Algol and Sedna in Taurus - The Demonised, Desecrated, Protection and Courage

Image: Pallas Athena via Wikimedia Commons.

CoVid-19 started during two major aspects in the astrological sky. Sedna conjunct Algol and Eris square Pluto.

Click on images below to enlarge.

Eris square Pluto was making a Hammer of Thor apex on Orcus, and the Sedna Yod (with Haumea and Ixion as legs) was exact. The Sedna yod, Haumea Yod, Gonggong yod and Varuna yod were also within 2-3 degree orb, depending on which date is used. This website is packed with existing articles about Sedna, and Eris square Pluto, as well as the their individual associations with Corona virus. Therefore this article will focus exclusively - for the first time - on Algol, the malefic fixed star at 26 Taurus.


Image: Medusa via Wikimedia Commons.

Algol energy entails having a treacherous traitor in one’s midst, and realising in hindsight how illusions were held about them. Having had expectations that fell short of reality.

It is about a person in authority who demands loyalty, commitment and respect, but do not give it in turn.

It is about having generously given to someone, and realising they were not deserving, because after all the one sided commitment, what they got in turn was being demonised and desecrated. To be bound and stuck to a toxic situation. Locked up to miss out on a bountiful life. In bondage. In a mental entrapment. On purpose.

Having to stand one’s ground and protect yourself. Self-preservation.

Why? Athena’s loyalty was an illusion. She took the opportunity to take away from Medusa, as is typical of the energy that planets take on when they move in the last degrees of Taurus, an Earth sign. The care-factor was gone.

Image: Bust of Pallas Athena via Wikimedia Commons.

Some in authority do not expect for their envy, abuse of power, greed, perversion, brutism, horror, or betrayal to come to the surface, yet it does, and it will as Sedna, Algol and even Eris and Pluto transits have been bringing it forward since 2020.

Clarity, as all the outer planets manoeuvre the crisis 29th degree of their signs, to stir the sediment at the bottom, for truths to be released.

About the cut-throat, the Machiavellian, the undermining, the competition, the bullshit, the lack of integrity, the envious attacks for a greedy, selfish gain.

This page is a shortened version of one of the pages in the new course, about the seven year Yod that started in April 2022 - 2028. The dynamics of this Yod is truly epic, and even though planets like Eris and Algol that are somewhat out of orb of the Yod, are still made part of it, due to midpoints and eclipses drawing them both in.

The energies of the next seven to ten years are incredibly synchronous, and powerful, for transformation and regeneration. The potentials are immense…

Epic indeed!

Greek Mythology Regarding Algol:

There are several characters in the story of Algol, part of the constellation Perseus, and many Taurus, and Earth element themes.

Image: Illustration of Bellepheron riding Pegasus from Mabie, Hamilton Wright (Ed.): Myths Every Child Should Know (1914) via Wikimedia Commons.

It starts with a beautiful woman named Medusa, who according to some versions, was a priestess in Greek goddess Athena’s temple. She was the jealous aspiration of many suitors. Of all her beauties, none was more admired than her hair. Poseidon was the first self-serving desecrator, who wanted to humiliate Athena who was his rival, that led to Athena punishing Medusa by turning her into a Gorgon. From the positive characteristics of Taurus - being valued, beautiful, with position in society - to the negative; a woman who was ugly, shrieked, had snakes as hair on her head, and if glanced upon, would turn anyone into stone. Perseus was tasked with decapitating and dethroning Medusa, but upon cutting her head off, beautiful Pegasus was released from Medusa’s body. Pegasus was a mythical winged divine horse, and one of the most recognised creatures in Greek mythology, being depicted as pure white.

History of Fixed Star Algol:

Algol, the second brightest star in Perseus is named Beta Persei, it is part of a star system that emits x-rays and radio-wave flares. The name Algol derives from Arabic “head of the ogre”. The English name Demon Star was taken from the Arabic name. According to Wikipedia, an ancient Egyptian calendar of lucky and unlucky days composed some 3,200 years ago is said to be the oldest historical documentation of the discovery of Algol. The association of Algol with a demon-like creature (Gorgon in the Greek tradition, ghoul in the Arabic tradition) suggests that its variability was known long before the 17th century, but there is still no indisputable evidence for this. Many cultures make mention of this star, and that seems to blink. Algol represents the eye of Medusa. Astronomers now observe that Algol is a multiple-star system with a 2.87 days orbit - that eclipses - that gives it the appearance of a blinking eye; waxing and waning in brightness. Historically, the star has received a strong association with bloody violence across a wide variety of cultures. The 2nd-century astrological text of Ptolemy, Algol is referred to as "the Gorgon of Perseus" and associated with death by decapitation: a theme which mirrors the myth of Perseus's victory over the snake-haired Gorgon Medusa.

Image: A cental panel of a mosaic floor with the head of Medusa, via Wikimedia Commons.

The fixed star Algol, which is part of the constellation Perseus, and located at 26 degrees Taurus, is known as the demon star, or Medusa's head, and has a sinister reputation in astrology.

It is often associated with dictators, serial killers, criminals, rulers falling from grace, and linked to death. Those with Algol strong in their birth charts are said to oscillate between the light and dark sides of their nature, and may have different sides to their personality, due to strong opposing emotions. In ancient Greek artwork, snake haired Medusa is often seen in deep sadness and sorrow, with the eyes drooping from what seems like weariness or dejection. More modern artistic interpretations vary from looking devilish, evil, to downright demonic.

Algol has been called the most malefic, evil and unfortunate star in the zodiac, but some astrologers believe that behind the bad reputation and frightful facade lies deeper meaning worth exploring and understanding.

Algol is the feminine betrayed…

Corona virus, Algol and Medusa:

Image: Pallas Athena with a Medusa head on her shield via Wikimedia Commons.

Great fears of CoVid-19 became widespread as Sedna conjuncted Algol in January 2020, but so did Eris square Pluto kick off. Many people were forced to stay at home, close their business, or lose their income. Or forced to take vaccinations they did not want to consent to. There was a lot of rage, violence and anger. Mental health issues. Domestic abuse in the home.

Algol is associated with pain, suffering, violence, difficult and emotionally intense experiences, accidents to the head, losing one’s head (mentally) and has been historically linked with disastrous events, and anything horrific. Astrologers delicately advise their clients that proximity of personal or progressed planets to Algol is troublesome. They want to help them, but not scaremonger them… This is an energy that is not easy to explain, understand, nor alchemise… Do not take the explanations too literally, when clearly, it is meant to be metaphors for experiences in life associated with Algol.

Some astrologers say that - in the bigger picture - the powerful transformational energy has much commonality with the zodiac sign of Scorpio; regarding cycles of death and rebirth, transcending the darkness into the light. In mythology, Medusa is a shrieking woman with a head covered in snakes for hair. Snakes with piercing eyes. Instead of seeing her as a monster, she is representative of a certain human experience, like all the others characters in mythology.

Algol energy, and its Medusa association guides us to find confidence, bravery and more importantly protection for ourselves. Medusa is a symbol of strength, and the power of transformation.

In the some versions of Medusa’s story, she was both an oracle and a gorgon. Is that higher and lower expression Algol? When the energy is part of our experience, it may teach us eventually just how brave, strong, confident and resilient we really are, perhaps in hindsight. That the challenging energy may initially make us feel weak or circumstances appear bleak, but once the fears of the logical mind is metaphorically “chopped off”, it can lead to a beautiful transformation and great success, as strange as that sounds…

The Medusa Effect is described in astrology books as intimidating, devitalising, terrifying and petrifying. It’s very negative, but when we actually study her mythology, things take on a different colour. There is no denying that the undesirable effects, or negative outcomes of Algol are not real, rather, that there is a bigger picture perspective that need consideration. It is the experience of this energy, that challenges us to learn how to become resilient, and not to ‘lose our minds’ when encountering this frightful, extremely challenging energy.

As a good alchemist will tell you, there is no shortcut to true, lasting elevation and personal growth.

Image: Perseus with Medusa’s Head via Wikimedia Commons.

Challenging experiences must be taken in your stride, and eventually become a source of our self-defence and self-protection, as Athena in Greek mythology, who carried an image of Medusa’s head on her shield as armour. “Gorgon-Eyed Athena” with her analytical, dissecting intellect, subjected her opponents to the stare and magnifying gaze to “turned to stone” and suddenly feel inadequate. For instant paralysis - as a weapon - to set in, before they indulge in fooling with her. Yet it was Athena who turned beautiful maiden Medusa into the ugliness of a snake headed woman, after virgin Medusa was raped by Poseidon in Athena’s sacred temple, where Medusa was a respected priestess. Priestesses took a vow of chastity and devoted their lives to her, but because the chastity was broken, and her rules defiled, Athena turned on her. Chaste Athena was the protectress of virgins, and was appalled that the maiden lost her purity, and in her temple; it was a horrific sacrilege and insult for nothing could be reversed. Was Athena jealous or just furious at the desecration of the sacred? Extremely beautiful Medusa was a woman without a support system, not acknowledged for her work. The victim of a rape crime, for which she was punished. Why would the victim would be blamed, sided against, devalued, desecrated, and not the perpetrator? Some argue that Athena could not punish Poseidon who was her uncle, and who was part of the gods of patriarchy, could she? Athena and Poseidon had a long standing feud as it was. Either way, it doesn’t add up… that Medusa now suddenly had zero value or worth (Taurus) left to anyone…

Medusa is a symbol of an outraged, angry spirit at uncivilised behaviour.

Medusa’s countenance is a portrait of feminine anger and hatred, and her effect upon everyone who happened to glance at her, was paralysis. They turned into stone.

It’s the psychological picture of having been done dirty, just like Eris. It is questioned, if Medusa is victim or villain…

Image: Perseus with Medusa’s Head via Wikimedia Commons.

Perseus: Hero or Villain?

Image: Perseus with Head of Medusa via Wikimedia Commons.

Medusa was outcasted on an island, and lived in seclusion with only the stony statues of her petrified victims around her lair, which shows that they were coming to find her, not the other way around.

Perseus was quested to cut Medusa’s head off, and set off, to save his mother from a lusty, but undesired suitor called Polydectes, who wanted to force marriage on her. Perseus gained sage advice from various gods, and took the help he could gain, and when he found Medusa, he chopped the Gorgon’s head off, but the act had strange consequences; the magical steed Pegasus sprang from Medusa’s decapitated body. This is symbolic of the desecrated feminine, who could not be free from her exile, curse, bitterness or hatred, but upon being set free from what Athena and Poseidon had unfairly deemed her, the winged horse Pegasus, with the power to ascend into the heavens and spiritual realm, emerged. Algol is also associated with the balance between a sane mind and enlightenment. It’s a story of transformation from beautiful maiden, into monster, and then into magical protector, because Perseus went on to ride Pegasus, and had wild success in battle where-ever he went, while holding the head of snakes at his enemies, turning them into stone.

Perseus was able to look beyond the head of snakes, into the dynamics behind it, like a good alchemist would. Being of service to the good of all, because Perseus had been in constant contact with male domination and ruthless selfishness since childhood, and saw the trauma and devastating consequences for himself… Having lived through being set up for failure by them, and attempts to not only get him out of the way, but getting killed. Perseus himself is a victim of violence, trauma and abuse.

With the advice from several deities - like Athena who warned him never to look directly at the head, but only via a reflection of it - he was able to achieve his quest.

Perseus was - in effect - able to rescue the feminine, consisting of his mother Danae, a princess called Andromeda from a sea monster called Cetus, and to release Medusa from her misery.

The enemies who opposed Perseus, would take one look at the frightful head and falter, not having discovered the dynamics behind it yet… but Perseus knew, because Athena told him. Perseus used the head in battle as an opportunity for protection… Having conquered the monster’s blind terror, paralysis, and psychosis. As a result, he was able to utilise the head’s powerful qualities on behalf of more conscious-directed goals. Perseus was a man of character, righteousness, and a hero, and he was drawn to rescue others who could not help themselves, like Andromeda, his mother, and Medusa. The magical winged horse Pegasus sensed his integrity, and would allow Perseus to ride on his back.

Image: The head of Medusa via Wikimedia Commons.

Likewise, understanding the dynamics of the experience, enables one to transform during significant Algol transits, instead of repression, denial, or trying to get rid of the uncomfortable, emotionally dark experience.

Allowing the integration of the traumatising energy without resistance.

Becoming brave and protective of Self. Not loosing your head, nor hysterical at the heavy intensity of those who want to drive another mentally broke. Perseverance.

The medical term Algology means the study of pain.

We may not be able to ignore suffering and horror, or brush it aside. The Algol placement in a chart may insist upon a confrontation with stark realities, and acceptance of these harsh aspects of the human experience.

The story of Medusa and Algol can be understood, not only as a sign of pain, but as guide to inspire healing and transmutation of the difficulties of the strange experience; of the beautiful priestess who was labelled evil, demonised, shunned, and punished so that everyone will reinforce the judgement made upon her. Seeking their release on her in all manner of psychologically deranged violence and brutality. Bizarre harassment and horror.

Image: Cameo ring featuring the head of Medusa. Treasure of Petescia ( Italy ), 50 BC to 20 AD. Altes Museum, Berlin. via Wikimedia Commons.

Algol is about protecting your Self from threatening self-serving forces, and mental imbalance…

Preserving your mental health, and staying brave, courageous, and in your strength.

In Taurus, it is understanding the polarities of Taurus. In the mythological story connected to Algol, Medusa was an extraordinarily beautiful woman, suggesting that in Taurus, with Venus as its ruler, the she initially had a harmonious life, enjoyed social respect, was an influencer, and was loved, cherished, and admired.

However, Medusa was pursued by many men and hated with a passion by envious women, and eventually Medusa lost it all, cursed with having no more relationships, no more beauty, no more harmony, no more status in society… Just the ability to protect herself from the TWO LEGGED MONSTERS who came after her. Having to deal with the dark side of Taurus, in the form of those who wanted to take her out, and destroy her; with elements like envy, devilishness, selfishness, spite, vindictiveness, ugliness, over-indulgence, competitiveness, cruelty, greed, money-hunger, fame, addiction, driven by status, clout-chasing, prejudice. Also maliciousness, rivalry, lies, slander, manipulation, ambition, and the Machiavellian. Cheating to win. Bringing horror, treachery and paranoia to another.

Image: Perseus on Pegasus after slaying Medusa via Wikimedia Commons.

Pegasus, the Mythical White Winged Horse in Greek Mythology:

What does this mean for us today in the bigger picture?

As the seven year HaumeaYod takes off, and all the outer planets move through the 29th degree (crisis, anarectic degree) of their respective signs, it’s showtime…


Image: L. Plautius Plancus 47 BC. AR Denarius (17mm, 3.54 g, 7h). Rome mint. Facing head of Medusa, with coiled snake on either side of face / Victory (or Aurora) flying right, holding palm frond and conducting the four horses of the sun. Crawford 453/1a; CRI 29; Sydenham 959; Plautia 15. EF, toned, traces of deposits on reverse. Exceptional for issue.via Wikimedia Commons. Attribution: Classical Numismatic Group, Inc.


What you sow, is what you reap. You sow bad seeds, expect a bad harvest for you.

If you forgive, heal, let go, and elevate through the experience, you may expect the lighthearted, blessed state of being that Pegasus represents, eventually, as the wheel of fortune turns.

Pegasus flies between heaven and earth, and becomes the embodiment of ‘as above, so below’. Pegasus becomes an emblem of the purity of our higher self and the ultimate freedom that comes from that state, being not bound by time, nor space. It’s an allegory of the soul’s immortality. Pegasus brings new states of sacred bliss and joy, and represents living life at a higher vibration than ever before, where potentials are limitless and fertility is high.

Pegasus was a good-hearted, gentle creature. Pegasus will not serve greed, hubris or pride. Pegasus can only be tamed by, and will only assist, kind-hearted, noble of character individuals. Pegasus is said to represent wisdom, knowledge, loyalty, stamina, endurance, balance and harmony.

Remember that this is the shortened version of this article. There is more to the story and its symbology for the human collective during this seven year Yod.

Read the rest by going to the Courses page.

Astrological Charts:

This article was written in the days following the 25 degrees Scorpio lunar eclipse that was opposed to Algol at 26 degrees Taurus, and Sedna at 28 degrees Taurus on the 16th of May 2022. The experience of the energy was heavy, yet epic, because Mercury had entered its retrograde phase at the end of April (which happen to be the Ingress Chart of the seven year Yod). Mercury will conjunct both Sedna and Algol again due to retrograde motion, and aspect all the other planets in the last degrees of their signs. See the event chart below, along with the Ingress chart, as well as a 2025 chart showing just how influential Algol will still be into the future.

Algol will be a huge influence in the collective consciousness for many years to come. There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030.

  • The Gonggong Yod is all about the massive chaos caused by floods, too much rain and landslides.

  • The Sedna Yod is about the respect for people, animals and the natural world being violated, and how the natural world can come back to bite. When the WHO announced a global health emergency on 31 January 2020, Haumea in Libra was sextile to Ixion in Sagittarius making a Yod apex on Sedna and malefic fixed star Algol.

  • The Varuna Yod is about sacred law and order, justice and truth in the cosmos that needs to return.

  • The Haumea Yod is about the wild abundance and providence of nature that can be created when appropriate governmental structures support benevolence for all.

  • The MakeMake square Quaoar aspect is about is about the smite that the Hammer of Thor apex makes in Taurus. This Hammer makes an apex in Taurus, smiting all things Taurus into oblivion. Curiously, both this Hammer apex and the Sedna Yod makes apexes in Taurus, which is the sign of the bull. Together they are creating massive upset and change in agriculture, the natural world, earth matters, and with cattle; with the recent threat of foot and mouth disease in Australia a great example of the manifestation of this energy. 

Astrologer Heather Ensworth explains in this video that this entire area in the astrological sky around the constellation of Perseus and Medusa (last decan of zodiac sign Taurus) is quite troublesome and trauma-filled. Even the Pleiades, which is at the very end of Taurus has elements of trauma in its story; and both the Sedna Yod and the Hammer visits this entire area from 2020 beyond 2030, triggering multiple points. This is detailed with dates and charts in The Pentagram of Change online course.

Nobody likes trauma, and we have seen an obscene amount of it since the start of 2020. Yet this information may help conscious people - who take responsibility for themselves - to navigate this time better (see the disclaimer).

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