal, and inue (spirit/soul/force in an entity or metaphysical in-dweller) populations were quite permeable.

It would seem that there is a spirit within the Inuit culture that move easily from person to animal, or plant, tree, or some other thing. This guiding or connecting spirit shape-shift, but still hold similar energy. Sedna’s story involves having been betrayed, neglected and ultimately brutally mutilated. Her story also involves conditions put on providence; that hunters and eaters not take more from the ocean than needed, and that they respect both the source of their providence (nature), and have reverence for the life of the animals. For, a transgression of the human, affect all of life. What would happen if a human who abused an animal, should change into an animal and get mistreatment? Or if an animal changed into a human, and avenged themselves? The language is symbolic, but it has meaning…

Image: Corona via WikiMedia Commons.

This is also symbolic of human encroaching on the natural habitat of animals, even taking them into alien environments such as a laboratory for study.

And the natural diseases of the animal - like the bat - then turning on the human… CoVid…

Strange how Sedna energy involves both bats, and people who energy vampire on others, who suck the life out of them, to steal their wealth, gain power over them, or some kind of a selfish gain is taken unfairly.

Sedna energy also brings misfortune when energy exchange between life forms are abused, or taken for granted….

Divine retribution indeed… to set the record straight… to restore divine order, and natural law to those who won’t honour the spirituality of the interconnectedness of life…

Sedna’s Sabian Symbol

18 degrees Taurus

A Woman Airing An Old Bag Through The Open Window of Her Room

In an April 2021 video presentation, astrologer Alan Clay explored the Sabian symbol for Sedna at 18 degrees Taurus, as it is in her discovery chart.

When someone airs an old but well loved, valuable handbag, it means that she had cleared it of its contents.

The most important content of a woman’s handbag is her emotional attachments and what symbolises outworn soul contracts to things or people; this is what is being cleared…

Many women’s handbags tend to contain outdates receipts, forgotten pencils, coins, used tissue, or perhaps even old, hardened but squashed mints or chewing gum. Or some have stains that need attention. Worst case, it might have an odour. If a leather handbag had been stored for some time, it might have a musty smell to it, and then a series of cleaning steps, or purification can be performed to recondition it.

Having cleared the clutter, reduced the weight, and hung it out for the smell of mint to clear, there may be a feeling of a woman having taken care of her affairs and reaching a happy conclusion. For the very fact that she kept the bag, and deemed it worthy of being aired, instead of throwing it in the bin, must mean that although a resolution had been reached, she still feels alive and emotionally connected to her bag. It has potential to continue on the journey with her. To spend some more time by her side, tucked under her arm, close…

This is emotional restoration.

Sedna in her own discovery chart is at 17 degrees Taurus; it conjuncts both the North Node of Fate and the IC, and is in the fourth house. The planet Sedna also makes an earth trine to Jupiter and Chiron. This alludes to an emotional attachment to a material item, and a sentimentality. Perhaps it was a gift from her mother (fourth house), or perhaps there is some connection to destiny or the future (north node). Perhaps the woman, who clearly values the bag (Taurus) wants to preserve the quality of it, by airing it, to gift it to the next generation… Perhaps it is a high quality, expensive bag… that endures and stands the test of time…

Perpetuity. Endurance. Rebirth. Ascension.

The bag may also be symbolic of the value judgements of the ego consciousness versus the human heart, which can interchange. The

bag may also represent the musty mind, and the darkly skewed perceptions on being, which may be aired out through psycho-analysis. To be refilled with new attachments, and renewed investment in Self, after it had been meticulously emptied, cleansed, purified, and hung to freshen for the natural elements of wind and sun to finish the process.

Getting rid of crooked thinking, contaminated perceptions, and illusions through a transformation. Knowing that people cannot give you, what the innate divine connection can…

Fresh air, a new perspective, and the sanitising rays of the sun may restore life in a multitude of ways… Committed and loyal to Self as the valuable North Star.

Sedna Transits 2020 - 2026

Sedna move extremely slowly. Find a Sedna Ephemeris here.

Where Pluto takes 248 odd years, and

Eris about 556 to complete an orbit around the sun,

Sedna takes a whopping 11,390 odd years with her long, highly elliptical orbit.

  • Sedna was conjunct fix star Algol at 27 Taurus when Co-Vid took off in January 2020.

  • Sedna started her conjunction with the Pleiades in 2020 until 2028.

  • Sedna moved into the Critical degree of 29 degrees Taurus in July 2021.

  • The North Node starts the conjunction to Sedna in January to March 2022.

  • Mercury enters its retrograde phase conjunct Sedna at 26 Taurus on 26 April until 19 June.

  • Transit Pluto starts its trine to Sedna in January 2022 - December 2025.

  • Transit Saturn in Aquarius goes retrograde, and squares Sedna starting February to December 2023.

  • Uranus starts a wide conjunction with Sedna in September 2024 - July 2026.

