Sedna at 29 degrees Taurus, Eclipses, the Pleiades, North Node, and the Shaman


Image: Raven from Wikimedia Commons.

Sedna is the Inuit Goddess of Sea and Marine Animals.

The Goddess of the Deep Abyss, who dwells in the deepest, most inaccessible part of the Arctic Ocean, and far outer reaches of known space. She is a mere 50 years from within her closest brush to Earth and moves extremely slow.

In 2003, a new dwarf planet was discovered and named after her legend. The energy of this planet is currently extremely pronounced in our consciousness, with eclipses and important conjunctions activating her powerfully.

Sedna’s watery energies are affecting each of us as individuals, resulting in some mental health crises, and icy, stuck emotions. Globally it entails food shortages, food supply chain issues, covid, and time slowing down…

Lower expression Sedna is the harbinger of economic and social disasters, the greedy desecration of nature, and the moral decay of ill-gotten gains and stolen wealth.

In the higher expression she has backbone, consciousness and abundance energy. She is the way-shower and shaman of epochal change, with wisdom from the underworld as ruler of Adlivun, and with that comes some disillusionment. For we cannot continue to abuse the source of our providence, and think we can get away with it…

I developed a serious interest in Sedna in astrology, when it was smack bang square my Nodes in my birth chart. There is nothing like first hand experience, when it comes to writing on a subject… and now that the major Eris transits have left my experience, hello Sedna. Both Sedna and Eris was discovered by astronomer Michael “Mike” Brown (Caltech) ,Chad Trujillo (Gemini Observatory), and David Rabinowitz (Yale University). Sedna was first discovered on 19 November 2003. She is beyond Eris, in the outer reaches of our solar system in what is called the Oort cloud. Where Pluto takes 248 odd years, and Eris about 556 to complete an orbit around the sun, Sedna takes a whopping 11,390 years with her long, highly elliptical orbit. She is currently in the closest to the sun range.

Like Eris, Sedna also has an elliptical orbit, but it is extreme (see the image at the bottom). According to Wikipedia, the most common symbol for Sedna is a monogram of the Inuktitut Sanna, the modern pronunciation of the name, and resembles a leaping seal or fish. It is classified as a dwarf planet, like Eris.

According to Wikipedia, the legend of Sedna has many variations, possibly because the Inuit of Alaska and surrounds are such entertaining story tellers, but their stories do lean towards teaching life lessons, and passing on wisdom to the next generation. This article won’t focus on Sedna’s myth, see the discovery chart of Sedna for more information.

Also remember that this website is for the more advanced astrology explorer and wisdom seeker, not for the beginner. It is assumed that the reader already understand basic concepts, which may not be explored or explained here.

Sedna at Anarectic degree of 29 degrees Taurus

Sedna in this degree will sextile with Jupiter/Neptune to form a seven year Yod that forms in the sky between 2022 - 2028, that will kick off at the auspicious Neptune, Jupiter, Venus in Pisces conjunction of April 2022. During this time many outer planets are in the 29th degree, aspecting each other powerfully. We are in a climate of tremendous change… There is a course on this website dedicated to exploring this Yod.

In 1966 Sedna first made her way into Taurus, which governs things that we value. With it now at the last degree, it is clear that our values are changing and that we are becoming increasingly orientated towards a new way of being. The North Node in Taurus asks what moral fibre, ethics or creed are we going to commit to. And with South Node in Scorpio, there is a knowing that something has to be released that we don’t need anymore, before the new can grow. Scorpio is psychological baggage, moral decay, corruption and issues, and if not released, there’s no growth…

Image: Crow from WikiMedia Commons.

We are being asked to slow down, find our balance, our calm centre, and our grounded self, for the winds of change will be blowing. Trust in Self. Find the practices that bring you deeper into, and closer into connection with your core authentic Self, for that is the eye of the storm, where peace may be found. And more in touch with your intuition, where guidance and direction may be found.

According to this Ephemeris, Sedna first moved into this critical degree of 29 Taurus in July 2021.

It leaves for the last time in 2024.

We may not see the energy at play right away, but according to the collective experience of western astrology, this area in the sky is doubly troublesome. The 29th degree is a crisis degree, and this area of the zodiac is where the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters, or Weeping Sister) are. It’s not bad, but people fear what they don’t understand. And when they are not willing to go along with the energy, they may go kicking and screaming, instead of working with the energy, like an alchemist.

In the 29th degree of any zodiac sign, is where we may see the fever pitch of the energy of the planet expressed.

The issues at play take a desperate expression, to solve the crises at hand. There is this feeling of urgency with 29 degree planets, as if time is running out. To mature. To make it. It’s the peak in completing an important phase in the human collective.

Astrologers call this degree ‘anaretic’, meaning it has an accumulative effect from having almost completed the passing through of one sign. It’s as though we are hastily making sure that we have digested all the qualities of the sign, before leaping into the next (Gemini).

Sedna is also inconjunct Haumea in Libra, also at 29 degrees and both have been associated with natural disasters like tsunamis. Sedna is also trine Pluto with deals with over-riding power issues.

Settling into the Comfort/Discomfort of the Present Moment

Taurus is a sign that loves material comforts and security, with a tendency for couch potato laziness.

We have certainly seen a tremendous slowing down in society, and a sliding and relaxing into those Taurean comforts at home, thanks to Co-Vid 19 isolations, working from home, and home quarantine. People are also being more productive working from home, not without problems though…

There is more Sedna issues: isolation, inaccessibility, separation and perhaps becoming set in one’s ways. Having to give up on old egoic ways of being, and expectations and rules from the patriarchal society structure. Needing to reconnect to our feminine nature, and the true nourishing nature

or our feelings, emotions and senses which connect us in harmony with Self, each other, and the earth. In the process of embodying the archetype of Sedna, people may encounter frustration, ego, betrayal, disillusionment, hopelessness, surrender in order to know what is really in the heart. Surrendering to the inner path, connecting to a larger reality, to reach great heights of fulfilment. With Sedna, there is a descent into the emotional world (the ocean waters have great depth) that brings alive the creativity, to manifest a happy and abundant life, by living from authentic Self.

The role of Sedna seems to be to move humanity to the next level of cosmic awareness. Sedna cared for her people, their spiritual considerations, and their physical needs as a collective. Where can we utilise our faith in divine providence? And how can we change our perspective, and shift to understand Sedna’s significance for us at this time?

Ignorance and Closed Mindedness

A Death to the Old Structure of Our Lives

There is a great deal of this “my way or the highway” and “I’m right and you are wrong” thinking and energy currently at play. This obviously may be due to the Nodal axis, especially the South Node in dogmatic Sagittarius, but on a deeper level, this is Sedna in the last degree of Taurus at play, as well. This is Taurus, the stubborn bull, unable to see the value in new ways of being and doing, preferring the old ways instead. Taurus: headstrong, greedy, materialistic, prejudiced, jealous and bullheaded. Finding it challenging to see new potentials, and that he may be wrong. Unable to see the great disservice of wanting things to stay the same, in a time that is demanding great change and dexterity. The Shaman is here to enable an opportunity to look deeper, to those who will not employ their inner wisdom when it comes to making important decisions. There is much at stake when getting it wrong, by investing in poorly made plans, that feed the ego and materialistic gains only.

Sedna and A Feeling of Frozen Timelessness

Anyone who has ever experienced a transit Sedna on their personal planets will know; that the experience accompanies that feeling of time dissolving away.

It is a powerful, visceral feeling of emptiness, stillness and deadness. Not that there is anything wrong with that, it is just a necessary experience. Of the old slipping away, and being in a sort of transition phase… that may feel significantly long or extended… This is a time when we need emboldened hearts and courage. The Shaman is here, at work. Many people are like Sedna in her isolation, and being initiated, experiencing their rites of passage, alone on the island. Experiencing deep emotions… See the discovery chart for more on this.

In this article, astrologer Sarah Varcas describes that Sedna’s presence signifies the bleakest darkness of the personal and collective shadow emerging into the light of day. But as it rises, frozen, from the depths, it slowly begins to melt before our very eyes, defeated by the radiant heat of our unwavering, fearless gaze. For sure the icy meltwater may take our breath away. She titled her article “Frozen Contraction and Expansive Release”, which is just a great description of Sedna energy. Kudos Sarah!

Sedna speaks of betrayal, resentment and revenge; of frozen emotion, how we cling on, why we do and what happens when we finally surrender to our ‘fate’. She’s an intimidating and imposing force who must be appeased; the withholding mother who demands an apology before love is restored. She is every part of us that we cannot bear to see, remember, experience, admit to. She is the shadow of humanity and the emptiness at its core. Sedna is coming into her own at this time, for what was once hidden in the icy depths is now bobbing on the surface for all to see. The collective shadow has never been more apparent, more insistent, more desperately fighting for its own survival.
— Sarah Varcas, astrologer

Saturn in astrology is Father Time, and in ancient times, it was the furthest planet visible to the naked eye. Saturn rules limitation. With Saturn as the apex planet of the Yod in Sedna’s discovery chart, there is a sense of Neptune forcing a dissolving or a dissolution of time, making it challenging to achieve those sixth house daily work chores. Anyone who has lived in small towns close to the arctic know that they are filled with strange characters, think of the nineties tv show Northern Exposure. The long, cold winters create a lot of isolation for people, a slowing down of time, and time to just sit and be. There is a great sense of timelessness. Anyone who has ever experienced a transit Sedna on personal planets, can also attest to that feeling of time slipping away, and spending a lot of time doing nothing but just sit,

stare and experience the present moment. And a feeling of dissolution of the old way of being, and the old identity… which is clearly present at the moment. After Co-vid isolations, many employers in highly skilled and specialised areas are finding it very challenging to regain their workforce, because them having spent all this time in isolation, has catalysed career changes, or not return to the workforce at all.

As if there is a time freeze, a time bend, or a time melt… and there is… We are having bouts of feeling frozen in time. And it’s good… For society cannot continue on the destructive trajectory of the spiritual emptiness it is on… It is not sustainable.

Water Overload: Venus, Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces 2022

Image: Sedna sculpted by Nuvualiak Alariak, from Wikimedia Commons.

This is a very pronounced feminine conjunction. A spiritual alignment into a more intuitive state of being. Valuing wisdom, feelings and knowing.

A once in a lifetime aspect, both Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces around the 12th of April 2022, depending where you are in the world.

The last time we saw it in Pisces was in 1856. Jupiter, the planet of opportunity, growth, optimism and solutions, will form a rare conjunction with Neptune, the planet of escapism, release, relief and holidays from reality. It will take place at hotspot 23 degrees of Pisces, while Saturn is at 23 degrees Aquarius, the North Node is at 23 Taurus, and the South Node at 23 Scorpio.

As if that is not amazing on its own, Venus in her exaltation will join Jupiter and Neptune in conjunction in water sign Pisces at the end of April 2022. This is quite rare and exquisite energy. A very beautiful moment in time.

As discussed in Sedna’s discovery chart, there is something decidedly Neptunian/Piscean about Sedna.

Neptune conjunct Jupiter, are both in a sign where they are at home. This means they are both in a sign where they are express boldly being either in domicile or exaltation in Pisces. This conjunctions adds to Sedna’s feminine expression of slowing down of time.

I believe this Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, in addition to Sedna’s own prominence, may bring about something quite special, in a sacred, emotional and spiritual sense… What was on the fringes of society, may go mainstream, like interest in spiritual self-development, alternate realities, mediumship, channeling, the psychic and mystical, shamanism, mythology, meditation, psychology or even astrology. Dreaming a new world into being.

On the flip side, a strong Neptune/Pisces, also creates illusions for the masses. There may be a lot of people who feel like they are in a fog, unable to see things for what they really are. And perhaps becoming increasingly distrusting of their environment, having to find the light, the enlightenment and the answers within instead. People’s ideas around what gives them security, is likely to shift a great deal.

This extreme watery element will continue for years to come, with a very significant sextile forming in 2024 between Neptune in Pisces, and Sedna in Taurus, both making a Yod with Haumea at the apex. But more on that in another article.


Venus Retrograde conjunct Pluto, square Eris, trine Sedna

Image: A snapshot from, eloquently describing the energy. Click to enlarge.

What has real value in life? Realisations after a visit to the Underworld.

Now that the moral decay (Pluto and Sedna) is so evident, and there is a need for justice and making better choices (Eris), what are our values (Venus)?

Venus will be in Capricorn from December 2021 to March 2022, and due to retrograde motion, will conjunct Pluto three times, triggering the Eris square Pluto transits of 2020- 2021.

Venus in Capricorn is about what we value, and what value has longevity. It is about making choices: what is important to me, what is my value, is something worth the effort? It’s about being seen, being valued and appreciated for what you bring to the table. It's about understanding value and discerning how I can get crystal clear. There may be an element of healing relationships with Self, and others, or ending some.

This Venus Retrograde echoes strong feminine themes of being taken advantage of, trauma in the rite of passage, and ultimately, beautiful total transformation.

Venus the evening star, will be in orb of a conjunction with Pluto in December, and come back into orb end of February and beginning March, as she retrogrades, literally coming out of the underworld, conjunct Pluto, the lord of the underworld… while making a square to Eris, as well as a trine to Sedna.

It is also important to note that the key features of both Eris and Sedna’s discovery charts, are also a Venus conjunct Pluto aspect. Also, the asteroid Proserpina will be in Scorpio.

The feminine symbolism will be so pronounced. The ongoing cycle of life and death and transformation, to be born anew, strong.

According to Wikipedia, models of internal heating via radioactive decay suggest that dwarf planet Eris could have an internal ocean of liquid water at the mantle–core boundary. This suggests, that like Ceres and Sedna, Eris too has a watery, emotional, nurturing quality. But like the aforementioned planets, can turn negative after being disrespected or abused. Eris energy will be pronounced in our consciousness from 2020 - 2028+.

There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030. Sedna will be a huge influence for many years to come.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that needs to return.

  • The Haumea Yod is about the wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus. This Hammer makes an apex in Taurus, smiting all things Taurus into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. 

Learn more about the bigger picture by going to courses.

Karmic Flood: Heaps of Rain, Floods, Water, and Tears

Watery Sedna is currently conjunct the Weeping Sisters (Taurus 29 degrees) also known as the Pleiades, and Neptune is in its home sign of watery Pisces where its energy is very prominent, Jupiter, the traditional or ancient ruler of Pisces, will be traversing back into the sign of Pisces soon. This means lots of rain, and lots of problems with water in general. And lots of tears over the misfortunes of people, that perhaps really started with Corona virus lockdowns in January 2020, which coincided with the first of five Eris square Pluto transits. Dismantling the status quo, and exposing injustice and abuse of power. Tears about the moral decay and the morally deprived who don’t want to change. Hopefully, the tears may also cause the washing away of emotional anguish over the losses, and the release of stuck psychological baggage, and having to start over. Fortunately, when we allow the old to flow away, through the release of tears, it creates a vacuum, for the new to flood in. Like Sedna, being forced to release her tight grip on her father’s kayak being rocked by the stormy, watery waves, and slowly sinking and allowing the experience, after realising that there is no safety in that boat either.

Image: Pleiades from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Authorities like governments, organisations etc. are not our saviours.

We have to save ourselves, because the soul Self is the source of the real abundance.

Regular meditation and mindfulness are great ways to calm an overstressed mind, and sink into benevolent Sedna consciousness.

Food Security/ Insecurity and Local Food Systems

Image: A statue holding a cornucopia. An ancient symbol for abundance. From Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Many food banks are currently flooded with requests from people in serious need of food donation, all over the world. Due to Co-vid lockdowns and influence on politicians, many large businesses have flourished, and their shareholders seen massive financial increases. Unfortunately many small business holders suffered severe losses and had to close down.

Farmers are getting plenty of rain to grow crops, but in some places, fertile agricultural soils are being displaced completely because of too much flooding (or whatever). There is great concerns for the effects of climate change - like extreme weather conditions - impacting food production and reducing areas suitable for farming, which Sedna is associated with (See Alan Clay’s book). In some places, beef and dairy cattle are losing their natural food source to water logged pastures, and due to global shipping delays and disasters, cheap imported grain is not so accessible.

Flooding is also obliterating animal fences on farms, which entails great financial losses for livestock farmers. Governments had also been promoting large scale farming and food imports, which means local communities are vulnerable. But as the North Node move into Taurus, hopefully there will be more benefits for small-scale farming, as many city-dwellers may become disillusioned with their lives, and desire to head for the country, for a simpler, more meaningful life. The old ways don’t have a healthy relationship with the environment. They are not sustainable for local food security.

Small scale farming is also severely challenged by government red tape in some first world countries around the world, which increases the chances of food insecurity. Which is growing by leaps and bounds. Many consumers wish to grow a personal relationship with their local farmer, so they can give input into how the animals are raised and what they eat. Perhaps pay the farmer more for high quality, nutrient-dense grass-fed products. There is great awareness of animals that are cruelly farmed and exploited. Many meat and dairy consumers want to participate in food systems where they feel the animals were properly respected. Where there isn’t the greed and moral decay of ‘corporate food’ to wipe out the competition, and to desecrate the quality of the food with cheap fillers, unwanted additives or processes that adulterates the food quality.

Conscious consumers want to be caretakers of the planet. Not morally deprived rapists, forced to participate in food systems that they don’t want to be invested in.

Humans are recognising that it is time to take responsibility for nature and the environment. From growing beneficial microbes, to ensuring the survival of larger mammals, like whales.

Sedna relates to either providing sustenance, or withholding due to offending the underlying harmony of nature.

From a certain point of view, there is a god complex, over who can eat, and who cannot, and what should be eaten. If city-dwellers don’t participate in the financial system, they may not be able to eat. Corporate food is veering away from traditional food, as genetic engineering, hydroponics, lab-generated food and other food-like substances engineered by food scientists, are becoming more widespread. Large supermarkets want to ensure that all the clientele walk through their door, while avoiding the competition. Small-scale farmers often provide those high quality grass-fed products, and the farmer-to-consumer connection, which is why they are targeted with tactics, like red tape, to keep them from flourishing.

Consumers want to regenerate life, restore their own health, and replenish hope, by going directly to the farmer for the food of their preference. Sedna reminds that consciousness and the law of reciprocity operates at all times amongst interconnected natural systems.

Financial Shake-ups

Sedna’s disappointments isn’t limited to arctic regions. A quick Google search reveals that Sedna is also associated with wild financial and material losses, like the stock market crashes, recessions, and financial turmoil in general. With the North Node moving into Taurus in January 2022, we may also see new fortunes made and losses taken (Scorpio South Node). Many empires have been built off of systems that need to change, and are in the process of total transformation. It is what it is… For more on financial matters and Sedna, see this article.

Abundance / Lack Consciousness

A Massive Confrontation with Reality

Sedna’s astrological symbol or glyph, looks very similar to Saturn, and the symbolism is the same: harsh conditions, struggling to make ends meet, challenges, difficulties, restrictions, austerity etc. It may be about frugality, holding back versus giving out hand-outs if you had plenty.

On the flip side, Saturn rules taking responsibility and accountability for our lives. Anyone who understands, how the knowledge of astrology, especially Saturn, can be utilised for alchemy, knows that there is potential here. The astrological glyph for Sedna also looks like a pregnant woman, like the Empress, who is abundant, and shares what she has with her community freely. She is highly accomplished and births life changing events, because she is so fertile. She is in the creative flow of her own energy, in emotional mastery, and authentic Self. She is a beneficial influence in the lives of others, and manifests goodness and consideration, often for an entire community that supports her in turn, just like Sedna.

From the soul comes not only deep spiritual nourishment, but also the solutions and potentials that many people cannot find. No matter how hard they may try, the answers are not in the 3D. THEY ARE NOT. The real synchronicities and wisdom come from the soul connection and expression. The ego mind don’t have it, and never will. That is a waste of time…

The Pleiades, The Seven Sisters, The Weeping Sisters

Major Cathartic Event for Society

Coronavirus awareness started in earnest in January 2020. That is when the first of the Eris square Pluto aspects started. Sedna conjuncted the malefic fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus at the time.

That is also when Sedna at 27 degrees Taurus started her conjunction with the star cluster of the Pleiades (the Seven Sisters). Sedna will be conjunct the Pleiades until 2028.

Image: The Pleiades, Seven Sisters from Wikimedia Commons.

The Pleiades sit at around 28-29 degrees of Taurus to 0 degrees of Gemini and according to traditional astrology, whenever there was a planet or alignment close to this degree, it was typically seen as a bad omen. Astrologer Tanaaz writes that: "this negative connotation however [the Pleiades with bad luck], was more likely due to the way feminine energy was interpreted at the time these records were made. As we know today, feminine energy is not inferior, unlucky or weaker than masculine energy, it is just different and necessary in its own way." She writes that the brightest star, Alcyone, is a high vibrational star that is extremely powerful and potent in its effect. Those who are able to tap into their own feminine energy, healthy emotions and feeling, may be better able to integrate this energy. Those who resist, may have another experience… She writes that:

Alcyone is also said to bring waves of feminine energy to Earth as a way of reminding us to tap into more of these qualities. Remember, feminine energy goes beyond gender. It represents our ability to go with the flow, to listen and trust our intuition, to tap into our deeper senses, and to favor nourishment over action. Feminine energy is our ability to be patient and compassionate, and to practice self-love, but this is not just about loving ourselves when things are good. We have to learn to love it all, the good, the bad, and the ugly. Feminine energy also rules over the shadow sides of life and the darker

Image: The Pleiades star cluster, The Seven Sisters, The Weeping Sister, from Wikimedia Common. Click to enlarge.

emotions that we all feel from time to time. Perhaps it is these darker qualities that society does not encourage us to look at that also contributed to the negative association with the Seven Sisters in the past. But, there is nothing negative about this energy, and rather than shying away from these darker emotions, we can instead learn to embrace them in order to lead more meaningful and whole lives. We all have a shadow side, we all know what it’s like to crawl through the darkness of death before a rebirth occurs, and getting comfortable in this space is what the Seven Sisters call on us to do. By strengthening our feminine energy, it can also help us to remain rooted in our process, even when darkness falls in our lives.” Read Tanaaz’s full article about the Pleiades here.

When the planet Sedna (which are the fears around providence and sacrifice) conjunct such high frequency energy as the Weeping Sisters, this may ask us to tap into our feminine empathic qualities more.

And perhaps an invitation to sit with our insecurities, fears and wounds, to allow deep healing, meaning and re-connection in our lives. Tanaaz writes that in Greek mythology, the Pleiades were referred to as the Seven Sisters and were beautiful, strong women that were placed into the sky to calm the seas and watch over sailors. Perhaps this conjunction is an invitation for us to honour the cycles of death, loss, grief and renewal, and help bring an end to the old ways of being that were harmful to humanity. To calm the waters, so to speak…

In Sedna’s legend, the tale always ended with a mighty storm that forced her father’s boat to rock violently, which made him throw Sedna overboard, and cut off her fingers as she tried to climb back, to save his own skin. Perhaps this conjunction, may ultimately help humanity, to become more caring and inclusive, in growing healthy local communities, living off the land sustainably.

Sedna is about making sacrifices, and making sacred. And looking at what is being desecrated, and by whom.

Hopefully, this article on these energies may - ultimately - calm the fears of the rough waters that shook Sedna’s father’s boat…

As people take an interest in their spirituality, as their responsibility.

Sedna ​brings our deepest soul mission and how we might have struggled to grasp what it is. Because it exists at a higher level of consciousness. But this too requires that we soothe Sedna, and to do so we have to withdraw from society and descend to our deepest places in a shamanic journey to find our own truth. People who have a significant Sedna activation in their design will have experienced at least one great disconnect in their lives, where they were forced to let go of one life and embrace another more ‘divine’ aspect of self.
— Kim Gould, Astrologer from

Eclipses activate Sedna 2021 - 2022

Sedna and the Pleiades conjunct the North Node of Fate.

These are times when changes, secrets under the woodwork are revealed, obstacles and disillusionments happen that feel fated. That cuts us off from the past, and there is no going back.

19 November 2021, we see a Lunar Eclipse at 27° Taurus that may really kick this energy into high gear, as it makes a conjunction with Sedna, and the Pleiades cluster, within a two degree orb of influence, squaring Jupiter. Followed by another Lunar eclipse at 25 degrees Scorpio on 16 May 2022, squaring Saturn.

Energy sensitive people may already be aware of this energy. It is sooo palpable. The shaman is here to assist with the journey of Sedna, to set things right for each individual in

the human collective, if that is their choice. Sedna needs us to see with new eyes, from a higher perspective and that requires some deep unravelling. One may feel as if in a coma, but the experience dissolves the old life, to become a completely different, more conscious person.

According to this website, a psychopomp is a guide, whose function is to escort souls to the afterlife, but they can also serve as guides through the various transitions of life, while in the living. In many cultures, the shaman fulfills the role of the psychopomp. In Jungian psychology, the psychopomp is a mediator between the unconscious and conscious realms. Mercury (Hermes) is the psychopomp in the discovery charts of both Eris and Sedna.

Image: A woman from Wikimedia Commons.

The Shaman

A shaman is a person who acts as intermediary between the natural and supernatural worlds, utilising an alternate state of consciousness to enter the unseen world. Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition and moreover, a way of life. It is a way to connect with nature and all of creation.

In the Inuit culture this medicine man is called the Angakok.

Many different indigenous cultures of the world have a sage elder, or wisdom keeper that a community looks to for wise council. In these cultures, the shaman of the new generation is identified, in youths who experience a significant crisis or shock in their life. These individuals are taken out of society, to be trained as the intermediary of the future. This person go through significant training in solitary time, allowing matters up from the depths and to resolve them.

To allow a surrender and death of an old identity and state of being, so as to move from personal identity into expanded consciousness, and epic abundance that comes from within.

Imagine a time when all of mankind is going through such an initiation, into emotional maturity and spiritual adulthood.

It is truly epic. And for many unwanted. But we cannot stay in immaturity any longer. It is time to grow up. It is time to look within.

Such a time, involving Sedna energy, entails the distress of being severed from an old way of life, perhaps having been abandoned. Feeling crippled by the weight of past hurts, being misunderstood, or unfairly judged. This time may also be felt as being rejected due to unrealistic expectations, estrangement, fear and isolation. Also, frail health may be part of the experience.

Sedna and the Angakok/Shaman

Sometimes when one door closes we spend so much time staring at it that we fail to see the new on that has opened in its place.
— Helen Keller

Some versions of the legend say that Sedna’s fingers created new life in the form of the creatures that live in the sea, which in turn, cared for Sedna. This is the new life and friends that derived from the misfortune of her fingers. But at times, she seems to forget about the new miracle that do reciprocate and nurtures her, and become absorbed in her loss. Without her fingers, Sedna cannot comb her hair, and in her despair the sea creatures would come to comfort her, and become entangled in her hair. Sedna also said to become bitter at her inability to care for herself, and cut off the food supply, as they stay tangled with her hair.

The legend says that, when her hair tangles, it forms large storms in the Arctic that affect all fishermen. Thus they cannot find the food to feed their families.

Sedna became angry with humans, when they overfish, kill for sport, take more than they need or pollute, so she was believed become extremely angry and impossible to appease by force, bribe or cajole. She was believed to send storms or famine, holding the sea animals (food source) back in in the safety of her hair.

Astrologer Sharon Russell writes that in Sedna’s story, the shaman (the angakok) must enter the higher frequency state, in order to travel into the abyss of the underworld to visit Sedna. This is the metaphorical journey. Only the combing of her hair by the shaman can appease her, when she is unhappy. Remember that Sedna has no fingers, she cannot perform this task for herself. She must be attended to with gentleness and care.

As he combs Sedna’s tangled hair, she reveals to him what must be put right, in terms of the spiritual starvation of the people, before the tribe starves.

This act was also thought to release the animals from her safekeeping, so that the hunters can hunt and the eaters can eat. Sedna is softened only when we take the angakok’s journey to connect in the deep levels of the subconscious.

Sharon writes: "It is like this inside of you, too. The Sedna in your deep psyche wants to bring you gifts of wisdom and insight that will help you grow and be gentle with yourself. She wants you to live in harmony with your surroundings. She is deeply creative and cherishes the life she creates through, a life that comes naturally from her feminine nature. But she needs your attention, your time, your patience to come and find her and be with her. She is the Goddess, source of all life.

Through the guided imagery of dreams and spirit journeys we can commune with Sedna and discover what she is asking of us. Sedna dwells in the remote regions of space just as she dwells in the remote, unconscious regions of our minds. Sedna holds the highest of status symbols for the Inuit because she controls the food supply. Her emergence at this time boosts the feminine divine energy of our solar system.

Be patient and loving with yourself as you discover this Goddess within. She is a water Goddess. Water is the amniotic fluid that upholds and nourishes young life - we as humans are growing in consciousness. We are still young. We do not own 'mature status' yet.”

For details on Sedna’s relation with the shamanistic, see her discovery chart.

Examining the story of Sedna mythologically and astrologically, Gehl explains how Sedna’s last appearance 11,000 years ago occurred at the end of the Ice Age when waters disrupted and divided our world. Her return, rather than being a harbinger of disaster, is one of the way-shower and shaman. Symbolically, she lights the path for us to ignite our own immortality by surrendering to the inner path, revealing patterns and pathways for infinite healing potential, a new model of sustainability for the health of our planet, and a way to actively participate in our soul’s evolution.
— Jennifer T. Gehl, author of The Return of Planet Sedna: Astrology, Healing, and the Awakening of Cosmic Kundalini

Video: Upcoming Eclipses, Sedna’s Message and This Time of Transmutation

In the video below, astrologer Heather Ensworth talks about the November 2021 eclipse on Sedna, the Pleiades and the North Node, which she calls a powerful wake up call.

Video: We will experience a partial lunar eclipse on November 19th and a total solar eclipse on December 4th. This video describes the meaning of these eclipses and the powerful placement of Sedna close to the north lunar node, and her message for us in this profound time of transformation and transmutation. Video by Heather Ensworth, posted 7 November 2021

Video: Eclipse season has begun and the Lunar eclipse comes with more Uranus Mars action, Asteroid Power and a T Square to wake us up. Sedna, the multidimensional Goddess of the Oceans is fully active, drawing attention to climate change, rising seas and new evolution. Are you coming with us?? Plus a review of Scott Morrison's bad astrology at the COP26 Climate Summit. Taurus Full Moon 19 November 2021 Video by Merryl Key My Mystery School

Silence fills with itself, stifled screams ripped from reality

identity shifts to make room for the new awakening

that wanders the frontiers that our tired eyes explore

swims the dusty surface of a planetoid beyond hope

where Inuit Icarus rubs noses with this ocean goddess.

Keeping the sun at a cosmic barge pole lengths distance

as Sol tries to recapture its wayward child miscreant,

an unexpected sense of crosshairs lined up on a target

despite millennia being somehow caught up in time.
— A poem on Sedna, by Keith Suddrey,

Image: An absolutely exquisite soapstone sculpture of Sedna by Abraham Anghik Ruben, see more images here.


Sedna’s Orbit:

Image: Sedna’s orbit. WikiMedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Image: Sedna in our Solar System from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Image: Sedna’s orbit from Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Sedna an artist’s conception from Wikimedia Commons. Click to Enlarge.

Significant Sedna Transits

Sedna move extremely slowly. Where Pluto takes 248 odd years, and Eris about 556 to complete an orbit around the sun, Sedna takes a whopping 11,390 odd years with her long, highly elliptical orbit.

Find a Sedna Ephemeris here.

  • Sedna was conjunct fix star Algol at 27 Taurus when Co-Vid took off in January 2020.

  • Sedna started her conjunction with the Pleiades in 2020 until 2028.

  • Sedna moved into the Critical degree of 29 degrees Taurus in July 2021.

  • The North Node starts the conjunction to Sedna in January to March 2022.

  • Mercury enters its retrograde phase conjunct Sedna at 26 Taurus on 26 April until 19 June.

  • Transit Pluto starts its trine to Sedna in January 2023 - December 2025.

  • Transit Saturn in Aquarius goes retrograde, and squares Sedna starting February to December 2023.

  • Uranus starts a wide conjunction with Sedna in September 2024 - July 2026.

More on Sedna in Astrology:

More on Eris in Astrology:

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