Pluto, Emotional Manipulator and Influencer Extraordinaire - Jealousy versus Envy

It is well known that Pluto is the emotional manipulator extraordinaire, but people have over the ages been afraid of Pluto’s power, and even in astrology many only skim lightly over Pluto’s qualities; as having to do with death and rebirth, and being transformative. When looking at the energies of astrological bodies, it is important that we take the good with the bad, even though the bad in this case, is not quite so palatable…

The previous article started the dialog about the massive emphasis on Pluto’s instability and powerful emotionality due to multiple factors in the discovery chart, in earnest. This article will zone in deeper on the mutual reception of Moon in Scorpio trine Pluto in Cancer.

In other words, it’s the ability for Pluto energy to be highly emotionally proficient in the higher expression. However when the energy is immature, ego-driven or abused, the emotional waters (read lymph) turn stagnant and toxic, which is what leads to the temptation to tell lies, demolish relationships, to influence negatively, steal, entrap, or in general; just being a crazy, unstable rocket firing at random in self-destruct mode…

Image: Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto by Caravaggio via Wikimedia Commons.

Pluto is associated with the zodiac sign of Scorpio, which we know, will stick its stinger in its own body; annihilating itself.

The five direct Eris square Pluto hits are over, however trans-Neptunian objects move very slow, and as this article is being compiled, Eris squares Pluto very nearly within a two degree orb, which entails a reverberation of the issues. Many other articles on this website have described in great detail how social media influencers reported being targeted by online trolls, scammers, hackers, profiteers, social engineers, and haters with smear-campaigns and attempts to negatively influence (read sabotage) the happy online community that they had created over the years. This started happening just as Eris and Pluto started their square at the start of the year 2020, as coronavirus put everyone on lockdown. Curiously, Eris had also been trining Kuiper belt object Varda for a while, and together this created a climate of instability, over-emotionality, insecurities rising, envy, spiteful behaviour and vindictiveness. As this article was published, the South Node was at 13 degrees Scorpio; a fine time to be examining the rotten cause and effect of manipulation, control, secrets, and selling souls to the devil. Karma time for ravaging savages.


Mutual Reception

In astrology, mutual reception is when two planets are in each other's signs of rulership. Mutual Reception Two planets are in mutual reception when they are in each other's signs (for example Mercury is in Aries and Mars is in Gemini). Reception is a condition where one planet is located in a sign where a second planet has astrological dignity--for example, a sign which the second planet rules or in which it is exalted. This creates a reciprical bond between then that is often not immediately seen as an astrologer looks at a chart. The two planets occupy each other’s signs and this relationship makes the expression of the commonalities very prominent. In this video astrologer Steven Forrest explains the foundational idea. He says this is typically an active and harmonious connection of two planets, with a commonality of purpose “as stronger together, that either of them would be alone”. It can also be seen as an active urge to be of use to the other energy.

In Pluto’s discovery chart, Moon in Scorpio at 13 degrees and Pluto in Cancer at 17 degrees is NOT ONLY in each other’s signs, they also make a trine aspect. This is quite rare and unique, and makes a strong statement of the nature of Pluto (since it’s his discovery chart).

Image: Internal structure of Pluto:

Water ice crust

Liquid water ocean

Silicate core

via Wikimedia Commons.


Jealousy VERSUS Envy Rooted in Emotion and Insecurity

Both jealousy and envy has roots in human emotion and insecurity, but jealousy is more about the insecurity regarding outside forces in relation, and envy is more about the insecurities on the inside, that an individual may be unaware of, deliberately in denial over, or in a delusion over. Both are the poison and the venom that paralyses, and because these transits move so slowly, it can take a while to alchemise.

Eris insecurity

The Eris blog looks at the dynamics of envy from an astrological point of view, which is two faced people envying what others have or had accomplished, wanting it for themselves, and the scheming, social engineering, and psychological abuse that accompanies the experience to rob another of their life energy, to stage a reversal of fortune. It’s the tactics of the facading and inauthentic persona/ego to deliberately cause injustice and pain (also called schadenfreude) for the envied; to dim their light. Perhaps because the envier feels empty, melancholy and justified in their righteous rage, to injure them. At the heart of envy is unhealed and unconscious insecurities that the envier (who tend to have narcissistic traits) refuses to look at, instead mistaking the pain, envy and anger they feel, as being inflicted by the envied.

Pluto Insecurity

To understand jealousy, one has to understand Pluto’s anxiety around secrets, being kept in the dark, the unknown, and being screwed over. Pluto can be that fear and unhealed pain, after being hurt in a previous relationship, and then overcompensating by being too jealousy (in the form of possessiveness) of another. Other articles on the Pluto blog illustrates a suspicious individual who does not like for things to be done behind their back; like cheating, foul play, backstabbing, Pluto gets anxious and defensive when he is not aware of everything that is going on, which is why this website has described the Underworld as a place where everything is known and seen (unless you drink from the river of forgetfulness called the Lethe). He wants to know everything, so that he won’t jump to conclusions, put a big foot in his mouth or not look stupid for not knowing about the deception that had been going on without him ever suspecting. Being played and then looking like the played fool. Pluto energy by default deals with suspicious, dirty, sneaky, shady behaviour. This is why Pluto deals with control and knowing truth; it helps with his anxieties. See the image below of The Devil card in the tarot. From a certain point of view, Pluto is The Devil who wants control, and wants to know what is going on at all times in the relationships of those around him. Imagine if there had been a secret relationship, fling or pact between the two people, who were betraying the third person they were in relationship with. That would be experienced as a double betrayal, a very painful experience; trauma and scars that Pluto would rather like to avoid… This is why Pluto likes and prefers to be involved in other people’s life, up to date with what others are doing, and he doesn’t like to feel left out. Being part allays and soothes his suspicions and insecurities, because he knows there is no funny business going on… It’s the UNKNOWN that triggers the doubts and insecurities. This is why Pluto likes to feel wanted and needed, because he doesn’t want someone else to take his place.

Image: The Devil card in the tarot via Wikimedia Commons.

Jealousy as it relates to astrological Pluto, is being jealous of another person to the point of possessiveness over their bonds and connections, and wanting that person for themselves, to the point of exclusivity. Jealousy is illustrated in the relationship dynamics in Greek mythology between Pluto/Hades and Demeter/Ceres, as both wanted Persephone exclusively to themselves, to the point where they were waging a selfish war to have exclusive right to her. But the journey of Persephone through the Underworld shows that her eyes opened to the true colours of those who said they loved her, and had her best interest at heart, but were revealed to be self-serving saboteurs of her bonds others instead. In their control/ego battle, they were subjecting Persephone to trauma and entrapment (as described in this article) and they were showing that they will do all sorts of dirty deeds to intervene in her relationships with other people; even to the point of scaring off others or ruining her relationships. They did not want to acknowledge that Persephone was a now grown-up individual, who did not want to be caged in, nor ruled or made small.

Persephone was neither’s property, and they had no right to be over-asserting themselves in her affairs, as they were.

Can you see the see-saw relationship dynamics, between the emotional needs of each party, and how in the negative, it encroaches on another’s right for sovereignty?

This is the Eris/Pluto dynamic that have been described on multiple other pages on this website as well. Eris and Pluto is deeply intertwined.

Persephone had her own ambitions and creative pursuits she wanted to explore. She did not welcome this jealous possessiveness and manipulative restriction of her time, generosity, her relationships and her very being. It’s not healthy and in the end, both Pluto and Demeter had to realise that she had matured and became a sovereign being; forever changed by her initial Underworld experience.

An Underworld visit, and rising from it, entails having detoxified the lower vibrational energies, into vibrant new energy.

Surprisingly, Pluto has five moons, which is more than any of the other trans-Neptunian objects, which shows a particular emphasis on in-relation dynamics. Haumea has two satellites, but that is the most…


Image: A side view of the Pluto-Charon system. Pluto and Charon are tidally locked to each other. Charon is massive enough that the barycenter of Pluto's system lies outside of Pluto, thus Pluto and Charon are sometimes considered to be a binary system. via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: This discovery image, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows five moons orbiting the distant, icy dwarf planet Pluto. The darker stripe in the centre of the image is because the picture is constructed from a long exposure designed to capture the comparatively faint satellites of Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx, and a shorter exposure to capture Pluto and Charon, which are much brighter. Kerberos has an estimated diameter of 13 to 34 kilometres, and Styx is thought to be irregular in shape and 10 to 25 kilometres across. via Wikimedia Commons.


A Venus in the Underworld Event October 2022

There will be a Venus Sun superior conjunction and Solar eclipse from 22 - 25 October 2022, when Venus conjuncts the Sun, and gets lost in the “heart” of the Sun, but other articles have already been written about this momentus event, where for the first time since 1771, there will be a Venus Sun superior conjunction in Libra, instead of Scorpio.

Click to enlarge.


Image: Trans Neptunian planets from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.


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