Haumea's Association with Santa, Magical Providence, and Basic Needs Met


Image: Artist's depiction of Haumea TNO showing its rings and its two known moons.1,600 km likely a dwarf planet at 43 AU from the Sun - Elongated shape, rapid rotation, a ring and a surface of crystalline water ice with a dark red spot of organic compounds - The largest member of a collisional family that includes its two known moons (Hiʻiaka and Namaka) and several large TNOs. Image processed and rendered especially for Wikimedia.org by Pablo Carlos Budassi. via Wikimedia Commons.


Haumea is the Hawaiian Goddess of Birth, Creation, Fertility, Politics, and Government.

She is the dwarf planet beyond Pluto in Western Astrology. Haumea energy is the obstacles and opposition from the status quo that may complicate your life; having to struggle to overcome this, to find freedom. Perhaps also facing harmful gossip that may damage your reputation and/or career. Or finding yourself in trouble with the law. As a person grows stronger into the energy, it entails learning new skills, and using sacred knowledge to create new opportunities. Karma brings good things forward, so you can reap benefits of past work and diligence. Haumea higher expression had already laid a solid foundation, and from this can focus their will and energy to accomplish desires. Assistance with the realisation of a dream may arise by asking for divine assistance. Haumea higher expression shows that birthing some great endeavour requires courage, faith, resilience, and dedicated planning for the future; taking practical steps and building.

Higher expression Haumea is the wild creative stirrings, brilliance, providence, and the creation of sacred space and solid foundation; for new systems that govern a community, state or country.

Origins of Haumea’s Association with Santa

According to Wikipedia, the dwarf planet was discovered in 2004 by a team headed by Mike Brown of Caltech at the Palomar Observatory in the United States and disputably also in 2005 by a team headed by José Luis Ortiz Moreno at the Sierra Nevada Observatory in Spain, though the latter claim has been contested.

Until it was given a permanent name, the Caltech discovery team used the nickname "Santa" among themselves, because they had discovered Haumea on December 28, 2004, just after Christmas.

This discovery was just two days after the Boxing Day tsunami in Indonesia. The team consisting of Mike Brown of Caltech, David Rabinowitz of Yale University and Chad Trujillo of Gemini Observatory in Hawaii, discovered Haumea on December 28, 2004 on images they had taken on May 6, 2004. The name for the Hawaiian matron goddess of the island of Hawaii was considered by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), because her satellites were later discovered at the Keck Observatory in Hawaii in January and June 2005.

On September 17, 2008, the IAU named the fifth known dwarf planet in the Solar System Haumea. The planet's two moons were named after Haumea's daughters: Hiʻiaka, the goddess born from the mouth of Haumea, and Namaka, the water spirit born from Haumea's body.

Dwarf planet “Santa” has been a surprising, highly illusive planet, and should have been discovered a long time ago…

Haumea is the third largest Kuiper Belt object after Eris and Pluto. With a visual magnitude of 17.3, Haumea is the third brightest object in the Kuiper belt after Pluto and Makemake, and easily observable with a large amateur telescope, yet had been hiding in plain sight.

Keep in mind that Pluto was discovered in 1930. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years. Haumea takes 283 years to orbit the sun. Technically, Haumea displays large fluctuations in brightness over her unorthodox rotational period of 3.9 hours. And when two astronomy teams claimed to have discovered her in 2004/2005, it led to a controversy spanning a few years, over who had ‘found’ her first.

Foundation, Righteousness and Balance in Relation

Higher Expression Haumea is wild creativity, synchronicity, blossoming abundance, pure magic, and quantum creativity.

In the naming of planets, it still amazes me how synchronicity is involved. The story of Santa Clause coming on his sleigh pulled by reindeer, shooting across the sky to make sure all children enjoy the abundant joy of receiving a gift for Christmas, reminds very much of the elements in Haumea’s Hawaiian stories. In her legend, there is providence, peace and abundance, and the foundations set for a content happy life. To live pono is a Hawaiian concept, which means righteousness and balance in communities. Symbiosis. It’s that communal well-being, welfare, and shared wealth, and communicating in ways that is of benefit and purpose for all.. but these are only the superficial meanings of pono…

In Hawaiian, if a person is living pono, it means that they have struck the right balance in their relationships with other things, places, and people in their lives. It also means that they are living with a continuous conscious decision to do right by themselves, by others, and by the world in general.

Essentially, pono is a state of existence that is characterized by integrity and a feeling of contentment when everything is good and right. The idea behind this word and this way of life is that moral behavior leads to happiness for the doer and for everyone around them.
— AlohaShirtShop.com

Image: Haumea egg via Wikimedia Commons.


Santa, Celebration, and the Joy of Giving and Receiving

Image: Santa on the Beach via Wikimedia Commons. Credit: https://www.scribbler.com/

Even though many Hawaiians don’t celebrate the Christmas holiday season with the white bearded man, the effect of the practise of pono in their culture entails a hopeful and optimistic outlook on life, which is why the people of Hawaii often have a ready smile and helping hand, and as a whole is one of the happiest, most beautiful and wholesome cultures to learn about.

Some Hawaiians glow with a loveliness, radiance, and healthful energy. Pregnant with potential, metaphorically speaking. Heart-centred.

Even the Sabian Symbol for Haumea in her discovery chart aptly speaks of the abundant joy of children.

It is Libra 13 degrees: Children blowing soap bubbles.

Picture the merriment and frivolity of children. Filled with hope, to blow ever larger soap bubbles, seeing what the other is getting, and the delight when they are interacted with, and burst. They are having fun together in blissful symbiosis. Squealing with playfulness, innocence, imagination and magic of being. Childlike wonder, laughter and openness is beautiful and inspiring. It shows that abundance is a natural state of being. It is also wholesome for adults to mature into a serendipitous state of joy like this as well… where synchronicity and unexpected magic is the norm, with plenty of opportunities to refresh and rejoice. Finding new possibilities with ease. Read more on the Sabian Symbol in the discovery chart article.

Even Martha Beckwith who wrote a book titled Hawaiian Mythology, had said that Haumea as a mother gave given birth to “strange noisy creatures.” Even though the time of discovery is unknown, I have drawn up a discovery chart that I feel good about, with a Mercury, Venus, Pluto in Sagittarius conjunction in the 3rd house. Also, Haumea’s mythology contain elements of birth, which entails physically birthing with greater ease, and also a metaphorical, metaphysical birth of great providence and abundance.

Santa Clause is another symbol for this innovative abundance, creativity and generosity.

All through the year Santa’s elves toiled their days in a workshop crafting a larger variety of children’s toys every year. Diligently working for

that one day of the year in which the wrapped presents will be presented to children, for their pure enjoyment. And Santa is the man who had been receiving all the requests (wether prayers or letters) for a particular blessing that belied close to the heart. (Hopefully the parents of the child were able to assist in conveying this heart’s request…and its execution!).

In return for all the lovely presents, some children may be persuaded to leave cookies and milk for Santa; in gratitude and in exchange for the kindness. For providing joy and wonder to children all around the world, as the team hastily dash to deliver wrapped gifts.


Whether you believe in Santa, or not, is NOT the Point…

Image: A card written to Santa from a child is next to some christmas gifts. Credit: https://www.scribbler.com/ Via Wikimedia Commons.

The discovery chart article explains in great detail how over-reliance on the mind, can cause all sorts of communal struggles, but fortunately Hawaiians have been reconnecting and sticking to the highly valuable cultural practises of their ancestral knowledge. Like the creation of sacred space. In Haumea’s story, this was done in two temples purposefully built; for creating groundedness. For the cultivation of sacred space within Self first. From this, descendants have had the potential to learn to grow into an expanded state of being. An expanded state of awareness. Why?

It is from the heart space that an individual can create abundantly, and birth the new with ease, not from the mind…

I believe this shows the difference between higher expression Haumea, and the lower expression…

It is from this higher state of being, that Hawaiians can live in peace with one another, on their small islands, that has certain challenges, as the heat rise... Both men and women can tap into this benevolent energy. It is deeply feminine, but it is not gender specific, as is reiterated in the mythology; that Haumea perpetuates herself in both her female and male descendants.

Ho'oponopono Practice

Ho'oponopono Heart Healing is another amazing form of sacred ancestral knowledge.

The Hawaiian word ho'oponopono comes from ho'o ("to make") and pono ("right"). As you study Haumea's discovery chart, it is not hard to see why relationships need to be mended, and made “right” at times, as part of small island living. In a nutshell, ho'oponopono is a process by which we can forgive others to whom we are connected “in relation”. It roughly translates to “cause things to move back in balance”. It's a very zen concept. This ancient Hawaiian practice of forgiveness functions as both a communication concept for reconciliation (Mercury) and a tool for restoring self-love and balance (Venus). And for benevolent transformation (Pluto) and right living (Sagittarius) in local community (third house).

These ancestral practises look at those deep issues in relation, purging them, and releasing them successfully, for the heart and the relation to be healthy and joyful again. It is alchemy and restoration.

To weave wisdom, so that more people can enjoy the abundance of that heart space, the benefits of forgiveness and live in symbiotic harmony, as best as possible.

The Spirit of Aloha and Sharing

Aloha means more to traditional Hawaiians than simply a greeting of hello or goodbye.

According to this website, Aloha in Hawaiian culture is an essence of being: love, peace, compassion, fellowship and a mutual understanding of respect. Aloha means living in harmony with the people and land around you with mercy, sympathy, grace, and kindness. When greeting another person with aloha, there is mutual regard and affection. This extends with warmth in caring for the other with no obligation to receive anything in return. Yet in receiving presents under the Christmas tree, presents from Santa is an opportunity to teach children gratitude, the grace of exchanging and accepting, and the value of kindness. Why? Because Santa doesn’t have to work so hard to make children’s wishes come true, does he? Yet gratitude metaphorically spins the Wheel of Fortune energy, for more goodness to come - magically…

Aloha is the true meaning and symbol of the Hawaiian culture and lifestyle: respect and love one another, and live in harmony with everything around you. Aloha is not something that is spoken, it is something that must be experienced. Aloha is the sharing of breath. Hawaiians recognise that the breath is key to good health, and is believed to possess mana or spiritual power. It is a sign of respect. The exchange of breath is done when two individuals press their foreheads and noses together while inhaling at the same time. This exchange is a significant part of Hawaiian culture.

Traditional Hawaiians were grounded, and their breath came from deep inside, with the diaphragm doing what it was intended to do. It was a source of constant spiritual replenishment, that nourished the physical body with life energy. Mana was the spiritual energy and aloha was the love.

Traditional Hawaiians breathed the sacred breath of the cosmos to become filled with a deep trust in life and natural providence. Surrendering to the alchemy of life.

Not like modern day city folk, who breathe very shallow, and tend to be ungrounded, and too much in their heads… unaware…

Family Values, Communal Living and Local Government:

A Traditional Christmas, Island Life 24/7 and Communal Law and Order

A traditional Christmas is meant to be a n annual event for family to come together in peace and harmony and enjoy exchanging gifts, eating and drinking together, and strengthening familial bonds, which are the foundation of life. This is very much reflected in Haumea’s discovery chart, that have multiple elements showing how important it is to be grounded, and in a balanced, aware state, while dealing with others in relation. Pluto is conjunct the IC, the fourth house cusp, which represents our roots and family life. Hawaiian traditional practices provided potential for people to become more peaceful in themselves, so they can understand the web of life, master their own inner landscape with a stronger connection to divine source, to live in the true aloha (peace, affection and compassion). This spiritual significance in Haumea’s energy, is also applicable to the traditional idea around Christmas. Even when in modern times, it has become increasingly difficult for people to find peace within themselves, let alone to be around family…

Modern day people have significant challenges that won’t be described in this article. The point is the following: Haumea energy teaches us the potentials for greatness. Her mythological stories shows how she created potentials in the sacred space of the heiau (female temple), which allowed her to become so stable, in integrity, and secure within her Self, to become a master foundation builder. Haumea created the foundations for her community to live pono, kuleana and aloha. A joyful life where everyone’s basic needs were met abundantly, and small communities got along on small islands, where they couldn’t just up and move away, when disputes or arguments broke out amongst family and community. They were dealt with. Her legend shows how Haumea became the akua wahine (divine feminine), and how she turned to her ancestors (the divine) for help to save her beloved Wakea. Haumea established a life worth living, after antagonist Kumuhonua was displaced from government, law and order, and a new regime was setup supporting happy community values.

Image: Haumea egg via Wikimedia Commons.

It is the Hawaiian beautiful practise of ancient sacred knowledge, that enabled traditional Hawaiians to live the joyful, highly spiritual life that they had (before colonial settlement in particular).

The similarities between Haumea’s story, and the traditional idea behind Christmas, has a surprising amount of similarities.

This is the point of this article. Both Haumea and Santa’s wild creative stirrings can lead towards great generosity and wish fulfilment for the community. Christmas may bring family back together who had been apart for a long time, and reignite the gratitude for family relations. They may be exchanging material gifts, but they also gift each other the blessing of connection and a perennial connectedness to a support network, which is essential for human mental health and wellbeing. Cousins can connect, grown ups can reconnect with their elders, and new additions to the family can be celebrated. Haumea’s stories show the great importance of genealogy, ancestry and nation building. For collective security, providence and family pride. Honouring customs, ceremonies, festivals, food and rituals. Being honouring and respectful to next of kin and the family linage. Being supportive in relation and a tower of strength in community. These are fourth house/IC in astrology issues. Pluto is on the IC which entails bringing about transformation and being the alchemist for good foundation; growing and healing families.

These are all valuable things that money cannot buy…

Image: Haumea egg via Wikimedia Commons.


Christ Consciousness, Miracles, and the Makalei Stick

For many Christmas is also a rekindling with their faith, their love for Jesus Christ and the holy bible. Even though Christianity is not for everyone, the Holy Bible has many valuable guidelines to live by, knowledge and council, when interpreted with discernment of course.

Jesus, or Yeshua Ben Joseph was a holy man, a teacher, and a spiritual master.

Had Haumea been a living person, she would certainly find kinship in the master; who turned water into wine, and multiplied fish and bread so that 5,000 can eat

Haumea’s own legend contains a magical tree branch, also call a fish stick, which was used to provide never-ending food for her community.

The Makalei stick was a magical source of providence for all; making food grow abundantly and attracting fish to be caught with ease.

Many other faiths celebrate in different ways, and on different days of the year, like the Jewish Hanukkah, or the Chinese New Year. There is an underlying unity in values.. this is the point… Many different faiths will be able to understand and find value, in Haumea higher expression’s beauty and order; in relation and community. It is the wholesomeness that is recognised…

Jesus Christ, Santa and Haumea all love to be in service to others. To be generous with their time, effort and investment, because it gives them joy to help others.

Jesus was known to be a gift to his followers, Santa a source of joy for children, and Haumea a blessing for her community.

As I did research for the writing of this article, I came to the stunning realisation that the word providence has many astonishing meanings, also relevant to Haumea energy’s exponential growth potential, instead of just one:

Define Providence:

1. the protective care of the divine or of nature as a spiritual power;
2. having foresight and advance preparation for future eventualities;
3. the skill or wisdom in management and having prudence;
4. finding trust in divine providence to be a source of comfort;
5. a manifestation of divine care, guidance and protection;
6. good fortune manifesting from having been generous in the past;
7. valuing divine direction, to act in everyone’s best interest.
— Various Onine Resources

Image: Haumea egg via Wikimedia Commons.

See the .GIF file from Wikimedia Commons to the right, showing how highly unusual Haumea is as a planet. Haumea is the third brightest object in the Kuiper belt after Pluto and Makemake, and easily observable with a large amateur telescope. Yet Haumea displays large fluctuations in brightness over her rotational period of 3.9 hours, which is why it took her so long to be discovered. The dwarf planet is in perfect equilibrium due to its rotation...


Haumea Energy will be highly pronounced in 2024 - 2028

Haumea energy is already pronounced as it hovers around 29 degrees of Libra, squaring Pluto, and making an inconjunct/quincunx to Sedna. But… in the not so far away future, Haumea energy will be highly pronounced in the collective consciousness.

In April 2024, Neptune in Pisces first moves into close orb to sextile Sedna in Taurus at 29 degrees, as to influence Haumea at the apex of a Yod. A Yod or Finger of god astrological configuration is tension filled and karmic in nature. Yet, it also has massive potentials for benevolence for all in the long run…

Read about it in another article.

There is a new online course about the trans-Neptunian and Kuiper Belt Objects involved in the strange mixed bag of energies we've been having since the start of 2020, with some stretching beyond 2030.

Learn more about the four Yods pictured below and the bigger picture by going to courses.


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