Sedna in Taurus / Gemini - Reform of Australia’s Deep Love of Materialistic Stability Comfort Zone

In the LUCKY COUNTRY’s chart as drawn up by astrologer Liz Green the Galactic Centre is at 25 degrees 28 minutes Sagittarius, with Jupiter (25), Mercury (27) and Chiron (28), and trans-Neptunian object Gongong (24) conjunct it. However, the signs have been on the horizon - especially since the start of 2020 - that that luck may be running out… and this chart certainly show that massive CHANGE will have to be imminent… Something’s gotta give when what had brought this country stability, prosperity and wealth, are now a source of pain and hindrance for many people in the form of lack of legislative change… with a government housing plan stalled in the Senate, and opposed by the traditional-oriented Coalition.

When Co-Vid started in January 2020, Eris in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn started squaring at 24 degrees and made a Hammer of Thor apex on trans-Neptunian object Orcus, as well as Australia’s natal Mars at 11 degrees Virgo. See the Orcus blog. This may be viewed as the demolishing of the government in power’s ability to assert or defend itself - in terms of breaking oaths, loyalties, contracts, agreements and commitments (Orcus) to the nation - with the many crises at hand. This is certainly visible in the loud calls for a Royal Commission into Australia’s CoVid-19 response, and some of the much publicised Royal Inquiries/Commissions that have been launched since. It’s also reflected in an RBA statement that they had botched the nation’s recovery after CoVid.

According to this astrological chart of Australia, Sedna has been conjunct the South Node within close orb since mid 2019. The South Node in the chart shows the comfort zone of the lucky country that rely so heavily on this permanence, and feeding off that financial stability for its emotional comfort.

Uranus will soon be conjunct Australia’s Moon in the zodiac sign of Taurus the bull, which is another comfort zone based on material stability as well.

May 2023 to May 2024 (and again from December 2024 - March 2025) is bound to be an interesting time frame as transit Uranus conjuncts Australia’s Moon at 20 degrees Taurus in the second house, and Sedna also conjunct the South Node at 29 degrees Taurus in the second house. Then, on days like the 25th of June, Makemake squares Quaoar and makes a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern apex on Uranus. Pluto will also be square the Nodes of Fate from April to November, and in tight orb all of July, with the South Node finishing its sojourn in it’s sign of rulership Scorpio. This will also mean that both Pluto and Haumea will be in tight orb to Sedna for more emphasis on transformation, and regeneration.

The Sedna Yod is currently active with Varda and Haumea as legs, but Ixion returns as a Yod leg in August 2023. Ixion as Sedna Yod leg is not quite done yet, even though its been going for more than 14 years. It is when powerful aspect patterns like the Yod wrap up, that their energy become highly pronounced… which is what this article is all about…

The Haumea Yod, Sedna Yod, Varuna Yod and Gonggong Yod will all be within 3 degree orb during this time. This is a lot of PRESSURISED activity on both Sedna and Uranus, that fall on points in Australia’s astrology chart. Hammer of Thor aspect patterns and Yods both put tremendous focussed energies on their apexes, that tend to force great CHANGE on some level in situations pertaining to that area of life, which is the second house, and is also the house where the transiting North Node finishes up in, during this time.

Sedna also enters Gemini for the first time 16 June 2023 to retrograde back into Taurus in November. Sedna finally leaves for her long stay in Gemini on 28 April 2024.

Transit Eris is also conjunct Australia’s ascendant, which entails the appearance of opulence, opportunities and wealth, yet a large number Australians from different backgrounds, are doing it very tough and feel marginalised by dire problems for which solutions cannot come soon enough… Australians have become the observers rather than the participants in politics.

Hammer of Thor apex on Uranus and Sedna Yod apex on Australia’s comfort zone, in the Sign of the Bull

The charts below for June 2023 shows that Australia’s Moon at 20 degrees Taurus will conjunct transit Uranus and be the apex of a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern with Makemake square Quaoar.

It also shows that Australia’s South Node will have Sedna as the apex of a Yod with Haumea sextile Ixion that will move in and out of 3 degree orb all year. According to this 1901 ephemeris, Australia’s True node is at 1 degrees 18 minutes Sagittarius, and the Mean Node at 29 degrees 50 minutes Scorpio. Taurus’s house of rulership is the second house, and this happens to be on the cusp of Australia’s second house as well.

For the nation of Australia, the 2nd house rules the wealth of the nation, the national income, revenue, strength of currency, financial welfare and stability, and economic matters. It’s the budget and balance decided by it’s government of the day, and its investments, money markets, stocks, bonds and shares.

In mundane astrology in general, the 2nd house rules finances, wealth, infrastructure, and possessions/property of the people as a whole. The 2nd house also rules our values and value system, so the sign on the cusp and planets in the house can show the values of a country/city/corporation, and Australia’s values are decidedly orientated towards material and financial security and stability.

What is Potentially at stake for these Events in Taurus?

Australia is seeing the longest stretch of continual rental price growth on record.
— Alice Stolz, Domain Property Editor

What might we Potentially look forward to?

  • Leaving overly materialistic values in the past. Traditional housing structures, modern ways of farming that are outdated, and old investments in the Taurean things that Australians used to value, will be changing.

  • Financial institutions overhaul. (Two weeks after this article, the Reserve Bank of Australia board was stripped of its power in the biggest overhaul in decades, with new board and big changes.)

  • Community representation in politics matters. A recent ABC Q&A poll shows a 75% vote that political candidates should live in the suburbs they are fighting to represent, so that they are not so disconnected from community experience of stress.

  • Prohibitive red tape and government policies that prohibit common sense solutions that would otherwise be easy to install, if the SILLY NANNY STATE RULES were to be removed.

  • More research into long CoVid.

  • Regenerative farming. Australia’s natal Moon happens to be conjunct natal MakeMake at 19 degrees Taurus. If you follow the stories about MakeMake’s mythology in Part 1 and Part 2, you may come to understand that the positive expression of its energy lies in very different thinking regarding what the land needs for the regeneration of healthy soil bacteria, practises that prevent loss of topsoil, degradation etc. There are many organisations in Australia that already understand Regenerative Agriculture quite well.

  • Animal agriculture in Australia is highly likely to see massive changes in the very foreseeable future. Uranus in the last degrees in Taurus is likely to demand significant changes. We have already seen massive changes as it relates to how farming, food production methods, use of land, awareness of animal rights (like bobby calves), and ethical values of consumers are changing. We’ve seen the introduction of regenerative farming, small scale dairying (perhaps more raw milk and raw milk cheese in more Australian states?), more ethically-raised beef and dairy, and restoring the health of the soil for soil microbes to increase farm productivity and nutrient-density of food.

  • Laboratory Grown Fake Food.

  • Crypto currency is likely to enable more desentralised consumer spending, which might entail Australians valuing spending on Australian products, or Australian made/grown instead of something imported via international trade meant to disrupt local economies with competition.

  • With trans-Neptunian object Eris slowly departing from Australia’s ascendant, but still in the first house for many decades to come, there may still be a holding of materialistic (perhaps even superficial) values, but Eris higher expression might shine through as well, as being a country compassionate, caring, and truely empathic to the needs of its citizens.

  • Trans-Neptunian object Varda is currently conjunct the galactic centre for the first time, as well as conjunct Australia’s natal Jupiter, Mercury, Chiron and Quaoar, which might just entail more luck and light for the lucky country.


Australia’s Massive, Acute, and Painful Rental Crisis

Transit Sedna recently finished its last tight conjunction to malefic star Algol, which it was conjunct with as CoVid started and the Sedna Yod was within 3 degree orb as well. Sedna is currently conjunct Australia’s South Node, also just as transit Eris is conjunct the ascendant.

Australian rental crisis will get worse as construction fails to keep pace with demand a new report released on 3 April 2023 says.

There is a massive shortage in supply of new houses and units caused by costs and ongoing constraints in construction.

The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC) report said that construction industry has been under pressure, with tight supply of labour and materials, as well as bad weather resulting in the delay of construction of approximately 28,000 dwellings last year. “Higher interest rates, the availability of serviced land, higher construction costs, long lead times, and ongoing community opposition were also impeding construction. Rental growth

in Sydney and Melbourne has been outpacing rental growth in regional NSW and Victoria, the report found, suggesting people are returning to large cities close to employment centres after three years of the Covid-19 pandemic. Rents in Sydney rose more than 30% from early 2020 to January 2023, while Melbourne’s increased by just under 10%. South-east Queensland saw some of the biggest rent increases, with all local government areas seeing rent increases of 30% or more.”

The NHFIC estimates that conservatively more than 331,000 households are already in rental stress – defined as paying more than 30 per cent of their income in rent. Meanwhile, around 46,500 households are experiencing homelessness.

NHFIC forecasts estimate that not enough properties will be built to keep pace with demand, with a shortage of around 106,400 dwellings expected over the next five years.

A record level surge in migration, which is expected to reach 350,000 as skilled workers and students flock back to Australia - at a time of record low vacancy rates - is likely to put pressure on rents.

According to this report, Australia has been facing a MASSIVE rental crisis since the start of 2020, and this while many in the building sector is collapsing due to supply chain issues and multiple challenges. Yet Australia still want to present the false image that it is a great country to migrate to, but that is because of all the revenue that migrants typically bring into the country. However, there isn’t enough housing for them.

Landlords with more than one home, and property tycoons need to rethink, why do they need more than one house, with so many in distress?

The construction industry is at crisis point, as companies are failing at nearly double the pace of last year, with nearly 1500 building firms having failed since June 30, according to ASIC data. The problem has also been exacerbated by changes brought on by the pandemic, with 341,500 extra households created since mid-2021 as people moved out of sharehouses or family homes to be on their own.

The need for people to separate, or be on their own - in their own space in this way - is a typical Sedna problem as it relates to mental health challenges. Some people simply cannot cope with continually working very long, stressful hours and getting burnt out, and then come home to a dysfuctional family dynamic where they cannot relax and regroup sufficiently.

One has to go back to Sedna’s discovery chart to study the details regarding how Sedna energy is currently expressing, for the answers and the keys of solutions.


Investigating Home and Hearth and the Betrayal of Good Sense for a Materialistic Status Quo Gain

The chart above shows clearly that Saturn in Cancer in the 6th house is at the receiving end of both a tight Yod, and a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern. This was discussed in depth in this article, however, for this article we want to look at asteroid Vesta. Vesta is the home and hearth. It’s the place where we keep the home fires burning for the rest of the family unit to enjoy, come home to, feel safe and feel nurtured in. In the chart Vesta is at 13 degrees Sagtittarius and it is smack bang conjunct and in the middle of heavy energies like Pluto to one side, and Ixion to the other at 8 degrees Sagittarius. The energies focus around Mercury at 11 degrees Sagittarius, because Mercury is one of the main legs of the Yod. Mercury conjunct Vesta, Ixion, Hera and Pluto in a cluster do match a great deal with the Sedna mythology (which is a long story). The cluster is mainly in the 11th house, which signifies the vision of the community, and difficulties to be social with each other as a group. The planets in closest orb to Mercury speaks of the lies communicated, around a stable home where one can settle down, which doesn’t exist because there had been a deliberate betrayal. Ixion in astrology is about betrayal, lack of loyalty, entitlement, cheating, and no faithfulness when it comes to one’s initial communications or promises.

This finds resonance in Sedna’s mythology, because when Sedna eventually found a man that she agreed to marry, he had assured her of a COMFORTABLE HOME waiting for her on his far-off isolated arctic island. She went off with him based on this assurances/promise, but upon arrival found only a nest of twigs in a bird colony, with her husband finally revealing his true identity; he was a RAVEN. The suffering of his extreme discomfort, his lies and this serious backstabbing betrayal, along the lack of proper food to eat as well, and the complete isolation, and lack of family or community support, put Sedna in such a DEEP ARCTIC DESPAIR and DEPRESSION. Sedna had left the comforts of her father’s warm home, with its warm furs and diverse food, to live in dire circumstances not fit for any human. Keep reading to understand where this is going…

The Solution to the Hopelessness Problem

The solution to the problem is quite obvious in Sedna’s chart, for a seasoned astrologer who understand Sedna energy, as was detailed in the previous paragraphs.

This article starts to describe the significance of the 11th house cluster in mundane astrology. The 11th house rules the masses, social sphere, society as a whole, mob psychology and large groups. It also rules Parliament, especially the House of Commons. It’s Town and County Councils and similar bodies… and BUREAUCRACY / LEGISLATION. The 11th house is society’s agenda, and today’s modern society has an ASTONISHING amount of rules on what dwellings can be built on a particular type of land. The prohibition in NANNY STATE Australia is just astonishing. It is these rules that prohibit the building of extra roofed houses and even what Australians call MAN CAVES that are making the housing crisis so particularly troublesome in Australia. People find that they need more space apart from other people, with the long running Sedna Yod heavily pronounced since 2020 when it was conjunct malefic fixed star Algol. Many individuals don’t want to be in the chaotic energies of other people, and since many have stayed home for months on end, some people are not keen to socialise with others, and have to deal with narcissistic behaviour, or worse, that may border on MENTAL HEALTH issues. The cluster in the 11th house with Mercury is one of the legs of the Yod that barrels down on Saturn in the 6th house Cancer, which also is at the receiving end of the demolishing effect of a Hammer of Thor, as the apex. This article explains this apex in detail, as the great difficulty to accomplish routine 6th house tasks and finding meaning and pleasure in work with the severe stress that is placed, in the form of Saturn responsibilities. It’s the home that needs upkeep and the daily work that needs doing for an income in return. It’s the daily service to others, like food preparation and budgeting, that just becomes too much, as the 6h house rules how these challenges affects the mind, mental health, as well as physical health. This may be an over-interpretation of the 11th house cluster, and how the Yod/Hammer apex is at the receiving end of MASSIVE stress, and being unable to cope, however, these are the contributing factors.

Sedna energy is very heavy and wearing. It’s highly conscious and demands one being aware and in the moment. It demands taking time off purposefully, being alone and looking within.

The best way to get a good experience of it, is in the week leading up to a change in direction, like a Sedna station to go retrograde, or station direct. People usually experience EXTREME TIREDNESS during this time, and there is a feeling of UTTER SILENCE that descends on neighbourhoods. There is a heavy presence, like a blanket.

Many people need more personal space, downtime, peace and quiet around them. They need time for reflection, meditation, being guided by intuition, and self-development. It’s spending time alone in nature and gaining enlightenment.

This is often a MASSIVE PROBLEM in households where there is relationship volatility, demanding responsibilities, children that act out, people with special needs, mental health problems, or DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

During this time arguments and frustration of different people in the family unit can lead to trauma or destruction. Financial worries compounds any situation at home with anxiety and stress. Some family member may feel shut out or isolated, and it may be tough to satisfy everyone’s needs. Some want to socialise more, while others simply need time to sufficiently recuperate or regroup from too much mental or social stimulation.

Some times the stressors become so overwhelming, that some individuals have no other choice than to leave the family home/or family unit, and move into a separate accomodation arrangement, that provides for them the PEACE to REST and REJUVINATE that they so desperately NEED.

In short, it is Australia’s OVERLY RESTRICTIVE LEGISLATION that prohibits the spontaneous expansion of space around the family home where people can find RETREAT AND SANCTUARY TO REPLENISH THEMSELVES; to have this basic need for restoration of sanity met.

In addition, Australia’s extreme limitation on the building of TINY HOUSES, and also the limitations of how large pieces of LAND can be used, or NEW COMMUNITIES of like minded people can grow, are leading to the massive crises we are seeing at present. People often need a simpler life, so that they can cope with stress better. Not spend a fortune on obtaining a larger loan from the bank, to buy a house with more space.

The home and hearth has to be a place where people can feel relaxed and replenish themselves, but due to the common vested interest of landlords that their precious INVESTMENT PROPERTIES always be MASSIVELY OVERVALUED for them to enjoy more financial comforts in retirement, this causes a problem for those who will never be able to buy these kinds of traditional properties, and must pay ever increasing RENTS, for landlords to cover their costs during these challenging times.

The ANSWER truely lies in the DRACONIAN property building laws, red tape, bureaucracy, and legislation that prohibit the building of small dwellings (much like Tiny Homes), perhaps allowing alternative building materials, where people can RETREAT, or go and live for some quiet space, or a taste of the simple life.

Keeping Australians tethered to the materialistic pursuit of buying an overprice home, so that the investor/landlords can make heaps of $$$, and government can cash in on taxes, is not an option for large numbers of Australians who are officially PRICED OUT.

It is truely cruel to deny people - by keeping the status quo in place - a place where they can enjoy peace and recharge.

Understanding the Problem Innate in the Current Sedna Yod

As The Pentagram of Change online course eloquently shows, Ixion is one of the legs of the Sedna Yod. The Sedna Yod will still continue to be in existence beyond 2030, despite transit Ixion leaving the Sedna Yod as leg in the couple of few years, as transit Varda takes over as leg. Transit Sedna will still be in close orb to Australia’s South Node at 29 Taurus beyond 2030 as the Sedna Ephemeris show. The point is that the CHALLENGES facing Australia’s South Node will continue for some time, and transit Uranus will continue to conjunct the space between Australia’s Moon at 20 degrees Taurus, and the South Node at 29 degrees Taurus for man years to come finally separating and leaving Sedna behind in mid 2028.

The MORAL OF THE STORY is that the NANNY STATE OVER-REGULATION will have to CHANGE, come hell or high water.

The Sedna Yod apex and agent of sudden shocking change Uranus is here for Australia for many years to come.


Most of the trans-Neptunian objects described in great detail on this website, and in the online courses, have a deep rooted connection to ENERGY FEEDING. Currently, the situation with LEGISLATION prohibiting people from finding alternative accommodation where they can enjoy peace as refuge, has its roots in the way RENTAL INCOME is an avenue for many rich and wealthy Australian landlords to feed on the energy of those people who has to pay their rents, so they can keep going on expensive overseas holidays. The system is geared to enable PROPERTY MOGULS who use to the property market as a BUSINESS TOOL to create MONEY or LIFESTYLE. The Sedna Blog page explains this well.

In this video, the new NSW state government Premier Chris Minns had the following to say about the crisis in Sydney: “There is a couple of ways we can attack it; firstly by clearing out a lot of bureaucracy and red tape associated with approvals…”

These 11th house interest groups (Sedna natal astrology chart) that come together to create MONOPOLIES in INDUSTRIES to serve their interest are doing a BETRAYAL (Ixion) to the rest of society, by having INFLUENCED control in government to over-regulate, and it is HURTING people.

The dated chart below shows just how slow moving Sedna is, and how it is going to take a long time for it to separate from Australia’s South Node.


Four Corners on The new face of Homelessness in Australia

Four Corners on What’s Driving the boom in Australian Property Prices?

According to an expert Eliza Owen from an Four Corner program from a year ago,

“When you have a rapid rise in house prices, it widens the gap between those who have property, and those who don’t have property.”

Australians are Heavily Overworked and Burnt-Out which is Unsustainable

According to this report, Australians are some of the most overworked in the world.

Four Day Week to Fix Burnout, Number of Days in the Office Plummeting, and Staff Shortages

New Study: Australia’s Small Businesses are in Big Trouble

There are new warnings for Australia’s economy after a study showed that small businesses are in big trouble. Cash flow is the number one trouble, followed by not focussing on new sales nor marketing, instead relying on existing customers.


The World Health Organisation declared a global health emergency for the following events, and all of them had the Sedna Yod active within 2 - 3 degrees orb:

  • 24 July 2022 — Monkeypox (Sedna Yod apex at 29 degrees Taurus the crisis degree conjunct the Pleiades and Alcyone)

  • 31 January 2020 — COVID-19 (Sedna Yod apex at 26 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 1 August 2018-20 — Kivu Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 27 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • April 2016 — Zika virus (Sedna Yod apex at 24 Taurus conjunct Algol, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • March 2014 — Ebola (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • 5 May 2014 — Polio (Sedna Yod apex at 23 Taurus, with Haumea sextile Ixion)

  • January 2009 — Swine flu (Sedna Yod at 20 Taurus with Haumea sextile Ixion, Sedna square Chiron)

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