Eris, Karma, Pandora’s Box, Divine Justice, and Divine Rearrangement

Eris, the Goddess of Discord and Strife in astrology, has turned the world upside down with her five squares to Pluto.

During the first three transits in 2020, there was a palpable battle between our lower and our higher selves. Eris lower expression entails mental health crises.

With Eris, there is no middle road. Polarity is the goal. Utter turmoil, as those with devilish energy were seen for their true colours, and their falling for the temptation to win and feed the ego at all cost, for that ego satisfaction. To employ the narcissism of the mind, to plot on another, insisting on enforcing the dynamic of the antagonist/protagonist to scheme, control and subdue. Truth telling is what causes people to be made a target and turned into black sheep.

High vibrational people are zoned in on with chaos and drama; to disappoint them, to lower their vibration, so their natural protection diminishes, so they will be more open to attack.

To cause heartbreak, despair and mental imprisonment. To make someone be punished, criticised, or made to suffer in a way that is unfair. To be deserted in a troubling situation. To be abandoned by something or someone who was previously supportive. To be made the underdog. To steal another’s emotional nourishment.

It’s about evil-spirited people who didn’t want to admit that they were wrong, and refused to bring justice to another person. Taking someone’s VIRTUOUS good nature as an open invitation to be an asshole. To try to cause them to self-destruct from the inside out through psychological warfare. There is huge cause and effect for diabolical people who damage others, leaving them in a worse state than they found them…

Then as the consequences of hasty choices, greed, scapegoating, and selfishness set in, all parties were left to ponder long and hard, because nothing was ever going to be the same again. Fundamental changes and shifts were at play. Many have been re-evaluating past burdens, making new choices, allowing the healing of the heart, and the slow internal process of change. The slowing down of Covid lockdowns have enabled people to see the dynamics of their lives more clearly. Eris is about obtaining clarity. Eris wants truth, authenticity, freedom, liberation and integrity. Also, what is valued above all else. Wisdom and edification, gained after a period of introspection and containment. And breaking free from toxic pattens, habits and behaviours that prohibit that goodness. Taking a leap of faith into a new beginning.

Eris is seen as the Dark Feminine, but that is because she wants to achieve honesty, clarity and liberation from what had been causing her to be out of alignment. Justice for Self. Purification. Inner peace.

Eris is all about relation, with both others and Self. And free will to make good or bad decisions.

Being ready to break out of long-standing toxic, or control dynamics. Anything unhealthy that she might have been subjected to, must transform. To become confident in a new internal sense of Self. This is the process that is underway… to come into alignment with authentic Self. Core Self. This diversion from an old path may be divine intervention and divine course correction, that may lead to restitution, a balancing of the scales and good fortune. Authenticity leads to harmony and a balanced state, for joy to be experienced.

Philosopher Plato even defined justice, as the health of the soul. A healthy soul will naturally strive toward goodness, beauty, and truth, and the moral code and social customs notwithstanding.

Without injustices, the name of justice would mean what?
— Greek Poet Heraclitus

Eris transits is all about the hand of the divine coming in, to bring consciousness and clarity. Realising that perhaps one sided relationships, are relationship not worth having… Having to learn and understanding that the dynamics of warfare and trauma-bonding used as a selfish weapon, come back to bite the abuser...

If this information is triggering for you, please read the disclaimer.

The following may not be for everyone.

Divine Judgement and Re-Arrangement

This is the season for divine re-adjustment.

Having walked away from disempowering situations, and not looking back, if that had been your choice. For the Wheel of Fortune to spin and change.

The five direct Eris square Pluto hits has just concluded in October 2021. This is the season to reap what you had sown. To harvest the good, or bad seeds that you planted in a previous season. To be seen for your true colours. To be recognised as counterfeit or genuine. To be seen for the illusions, greed, narcissism, and selfishness. Or the kind-hearted, loving individuals who do walk this earth and are taken advantage of.

Karma time, baby!

What you sow, you do reap.

The conclusion of a long Eris astrological transit, is a time where good people who had been troubled, finessed or wronged, by the darkness that occur during Eris transits, may be divinely vindicated. It's all coming out to show how darkness thrives through low vibrational people. And their deep-rooted woundedness and critical spirit.

Sometimes people are thwarted by obstacles that feels like total defeat. And those who caused the heartbreak won’t admit, take accountability, nor see another point of view. Those who turned their back, left situations, forgave, healed and allowed their self-empowerment: may now reap their harvests of divine rearrangement. Eris teaches very valuable lessons. When wronged, defeated or betrayed. Let it go. Forgive. And let a higher order take care of it. Knowing this wisdom: you can’t change other people, nor overwhelming opposition, but you can change your Self.

You can allow divine redemption, and divine justice, by learning the process of Eris alchemy; to turn bad situations into gold. Not paying wrong for wrong. Not indulging in unforgiveness.

You can stop the flow of negative energy, which is so much better. Learning your lessons: that there is great value in being a good, honest person of integrity and growing in fortitude and resilience. That those who attempt to deprive or degrade another, perhaps to manipulate, control or ruin other’s lives, might inevitably reveal or destroy themselves. You dig a grave for another, you might just fall into it yourself. You want to hoard all the benefits for yourself, that might just end up bringing you extreme misfortune. It is not worth it to take revenge… let it go. When you take revenge, you lower yourself to another’s level, and will get consequences. You will get a hell of your own making; this is what happens when you wish ill on others. It is better NOT to allow others to take you to hell, due to their bad choices. Refuse to take on victim mentality, and heal instead, so you can return to enjoying your life.

The real flex is healing yourself without becoming like those who traumatized you.
— Unknown source, from social media

Eris square Pluto’s five direct hits are over, yet its orb of influence will reverberate, and be felt up to 2024.

Forgive your haters, enviers, and your enemies. Justice by divine arrangement is the very best kind of recompense. During Eris transits, emotional balance is very important, else you suffer along with those who hurt you. Therefore a pruning of what is unnecessary, to allow new growth, must be done. A necessary gentleness and clarity to be reached.

The discord and strife of the heart and mind during Eris transits, cannot not to be underestimated. So forgive, so that you may see your ships sail in, in good time. Bountiful harvests of abundance, for those who allowed their total transformation, after near destruction. Such is the nature of Eris square Pluto transits. Epic. Consequential. This website has many examples, listed to the right.

Harvest time is here, and we are going to be moving forward, because the five direct hits of the Eris square Pluto aspect have concluded. And toxic cycles hopefully broken. Coronavirus lockdowns will now be easing, and we will discover just how much society has changed… There is some shock to ‘the way things have been’, and we’re likely to see more strong power plays as the Eris square Pluto aspect is triggered into 2024, in order for us to move into the next chapter of human evolution.

According to Greek poet Homer, the bloodiest battle in history, the Trojan War, went on for ten years. This is about the timeframe that Eris’s strife and conflict energy can stay active in one degree of the zodiac if you consider the following. Eris can stay in one degree of the zodiac for up to 7 years depending, unlike Pluto transits where the energy is active in one degree for up to 2-3 years depending. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years, where for Eris it is 558 years. When orbs around this one degree of the zodiac are added, one may be able to justify why Eris energy can stay active for up to 10 years… and when the Wheel of Fortune as it pertains to Eris energy is considered, this is quite plausible.

Eris lower expression energy has the potential to be extremely destructive and cause immense suffering and hopelessness, but the higher expression energy holds the potentials for alchemy and benevolent change that breaks that stalemate energy.

Breaking Chains: Light and Dark Eris

IF the light side of Eris can be the refining of a person’s character, the purity, that childlike, joyful state of being, and that confident high status. Then the dark side may be the corruption or destruction of a person, keeping them in a toxic bind, so that they have been compromised, or subdued, so they can be controlled.

Which is why we see the positive side of social media as being inspired by positive influencers to improve one’s Self; to grow and glow, shine and enjoy heart-based fulfilment.

It’s about sharing from the heart, to offer something of high value up to others, because you are invested in the mutually beneficial heart-based relation.

With the discovery of Eris in 2005, social media, and cellphones took off, creating a level of heart-felt sharing like never before. Individuals had more access to social media influencers who inspire them to be the best version of themselves. To grow out of shadows and difficulty, and into authentic fulfilment. They are important infectious agents of change, shifting other’s perspectives, in their own growth process.

And the negative side are those who are in denial, who refuse to see truth about themselves. The status quo who frequently go down ego-fulfilment roads that lead nowhere. Who thrive off of creating obstacles for others, and cause the rage, pain, and wounds that other people have experienced from oppression and being marginalised. It’s the perpetuation of the false ego, the over-reliance on validation-seeking, pretending to be righteous, the attention-seeking, and the Petty-Bettys. And it is about those who want to pull down those influencers, tarnish their character, wear false masks to fool or hate on them. Negative Eris is the scammers, the affection-thieves, devilish influencers and the pathological liars who want to compromise other’s integrity, cause instability or torment them. It’s the unseen warfare, the demonic attacks, the dominion over, and the conflict black magic, in order to cause imbalance for another; to bring them down. Sociopaths getting a thrill from putting people in vulnerable positions, and then taking advantage of them. Unhealed people, highly skilled at lying, narcissism and manipulating, stirring up conflict, home-wreaking, only to cry wolf. Leaving others to pick up the pieces of psychological, mental or physical abuse.

This is why high vibrational Eris is furious at the f*****y…

The Ignorant: Refusing the Self-Realisation of the Lightbulb Moment

Eris transits are also about the closed-minded and stubborn, who refuse to see another’s point of view. Unwilling to open their thinking to new ways of being, unwilling to learn, nor step out of the box. Ignorant, and in self-deception, and they didn’t even know that they were, because they were so comfortable in what they knew. Causing unnecessary drama, disagreement or chaos for those who have insightful, valuable information, that they are too ignorant to know about. Refusing that lightbulb moment. Too stuck up, detached or mean. Too much “my way or the highway” and “I-know-it-all attitude”.

When you are unwilling to give something new a chance, nor change, that is a sure sign that you have a lot to learn. Nobody knows everything. Eris is here to shine a light to wake these people up.

Higher Eris expression people have the wisdom and the knowledge on how to create a magical life effortlessly, because they are open-minded, pure spirited, and willing to learn. Knowing that each human being have the potential to reach those insights, and open up to those resources, if they are willing to put in the effort to grow and mature. Eris asks some heart-felt effort.

Albert Einstein Showing Real Value in Authenticity, and Stealing

Today, Astrologers are in the beginning stages of understanding Eris energy, yet I am certain that there are those who understand the true maverick of this planet very well, like the secret service, the mainstream media, billionaires and industry moguls. At the start of coronavirus awareness, we have certainly seen that the mainstream media was ready with the overly-dramatic fear-mongering, and pushing for the interests of the vaccine industry. Today, those individuals with this maverick at play would certainly be closely watched by those around them, ready to scam, con or steal their work, so that another can capitalise off it.

In his book, The Tenth Planet, Henry Seltzer explains that the same year that Eris retrograded over Nobel Prize recipient Albert Einstein’s natal sun, was when he had his “miracle year” (1905) when he published his five papers that completely changed the world, as far as physics was concerned. Einstein was a curious, nonconformist and independent thinker as part of his personality. His ability to question the conventional wisdom provided the creative spark that ultimately led to many of his innovate scientific breakthroughs. Einstein reportedly proclaimed in a letter to a fatherly friend in 1901,

“A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth.”

How curious that Eris is that independent thinker, and western society is that Plutonian authority who wants to keep the status quo in place. It’s very fitting. Eris and Pluto’s destinies are very intertwined in relation, as previously explored.

AdobeStock_381596131 albert einstein.jpg

Skepticism and a resistance to received wisdom became a hallmark of Einstein’s life. He never seemed to feel encumbered by prevailing views or conventional thinking. Those who knew him reportedly said that he opposed any movements that curtailed freedom of expression, or freedom of thought. In Walter Isaacson’s biography Einstein: His Life and Universe, he wrote:

“There was a simple set of formulas that defined Einstein’s outlook. Creativity required being willing not to conform. That required nurturing free minds and free spirits, which in turn required ‘a spirit of tolerance.’ And the underpinning of tolerance was humility — the belief that no one had the right to impose ideas and beliefs on others.”

Einstein had a childlike wonder, and had Eris (14 Pisces 50'46") conjunct his Midheaven in his birth chart. He was also able to tap into that Eris energy splendidly around the time Eris conjuncted his Sun in Pisces.

Maverick. Genius. And he was world famous and recognised (MC) for it. Splendid. What a lightbulb for the world!

Henry’s book is well worth acquiring if you want to explore these well researched examples. It shows that Eris tend to feature strongly in the charts of mavericks, change-makers and others with a strong, individual stand who pursue their own thinking, that may bring great gifts and blessings to the world. These are the people who make those leaps of faith, venture off on their own path, not being limited by previous experience, nor other’s opinions. They enjoy their own natural quantum flow. They choose a unique, pioneering path that excites them from a soul level, which may appear nonsensical to others. They open up to an inner knowing, attaining a broader view and comprehension on some great mystery in life. Their crowning achievement being the delivering of their epiphanies and progressions, into a format that others can benefit from as well.

From the moment Einstein moved to the USA, he was spied on by the FBI for many decades. It became a 22-year surveillance campaign, during which agents listened to the physicist’s phone calls, opened his mail and rooted through his trash in the hope of unmasking him as a subversive or a Soviet spy. His projects were also under watchful eye.

Had Einstein lived today, there would have been many more different ways in which those around him, might have tried to take advantage of him, and steal from him.

It is this journey and experience of authenticity that may cause the Eris maverick to be at the receiving end of unfair wickedness, like envy, spite and vindictiveness, for this maverick comes with living a life of integrity, and loyalty to Self. A state not everyone can obtain, due to the temptations of human life.

Eris as Influencer; the Pioneer or the Egoic Attitude

Image: Listed above, is the names of Eris’ maternal siblings and children translated from the Greek language, according to Greek mythology. See this page for details or click to enlarge.

Astrologer Bryan Colter recently made an excellent comparison in a Full Moon in Aries video that he titled “Pioneer, or Die on Spear?” It was truely an excellent concept, masterfully executed and presented. Kudos.

From the 11 minute time marker, he describes the principle of “where our attention goes, energy flows” and like attracts like. Also the choice between the more virtuous emotional expression of an astrological transit, as opposed to the more destructive aspects of the energies. He describes the virtue of striving for the higher end of the spectrum, for the benefit of growth through that process.

Bryan uses his own situation as a passionate YouTube Astrology influencer and the competitive nature of those who create this kind of video content, as an excellent example to bring his perspective of Eris in Aries across. He describes it as a highly competitive environment, but, depending on which end of the spectrum you operate from. Either the Pioneer or the “Die on Spear” attitude.

For the more destructive warrior archetype, would intensely “scour” over other astrologer’s videos, looking at all the likes, comments, and content, with that egoic structure, low vibrational consciousness behaviour. Seeking to one-up on another, being better, always comparing oneself with others, instead of creating unique, individual content. Perhaps even leading to more worst egoic behaviour like stealing other’s content, or ideas, generating stress and destruction in their internal environment. Perhaps also generating karma, in the external environment, or a negative rippling effect on their own work, tainting or poisoning it in the process with the threatening, survival egoic mode that they function from. Bryan explains that this is the dark side of Eris; out in full battle dress.

On the flip side, he explores how the positive, passionate, healthy, pioneering spirit of Eris, can be utilised to transform one’s Self, one’s business, and benefit the community, with this competitive aspect. By looking at others in the same industry doing amazingly, as inspirational, to propel the Self on a unique, individual journey to provide better quality content, to perfect one’s craft. To rely on one’s own fire and creativity, instead of getting jealous of other’s.

“To innovate, to evolve, and to transform to a whole new level. So it is all about where you come from. If it comes from ego, or your Soul. Positive or negative. Like attracts like. Attraction and repulsion.”

Bryan’s Pioneer or “Die on Spear” concept is humorous, but it is also Eris maverick, and is applicable to many situations where there is envy, toxicity and rivalry. He has great insights into how this hardworking warrior energy can be applied to be more of a pioneer, in a healthy competitive way.

It is the dark Eris player that deliberate create fights, and discord, as the secretive orchestrator of chaos. Stirring the pot just for the sake of seeing other’s peace disrupted, without there being substance behind the bad behaviour.

This is the drama starter, back biter, and shit stirrer, who throws a brick and hides his hand. Acting innocent, playing stupid, like they don’t know what happened. Yet happy to sit back to see the drama unfold, like they didn’t do anything. Secretly smiling as they sit back and watch someone suffering, knowing that they are the reason for the suffering.

We have to learn to recognise the bloodthirsty goddess roaming the battlefields, with the aim to stir more drama, in ourselves and other people. Who would rather perpetuate the problem with her overemphasised masculinity; which is symbolically also the patriarchal system that overturn the human narrative into one of masculine superiority, while marginalising certain people and groups. It’s that conflict of interest of those in power, to perpetuate the self-serving system, while pretending to make fair decisions for everyone, stirring conflict to lure attention away from the real problem. Like Paris in the mythology of Eris, whose skill is to persuade everyone to trust him, confide in him and believe him, and then using that trust of him, to destroy them from the inside. Making them confused, and stuck in a mental prison. For his benefit.

And recognise being the good Eris, that starts the right and necessary movement to dismantle old, dysfunctional consciousness, instead. By offering consciousness shifts, and her own transcendence into a healed, feminine and peaceable woman, as an avenue for change in the world. Also having reverence for those who destroy outdated ways of being, that do not serve humanity, and being able to masterfully discern between good and bad Eris.

Astrologer Sarah Varcas wrote the following, which is very true at present:

“The Sabian symbol for her [Eris’] discovery degree is ‘a young girl feeding birds in Winter’. In this image we see the ‘maiden’ archetype, providing sustenance to creatures in need during times of low supply. It augurs a rebirth of the feminine principle, to nourish us during times of lack and vulnerability.”

Higher frequency Eris provides that feminine nourishment, often via social media, after her own journey, being a huge source of inspiration to others, with her knowing of how to transform lives…

The Fruits of Giving to the Bloodthirsty Ego-Mind

Eris higher expression leaves a mark in the world, the lower expression leaves a scar. Why? The lower expression want others to get out of character, to stoop to their level.

Eris in Aries can be the fiery expression of the self-righteous ego wanting to culture another’s unhappiness. Creating a war zone of rivalry and competing to make the other person the loser, by stealing their happiness. Perhaps betrayal, abandonment or backstabbing to make another miserable, so the ego can get that boost. This happens in all sorts of environments: the family home, partnerships, the work place, the school yard, organisations etc.

From the victim’s perspective, it’s that feeling of having the devil breathing down your neck, knowing, that they are plotting your demise, culture conflict and stress for you. To manifest utter despair, so they can get their satisfaction.

It’s also the extreme competitiveness of Mars in Aries. He is said to be Eris’ older brother Ares. And with Mars being in its home sign Aries, conjunct Eris for the latter half of 2020, we all saw in horror in people around us, the thrill of chasing the victory, needing to create the suffering of others who are not so strong, or less resilient to withstand the attack, to manifest a defeat.

Like a vampire, whose blood-thirst must be satisfied. An assassin wanting to take another out.

It’s the temptations of the narcissism of the mind, and the low vibrational emotions that seek to grow and be fed, by preying on another.

To every day be in a situation, where someone’s goal is to defeat you, make you less than, humiliate you, take from you, flatten you with the earth, for that thing they desperately want. Not caring about making enemies out of loved ones, friends, or their own children. Needing that thrill of winning so badly, that some will disempower and shatter another human being in the process, leaving scars so deep. Not caring, because at the time, it felt so good to indulge in badness. Because getting ego satisfaction may have been more important than anything else. No matter if innocent children’s lives are destroyed, or co-workers have to suffer psychological damage.

Anything, so long as that other person can be kept under the boot of disempowerment. Barely alive, but still squirming, and stuck under that boot. Still the abuser may not be quite satisfied.

These are the people who want to win pre-eminence at all cost, constantly devising a plan and letting everyone be persuaded of their superiority; that their rights should come first. Causing drama and trauma in order to have a tight toxic grip on another. Using forceful and deliberate trauma-bonding to get a hold on another… Or mental magic with illusions to get another to think that they have power over them.

Why? Because of admiration-whores who want all the rewards of another, for themselves (just like Snow White’s stepmother who wanted the sole admiration of the mirror, and was willing to kill to keep it).

Eris and Pandora’s Box of Troubles

Define: To Desecrate
1. to treat a sacred, thing, place or person with violent disrespect;
2. to spoil or vandalise something which is valued and respected
— Various Online Sources

Eris square Pluto transits are times when evil spirits literally fly around, and are able to influence people who are in a low vibration. Tempting them to act out in devil activities.

Those who chose to indulge in envy, lies, slander, hate, spite and vindictiveness, wanting to destroy people’s character, connections, and reputations, or whatever goodness they can get their hands on, are prime suspects, because they are vulnerable to negative influence. Eris exposes what had been there for some time, hiding and lurking, yet during Eris transits, hiding the truth becomes impossible; it is exposed and seen. Spell-work, dark magic or rituals may have gone unnoticed for years, but it will eventually be recognised. The confusion, conflict or sex spells, and illusion magic, to bound another person up. Envy, for example, isn’t something that pops up overnight, it is something that is deliberately nurtured and fed, sometimes for years.

Image: Painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Pandora’s Box unleashing all manner of evils, from WikiMedia Commons, click to enlarge.

Pandora’s box is the mythological story about a forbidden container, which after succumbing to temptation, was opened, unleashing all manner of misery, curses, sickness, wickedness, and evil, out to plague humanity.

According to Wikipedia, Pandora's box is an artifact in Greek mythology connected with the myth of Pandora in Hesiod's Works and Days. He reported that curiosity led her to open a container left in care of her husband, thus releasing physical and emotional curses upon mankind. Later depictions of the story have been varied, while some literary and artistic treatments have focused more on the contents than on Pandora herself. The container mentioned in the original account was actually a large storage jar, but the word was later mistranslated. In modern times an idiom has grown from the story meaning "Any source of great and unexpected troubles", or alternatively "A present which seems valuable but which in reality is a curse".

Eris and Pandora’s box was mentioned together in ancient work by the Greek Poet Hesiod. Jonathan P. Zarecki propose “that the position of the Pandora story within the text and, most importantly, the language used to introduce her and also the two Erides, fashions for the audience a strong connection between Pandora and the Good Eris. The two disparate roles of Eris, the conundrum concerning man’s life of labor (that it is a bane but also a noble and worthy undertaking), and the ambiguity of the contents of Pandora’s jar, all reflect the tendency of early Greek thought to systematize the world according to a series of opposites. I will argue, through a discussion of three strong parallels, that in the Opera these oppositions are related to each other, with the result that the Good Eris and Pandora become equivalent beings."

Today we understand that each astrological planet and zodiac sign have both a positive and negative expression.

Image: The Hamsa, a charm believed to ward off the evil eye, from Wikimedia Commons.

Therefore it is easy to agree that the malevolence that spawned from Pandora’s box, do parallel the evil and chaos experienced during Eris transits.

Lock Down in Judgement and Karma Time

The Eris square Pluto transits are times when karma has people on lock-down, serving time... for the exercising of that free will.

These are times when previously repressed, violent, discombobulating emotions return involuntary; the guilt, shame, fear, mental anguish, etc. Emotions that rise from deep within, to spew out and express like red hot lava. People feel their pain during this transit, and then they are tempted to make others pay for the pain they feel. It is these emotions that wreaks the chaos, all that repressed emotional matter, perhaps stemming from childhood trauma. Being in mental prisons of agony, as the conscience come to haunt, over the pain unfairly perpetuated onto another as well. A can of worms and a Pandora’s box that cannot be contained. Not able to escape what a person had been in denial over, hiding from, perhaps scapegoating others for, and expecting them to stay silent about injustice, moral corruption or abuse of power. Some deeds being so horrifying, such a deep betrayal, slander or backstab, that the abuser doesn’t even want to acknowledge it to themselves. They may not be able to admit it, nor take accountability, perhaps because what they did was so bizarre. Avoidance might have worked in previous seasons, but during Eris square Pluto transits people are faced with the reality of how wicked, dark, destructive, and evil people can be.

Players and backbiters can run, but you can’t hide from Eris square Pluto energy.

And those who refuse to change, or refuse to mature, may keep running into these same repeating emotional and mental patterns during these transits.

Those who had been abused by an agent of the devil, may rest assured, that abusers don’t really get away with unjust actions, without it causing them immense torment at some point in their life. Divine retribution. What comes around, goes around.

The bad karma that corrupt repeat offenders reap, may unfortunately, cause them to loose touch with their own innate abundance, creativity, stability, their soul self, their own goodness. Feeling that Pluto/Eris guilt and shame. Study the nature of the transits, and you may find it to be so.

It is self-destruction, to wreak havoc on another’s life with your cunning, and think that you can get away scot-free without paying the piper.

What an illusion. To cause a disturbance or imbalance in another’s life, and think there will be no consequences.

During this time, it is important for innocent people to step back so that karma can deal with people; letting them pay their karmic dues, so that they can change for the better. Also knowing that if the innocent step in when cause and effect is handed out, it may have to deal with you as well. Get out of the way innocent people.

This is the season where people will hopefully learn to stop being an energy vampire, to feed their ego and self-esteem, at the expense of others… The consequences that Eris brings on an individual, is that significant… Eris energy will be around beyond 2028. So get with the program… get therapy, or at least invest in this very helpful program.

Image: Pandora was warned not to fall for the temptation of opening the box, via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Pandora opens the box and releases wickedness onto the world. From WikiMedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Define Conscience
1. that inner sense that makes you aware of your actions or motives, as being either morally right or wrong;
2. sensitive regard for fairness or justice;
3. a feeling of guilt because you know you have done something that is wrong.
— Various Online Sources

Lightbulb Moment and Karma Time

At the end of these transits, are the times when the lightbulb goes on, and the enemy see and recognise the folly of the ego inflation, the bad seeds that had been sown, and the destruction on the battlefields…

Good things ruined and gone forever. Misfortune. And the foul taste of corruption…

Karma time for a season of ravaging savages, who tried to manifest an injustice for another, and the horrors generated.

Those who lived in the state of being overly righteous, feeding that ferocious inner beast to win, with the desire to keep others in a toxic bind; so they can feel in control. Now becoming enlightened to the fruits of their folly. Perhaps now recognising that surrender and release are no longer optional, but mandatory. Because the win-at-all-cost battle state is not good for anyone’s business, title, position, or character, as people begin to recognise Bad Eris behaviour for what is really is. The reputations of abusers are on the line…

Recognising the consequences of not taking personal accountability, not allowing growth, nor emotional maturity in previous seasons. Not growing in wisdom. But staying like a child; immature, petty, throwing tantrums because satisfaction was chased, and not achieved. Lost. Because there wasn’t a recognition of Bad Eris and Bad Pluto, and their associated dishonourable behaviours. What felt like a thrill to chase, a successful scam, or a victory achieved, perhaps ended in horrific loss for all parties. Eris demands that the truth be acknowledged. So be it.

And in some cases, those who were made out to be the losers in a relation or public setting, perhaps now recognised as the winner, for standing their ground for their convictions. Being self-disciplined, managing those emotions, and not letting up: on making the abuser acknowledge and take responsibility for what they did. Coming out of denial, owning up to the unnecessary foolishness, and the toxic situation.

Everyone perhaps coming to the realisation, that the one who was marginalised and excluded, has the upper hand…

On the flip side, some never mature, never grow, never acquire wisdom. Still needing the underhanded, toxic, two-faced behaviours, and attempts to get those ego victories, and satisfactions, that does not really satisfy. What a waste of time? Yet it is what it is. Which is why the wheat has to be separated from the chaff during Eris transits. They don’t go together. The Holy Bible has a mind-boggling amount of Eris stories in it, regarding diving retribution, which is the punishment for wrongdoing, which tends to happen when the wheel of fortune turns in favour of those who experienced injustice.

Those wrongdoers who refuse to bend, may find that Eris and Pluto energy can break them. One way or the other, this energy is stronger than the worse case of selfish. It can bring you to their knees.

Define Salty
1. is a slang term for irritated, angry, or resentful, especially as a result of losing or being slighted;
2. the act of being upset, angry, or bitter as result of being made fun of or embarrassed;
3. a characteristic of a person who feels out of place or is feeling attacked;
4. when someone is jealous.
— Various Online Sources

The Judgement of Paris, is the Greek mythological story of Eris, and it eloquently describes the relationship shenanigans and lack of fair play, that caused one person to be marginalised, and the poor choices that had far-reaching consequences for everyone. Devastation all around, due to spiritual starvation and those of poor character. Because someone wanted to have their cake, and eat it too. Enslaved by control, greed, ego or self-indulgence. In wanting the best of both words in relation, all may have been lost. Empty victory. Arrested development. Misfortune.

Kings and kingdoms topple under Eris transits. Empires are obliterated.

The scales always seek to be re-balanced though, to compensate for evils and injustice.

Image: Artgate Fondazione Cariplo - Canova Antonio, Allegoria della Giustizia via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Paris of Troy the shepherd The marble copy after the plaster original made by Boris Orlovsky in 1824. via Wikimedia Commons.

Eris Karma: Finding Rejuvenation and Renewal

Define Edification
1. the moral, emotional, spiritual or intellectual improvement of someone;
2. uplifting elevation, enlightenment and illumination gained;
3. building up of the soul and character;
4. purification, grace and self-compassion.
— Various Online Sources

When there had been an injustice and someone was left out in the cold, or done dirty in a relationships, the Eris square Pluto transits were a great time for that person to go within, heal, and give to themselves the love and goodness that they were deprived of. To give to themselves: the reciprocity, the dedication, loyalty and the energy investment, that another refused to share. It is in this process, that people get to re-learn and embody Self-love, and doing right by Self. It is in this transformation, that people reconnect to their authenticity, their core and their divinity, hopefully finding some restoration and renewal, after near destruction of an Eris transit.

In completing the edification, some may now finally be ready to receive their reward: a divine new beginning. Taking the destructive energy and turning it into creative energy.

A new cycle, with infinite potentials for the deserving.

The Past Return at the Sweet Smell of Blessings

Players from the past often return some time after direct Eris transits had concluded. After divine retribution, who never looses an address.

Those troublemakers who caused heartbreak and despair in relationship, may return. Either with fake or sincere regret. Tables do turn on those who caused sorrow with their f****y, who in turn, may now be experiencing the despair, heartache or hopelessness, they had designed for another. A lack of success. A plan backfiring. The evil-doers perhaps having to experience all of the emotions that they thought the other would feel. The defeat, rejection, lack of fulfilment, and feeling left out in the cold. Eris style. Be grateful for these people leaving your life, because you may have dodged a bullet…

Some of these people may return to re-open the relationship cycle, perhaps because it did not end the way they had intended. Having experienced people of poor character, who use others based on the benefits they may receive from them, it is important to have learnt the lesson, about people who don’t have others best interest at heart. Who see others as tools or resources. Not relating to people based on your good character, but based on what they have materialistically. Having missed out on a certain lifestyle with an abundant person, due to poor, low vibrational choices. It is important to recognise, comprehend and not be in denial of the truth. Some may come back with a sense of entitlement, like an obnoxious spoilt brat, demanding to be part of your abundant new beginning, when they chose to be a karmic foe.

What does the ego mind, the negative entities, Zeus, Paris etc. hate most of all? People who elevated above them into a stable, abundant and joyful life. This is why the anti-christ assassins target innocent people they envy. Being a secret troublemaker in their life.

They hate that every time they block the Higher Expression Eris person, they just get greater, and they just walk over whatever traps they set for them. They are fascinated by this, and they struggle between love and hate for the star that shines brightly. They hate that the Higher expression Eris people end up getting justice, what they rightfully deserve, and that things happen in their favour. They are haters. They don’t get how good people get the blessings and have the last laugh. They don’t understand why these people, ultimately, get justice, and get their way. They don’t understand why the Higher expression get the wish fulfilment… This is why the lower expression want to affiliate, learn from and love-bomb on the higher expression person, and then end up being a liability, who switches up on them, and backstabs them. They want to be part of the good times and celebrations, while secretly hating on them, feeding their envy, and being obsessed.

Eris lower expression players create illusions, and attempt to make people think they have power over them, when all the chaos and conflict are only an inconvenience; it’s smoke and mirrors. This is the clarity that need to be reached.

Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy?

It’s all about the good energy of another which they cannot find inside themselves, due to their own bad choices.

Eris, Judgement and Paying the Piper

Eris higher expression people know that self-worth and fulfilment are to be found within.

Not from seeking validation from other people. When your heart is filled with gratitude for the unique expression that you are, the human body begins to vibrate and oscillate at a higher frequency. Like a tuning fork, it attracts resonance, and that which vibrate at the same. There is benefit in being in gratitude to challenging situations and people who have crossed your path, and had contributed to your growth. Being freed from old patterns, and outdated programming. Giving thanks to the beauty of polarity and duality, for without it, there would be little variation and elevation. Experiencing both low and high frequencies makes life all the more sweet for having had the experience.

The people who are able to elevate, will be the leaders of the future, and they need to learn to protect their energy from low vibrational people, who may not want to change, and don’t want to be helped.

If people from the past should suddenly return, they may be shocked to find a completely changed person. And now, the vibrational difference between the two parties, may be too large for a reconnection… The past may not be able come with you into your new abundant life. You may have elevated to such a degree, that there is too much vibrational incompatibility. Simply put, you don’t put up with bullcrap no more. Like Persephone, having completed her journey to autonomy and sovereignty. She changed. Another article describes why Eris higher expression is the great big blessing, and Eris lower expression the blessing-blocker. They don’t seem to be able to gel, because one will seek to sabotage the other eventually.

Karma is the outcome and product of our actions. When troublemakers try to mess with other’s blessing, they will miss out on their own.

Based off of the choices and actions from in the past, there will be a consequence, and a manifestation… Either a good harvest, or a loss. Learn your Eris lessons now, so that you may reap a better harvest next season. Appreciate your own successes, traits and uniqueness. Treat people well, be openminded, kind, compassionate, loving, forgiving and have an open heart, which is a form of planting good seeds in your life. Yet don’t be ignorant of the fact that this human experience contains both light and dark extremes. Eris shows that indulgence in bad energy, will keep you stuck and stagnant there, as a result. Worth it? I think not. The bad karma and misfortune are not worth it. It is the repeating of one karmic

cycle after the other, without learning, not allowing the growth, nor the maturation, that keeps people in stuck energy.

This stagnancy is the very reason why envy, resentment, and vindictiveness grow to mammoth proportions. Why?

Enviers see the envied getting abundant blessings, that they may be unable to… that’s why they are salty.

Some people are literally “walking bad luck” due to all the karma they have accumulated; nothing good happens for them.

And it is their own exercising of free will, selfish choices and actions, that had brought opportunists and covert blessing-blockers poor harvests. That they now have to pay the piper for. Bearing the negative consequence of something that was indulged in, and deliberately enjoyed, at an earlier time.

How horrible, to see others completing cycles and getting their good returns, and yet you refuse to do what it takes, to get the same outcome… That is tragic…

The divine lives in each human being, yet if you disown your true nature, your soul Self… that is your choice. We each have free will. We are each sovereign beings (Eris in Aries). So get with the program. Leave the narcissism of the MIND, bad choices, and the low vibrational emotions in the past.

Define Pay the Piper
1. to take responsibility for what one owes or deserves;
2. suffering the consequences of your own self-indulgent actions;
3. to accept and to bear the consequences for some action or circumstance; 
4. to pay for one’s pleasures or bear the consequences of one’s actions.
— Various Online Sources

Image: Scales of Justice via Wikimedia Commons.

The meaning of the word ‘judgement’ is a decision, criticism or opinion about someone or something that you form after temperance and thinking carefully. It is about the ability to make sensible conclusions. Judgement is a court decision that settles a dispute between two parties by determining the rights and obligations of each party. It is about making good/sound/poor decisions. Judgement is a persuasion, a belief, an intelligent conviction, or prudent determination. Judgement is also another word that describes mental clarity; which is what is reached at the conclusion of an Eris transit. This helps people let go and finally move on. For judgement is also the misfortune and calamity, viewed by some as divine punishment after sinful ways.

Eris, Instigator for our Individual and Collective Evolution

At the last of the five Eris square Pluto transits, Astrology Hub podcaster Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh talked to astrologer Michelle Haeckel about this transit. It was quite enlightening and illuminating. Michelle described the immature and mature expression of Eris so beautifully.

Here is a take-away of some of the most interesting thoughts:

  • At the 29 minute time marker, Michelle eloquently describes the vast polarities that Eris can embody. The peaceful compassion, and wrathful compassion. Enjoying fierce fun in being very joyful and childlike, and being viciously childish because people treat her unfairly. Abundant creative power and potential, as well as being stuck and stagnant in the toxicity. The immature expression being to create problems for others, for the sake of creating problems, and in the positive expression, the shit-stirrer that points the finger at the problems that need to be addressed. Michelle says that we are the wellspring, and the source, of our own joy in creating. And not to take things so seriously.

  • At the 37 minute time marker, Michelle talks about Eris showing us that there is another source of life force - within us - that we haven’t been able to tap into. The discovery chart of Eris is also described, and Michelle’s point of view is captivating! She talks about the conjunction of Pluto, Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius on the galactic centre. Of bringing opposing forces together masterfully.

  • At the 50 minute time marker, Michelle talks about the shedding of an old Self, to discover who we really are. And in the negative expression, Pluto being where we refuse to evolve, refuse to see the truth of who we really are. Also the misunderstandings and jumping to conclusions.

  • At the 56 minutes time marker, Michelle talks about the need to start taking risks with Eris, jumping into places that we normally would not. And knowing that fear is just a doorway, to the next initiation of humanity.

Thank you Amanda and Michelle for facilitating this marvellous discussion.

Video: In this episode of the Astrology Hub Podcast astrologers Andrea Michelle Haeckel + Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh, Founder of Astrology Hub discuss Eris, instigator for our individual and collective evolution. You'll learn... About Andrea’s personal journey into studying and practicing Astrology, and why Eris is a focus of her research. The remarkable details and symbolism Andrea has found in Eris’s origin chart. How Eris’s influence is present in the current cosmic energy, and how you can work with this energy in a positive way. Video by AstrologyHub, posted Oct 9, 2021