Soul Ties, Spell Work and Breaking Karmic Cycles, From Within the Underworld where Truth is seen

Image: Boncompagni Ludovisi Collection.

Fine-grained crystalline marble; nero antico marble for the cloak, added during restoration.

The head, thought to be a Roman copy of a Greek original of the second half of the 5th Century BC, is inserted onto a 17th Century bust. The sculpture has been identified as Asclepios or Zeus; however, the long hair held in place by a flat band and the morose expression suggest an image of Hades-Pluto, the god of the underworld. via Wikimedia Commons.

It is intriguing that Pluto was the first trans-Neptunian object in the Kuiper belt discovered in 1930, and that most of the rest of the brightest trans-Neptunian objects, were discovered after 2000. At the time of writing this, the Pluto blog is also the most newly created amongst others like Haumea, Sedna, Eris, MakeMake, Gonggong, Ixion, Orcus, Quaoar, Varda and Varuna. Pluto is an important step, away from the outer planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Pluto is the gateway for the souls into the Underworld, and also entrapment.


In Greek mythology, the Underworld where Pluto is lord, is both a place where the souls go after the physical body dies, and a place where people go who are forced, banished and punished to be there; like Ixion and Persephone. Orcus is another Underworld figure who is said to work in tandem with Pluto, to steer “souls” in general, to the Underworld.

All of the above are not meant to be taken too literally, because they are metaphors for human experiences, or in other words, they are the symbolic language that is meant to help generations to understand common themes of lived human experience.

What would it mean for a soul to be tied down to the Underworld, perhaps via another person’s spell work, casted over their life?

In Greek mythology we see a variety of people who either send, take or guide others to the Underworld. There is Pluto who forcefully and brutally carried Persephone there. Zeus forced Ixion to go there, to be tied to a fire wheel, eternally spinning around for his punishment; having to say “You shall not disrespect your benefactor”. Orcus is another figure who guides souls to the underworld, with perhaps more assistance for the soul than the previous mentioned. Mercury is known as the messenger (psychopomp) who can freely move between the world above where Zeus is king, and the Underworld where Pluto rules.

The main idea here is to convey, that all of the people who were taken, or went to the Underworld, were STUCK there. So how is this a metaphor for a commonly lived human experience?

The rule of Pluto was that nobody leave his property - the Underworld - and few had agency to come and go as they pleased, like Mercury did… Pluto’s three headed hound, called Cerberus, guarded the gates to Hades well, being just as fierce, controlling, possessive, and refusing to budge, as its master.

It was in Pluto’s nature to be cold, dark, brooding, haughty and controlling. And people would either feel good in his presence when they were on his good side, but when not, they would feel a draining energy, being influenced by him, and stuck. Perhaps feeling “not in one’s right mind, or not in one’s own energy” when Pluto was near, because his powerful presence would be commanding, consuming and forceful. Perhaps not being able to make one’s own decisions, due to feeling too fearful of Pluto’s negative influence or a bad reaction, should they go against his wishes.

This is reflected in Pluto’s discovery chart, which reveals a powerful, territorial person, who had tremendous emotional agency to affect others. With the potential to either use this power of pressure for good, or to misuse, or abuse the power, to disadvantage others unfairly.

And whenever Pluto was near another person, he would be having sway and be controlling of their energy. They would be magically directed or guided into doing what Pluto would have them do, and they would feel under his ‘spell’, which is why the maiden Persephone was ardently protected and warned to stay away from Pluto, and the narcissus flower that would evoke Pluto’s presence. However, Persephone did not comprehend the full extent of the implications, if should she pick the daffodil… We know that she was brutally abducted after inhaling its intoxicating scent… by Pluto/Hades himself…

In the Underworld, Persephone would learn why she should have stayed away from Pluto and the flower, that he was an energy vampire, manipulating people’s energy, sucking the life out of them, confusing them, and taking control of their life energy, to make them to do as he wanted and directed.

Doing magnetism, energy manifestation, and emotional manipulation with the ease of the puppet master pulling the emotional strings… To bend another’s will…

Bad Energetic Investments in Control Over Others

It is the rule of the Underworld that once people enter it, they may never leave it, and this is a metaphor for the qualities - that those with a strong Pluto in their astrological make-up - possess.

Lower expression Pluto invites people to the table, not to set them down for a feast, but to set them up; to be on the menu… for invasion or extraction.

Pluto – Hades. For more information, see Drawings by the Carracci from British collections (Ashmolean Museum, 1996), p. 35

Pluto is controlling, want influence over others, and what to keep them close and tied down, so Pluto can be in their energy; to influence and affect them as if they are toys. To take authority over their life and play with them as an object of fascination. But will he respect them and treat them fairly? Pluto sees that some people are blessed, fruitful, beautiful, fertile - and a useful tool to him - which is why having them close, to be influenced or exploited as a resource when he needed them, worked in his best interest. Materialistic Pluto was holding on to others in the Underworld obsessively, like they were his objects or possessions. However, when people would be near greedy Pluto, they found that their blessings, abundance, creativity and their fruitfulness would diminish. Those that go near Pluto, may end up feeling stuck, crushed, depleted, or lifeless… perhaps so influenced by his potential for corruption of them, that they may take on his bad luck or evil. He wants them to be unbalanced, down and sad, so that his takeover of them goes smoother. Remember that this happens on an energetic level. These are not tangible, easy to point the finger at issues…

Remember that another article speaks of Pluto higher expression, but not this article…

Casting Spells of Magnetic Influence

Spell work or whatever set of words that has so-called ‘magical power’, can have multiple meanings to different people. In this case, Pluto casted his spells of influence other others, perhaps to get a person to be entirely taking his side, and to do as he wished spontaneously. If a person did not comply or go against him, he may try to turn all their friends, associates, or the community, against them. Remember that in the lower expression, Pluto is cold, and can be brutal in getting the control he desires over others; and may try to make a person’s support system walk away from them, so that person is alone, feel unhappy and marginalised. Pluto will deliberately interfere in everything and anything to get what he wanted, and be so bold to punish those who will not submit to his will.

What seems to be lower expression Pluto’s ultimate goal? To keep another person in repetitive karmic cycles, stuck with him in toxicity. Mentally trapped. Sticking around - impotent and controlled - without leaving the karmic loop… not breaking free, never learning the lessons, nor moving on.

Image: Statues of Isis-Persephone holding a sistrum, Zeus-Serapis and Cerberus. Gortyn, Roman Imperial Times (180 - 190 AD) via Wikimedia Commons.

In terms of love spelling, a lower expression Pluto person may seem to his victim as if they have a deep soul connection or soul tie. Why? Because they are very focussed on what they can get from people, and are very skilled at talking their way through a repertoire of information gathering. The victim seeing through rose-tinted glasses may feel compelled and drawn in by the well-spoken, confident energy or charm, that appears to be trust-worthy and genuine, perhaps thinking that it is a sign, that this relationship is ‘meant to be’. They allow his influential energetic field, because there seems to be a resonance, and this is how they get hooked, trapped, and conditioned to the potentially toxic energy. This is energy manipulation by a cold, dark, heartless person, to confuse others, who in truth may not resonate with Pluto’s cold nature at all. This is how Pluto eventually breaks their heart, which is a form of mind-altering spell work. To keep the victim in stress and worry; that is how they break down their immune system…

It is curious that Pluto is drawn to his opposite; which is representative of beautiful, angelic maiden Persephone, with her soft divinity and caring heart. Clearly there is an attraction to the light that she holds, but it is not always for a good reason… It may be to trap her with emotional abuse, dim her light… to overpower and have control over her. Pluto is highly skilled at feeling energy, feeding illusions and executing a miscarriage of justice. He knows when others are energetically breaking from him, or slipping away from his grasp, which is why he may go back to them, to lure them back in should they attempt an escape. To confuse and suck them back in, to make them think they are ‘soul partners’ with some enchantment, when they may be opposite in character, values and nature, or not compatible at all…

Define “doing their bidding”
1. to do as told or ordered to do by someone;
2. to do what someone wants or requests, to the point of servitude;
3. to be obedient to;
4. to carry out the orders of;
5. to submit to someone’s orders;
6. to perform services for someone.
— Various Online Sources

Some may also compare Pluto with the grim reaper, who want to snatch away the souls of the virtuous… and it is not hard to see why Demeter (Persephone’s mother) viewed Pluto in this light… Her mother knew that Persephone did not have the experience, wisdom, nor spirit of discernment yet to make the best choices should she encounter the lord of the Underworld… which is why she went out of her mind when Persephone went missing… Persephone did not yet have the knowledge to see beyond the facades that people wear… to see what the physical eyes cannot see… to make good judgement and be protective of herself… The foundation of a good relationship entails equal give and take… and in this situation equality was not even part of the equation… Take, take, take, without giving anything in return. Lower expression Pluto doesn’t add anything to another’s life… but

use, exploit and remove other’s knowledge, blessings, gifts, time, money, resources, skills etc. Narcissistic Pluto is nosey in other’s lives and invades their privacy, using the information gathering to take advantage of the supply he has gathered, depriving others of their own resources and happiness, shamelessly…

Both lower expression Pluto and lower expression Eris can go very dark, deranged, toxic, forceful and controlling of other people (see the discovery charts, because there are multiple indicators, as explained in this article on trauma-bonding). Both may want to make others buy into the illusion of a soul connection or tie. Both can become obsessed with controlling or influencing the people around the person they zone in on, to the point where they may try to ruin all their relationships to isolate them.

Pluto in Mythology and the Submerging Power of Persuasion

Pluto’s discovery chart shows multiple relationships that revolve around Pluto, and why Pluto’s energy is emotionally submerging. Pluto in Greek mythology also tells the story of a character who wanted control over Persephone, and in doing so, controlling and influencing her mother Demeter/Ceres goddess of grain and agriculture, and also his brother Zeus, who was in turn trying to persuade Pluto - through Mercury the messenger - to let Demeter have her stolen child back, so that the people of the earth not starve, as a result of Demeter withholding her benevolent energy, from the usually abundant harvests of the earth.

The mythology shows that nothing was sacred when it came to getting what entitled Pluto desired.

He would ruin all of Persephone’s relationships, support systems, even her wellbeing and mental health, to get what he wanted. His black magic destroying another’s very foundations; wiping the slate clean…

In psychological terms, perhaps thinking that if he ruined her relationships and her old life, she would be so lonely and in despair, that she would have no choice, but to relent and submit to his cruel method of isolating her and keeping her stuck to him.

This is narcissism to the extreme. Selfishness down to the bone. Bending another’s will for a selfish outcome, does not always ensure a good outcome… It’s immoral and criminal to forge these one sided deals… to stir division in families.

Self-absorbed Pluto perhaps claiming afterwards, that he was the only one who had been supportive of Persephone, when the tyrant had done work behind the scenes to alienate her. Persephone may have been waiting for rescue, for some time after Pluto had abducted her. Eventually coming to the realisation, that nobody was coming to save her from her Underworld experience, and that she needed to save her Self. Persephone never knew where she stood with Pluto - with him deliberately confusing her all the time - but she did finally stand her ground… and it was not in the way expected…

Persephone in the Underworld and Relationship Dynamics to Pluto and Demeter

A previous articles have described in detail Persephone’s initial visit to the Underworld and how she observed there the true colours of other people - in shock and horror - and how she learnt her lessons by allowing the seeing of truth, and alchemised her experience to become Queen of the Underworld, and harbinger of Spring and Growth. This will not be re-iterated here, but we will explore the lessons that both Pluto and Demeter had to learn after Persephone detached, elevated and took up the throne as Queen of a Dark and Frightening Place. They had to learn, that there is cause and effect when you try to manipulate another for your own self interest. For them, it was forever the ending of an old karmic cycle, because Persephone refused to remain the same ‘easy to be influenced’, vulnerable individual. Allowing her transcendence, love of herself and to release Pluto out of her energy field.

Persephone had grown and elevated into Eris higher expression, breaking barriers placed on her, elevating above what people wanted for her, into a wise, mature and sovereign being.

Image: The Fate of Persephone from Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge image.

Both Pluto and Demeter had to accept the fact that they cannot control her, and it had been unhealthy and abusive to keep her stuck, boxed up, and small, for their personal satisfactions. Both had to witness the karmic cycle that they had with maiden Persephone, permanently end.

That they were no longer able to do things in the background to keep her next to them, because she had done the transformation into maturity, where she is now in charge of her Self. Radiating the true beauty of a Queen.

Both used to play around in inexperienced Persephone’s energy, to influence her, to keep her with them individually all the time, but the karmic cycles were forever over. Both needed to accept the bad investment in bullying and controlling another person’s will, who wanted to have a life of their own; that is fulfilling. The stupidity of trying to sabotage another’s destiny, or scamming them out of a life worth living, finally realised. It was an empty victory, and they had been defeated.

Image:These stories from the history of ancient Greece begin with myths and legends of gods and heroes and end with the conquests of Alexander the Great. The book is accessible and well organized, but it is considerably more detailed than some other introductory texts. It covers Greek history from the age of Mythology to the rise of Alexander, but because of its length we do not recommend it for 5th grade or younger. It is an excellent reference, thoroughly engaging, and a good candidate for a somewhat older student's first foray into Greek history. via Wikimedia Commons.

Persephone had birthed a new beginning for herself while in the Underworld seeing truth, about what had been in the dark; the hidden intentions and motivations of those who claimed to love her, and have her best interest at heart.

There was nothing the selfish, karmic, negative influencers could do about her new changed Self, and the truth Persephone had uncovered about them, about what being in continued relation with them - in a disempowered, unawakened state - would mean for her...

Karmic cycle over.

Persephone ended up being the instrument for the healing of these karmic connections and immature relationship dynamics. For everyone to get their just due, and to learn their lessons about being an influence in another’s life.

Persephone’s choice to not be stuck to silly and stupid karmic bullshit, ended up being the catalyst for everyone to re-evaluate her Underworld experience - that transformed her, ending her old state of being - and changed everyone else forever.

Pluto and Demeter realising that there are consequences to trickery and spell work. A previous article about Eris’s discovery chart, details why Persephone is Eris higher expression in astrology. Why? Because Persephone had two choices in how to respond to the manipulation, control and abuse of power over her, to marginalise her. She would either do the work to elevate and become Eris higher expression, or she would stay angry, broken, and unforgiving to become Eris lower expression. Becoming Eris lower expression entails becoming spiteful, vengeful, narcissistic and vindictive, wanting to undermine and take steps to get back at those who had done her dirty with their exploitation…

In win-at-all-cost battles to take a forced victory over others, in turn…

Perpetuating the bullshit, power-games, and pulling the wool over another’s eyes… to stuff ‘em up…

just like her abuser…

Fortunately, Persephone took the high road in this rite of passage story, and lived to sit on her throne… Victorious over all of them. Having broken the spells cast over her. Eris higher expression is the ultimate influencer, which is why this stable state of being attracts so many jealous and envious people…


Soul Purpose: Persephone Enthroned due to her Energetic Elevation

Persephone enthroned is a metaphor for all those people and experiences that wanted to dethrone her - through competition - and put her in Eris lower vibration; angry, hostile and fighting against the injustices and abuse of power. Persephone instead, having experienced trauma, decided to do the work to elevate; to rejuvenate and reap the benefits.

Once the truth comes out, the lies get diminished.

The light illuminates and eliminates the darkness.

This is the beauty of an Underworld experience.

In the end, humble and balanced Persephone not only gained the power and influence of being Queen of the Underworld, she also became the harbinger of Renewal and Spring the other half of the year, getting what is rightfully hers. Deserving. What saboteurs and spell workers did to delay her, ended up working in her favour. Persephone may have needed some time to figure out how the pieces fit together; to see the natural patterns of events - by observation - but she did… During her initial stay, she underwent the long transformation that we typically see with Pluto transits in astrology, which is about three to four years… Persephone learnt to ride the wave of opportunity, that her frightful experience in the Underworld provided for her. Getting her divine vindication and recommence. Persephone learning that when she comes into alignment with her own energy, karmic cycles can close down faster…

Note the image below, and consider how the torches / flame torches that is often seen on ancient Greek artefacts, represent illumination of truth in the Underworld. Clear vision and clarity, due to a looking within for the answers.

It is known that he who can look beyond the illusions, the concoctions, and fabrications and can put an end to all the lies, is the victor. Yet the real knowledge of the conquest is in the victor’s heart, not in being acknowledged by others.

Even though the underworld is a frightening place, there is treasure to be found there, but only if one is truthful with Self… Persephone found that if one wishes to be free, one must first recognise the ties that bind you.

Persephone became intensely aware of those who wanted her to stay on a certain level, or perhaps their level, or where they are at, when it did not serve her. Persephone chose her mental clarity, stability, independence, freedom, and to energetically detach herself from those self-serving, exploitative energies. Being self-sufficient, balanced and wise in her own energy.

An Underworld visit, and rising from it, entails having detoxified the lower vibrational energies, into vibrant new energy. Eris truth is meant to redeem you.

Image: Hades (Pluton) depicted sitting on the left holding a bident in his left hand, next to Persephone (Proserpina), with Cerberus (Kerberos) seated below via Wikimedia Commons.

A Venus in the Underworld Event 2022

A Venus in the Underworld planetary event has multiple associations, like when Venus dips below the horizon, goes retrograde, conjuncts the Sun, Pluto etc.

Perhaps the most associated is event, is when Venus conjuncts the Sun, and gets lost in the “heart” of the Sun. There will be a Venus Sun superior conjunction and Solar eclipse from 22 - 25 October 2022.

A lot revolves around Pluto…

Pluto has his fingers in many pies, despite being the Lord of the Underworld. Pluto has up to five satellites in orbit, which is more than any of the other TNOs or KBOs. In astrology, Pluto represents the forces of regeneration which manifest as takeovers and makeovers. Pluto symbolises the deep unconscious, crime and depravity but also renewal, transformation and healing. See Pluto higher expression to understand this better.

Image: Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto by Caravaggio via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Artist rendering of dwarf planet Pluto and its moons via Wikimedia Commons.

Image: Pluto-en:Charon revolution animation, 6.387 day revolution shown 1 second/day. Using New Horizons albedo maps. Yellow + at barycenter via Wikimedia commons.

Image: This discovery image, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows five moons orbiting the distant, icy dwarf planet Pluto. The darker stripe in the centre of the image is because the picture is constructed from a long exposure designed to capture the comparatively faint satellites of Nix, Hydra, Kerberos and Styx, and a shorter exposure to capture Pluto and Charon, which are much brighter. Kerberos has an estimated diameter of 13 to 34 kilometres, and Styx is thought to be irregular in shape and 10 to 25 kilometres across. via Wikimedia Commons.

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