Posts tagged eris square pluto 2022 2023 2024
Why is Pluto and Eris Energy so Similar, and Why do Astrologers Struggle to Differentiate?

Why is Pluto and Eris energy so similar? An why do astrologers struggle with confusion when it comes to telling the two energies apart? The answer is surprisingly simple when you study both Eris and Pluto’s discovery charts. It becomes even more easier, when you study the Greek mythology connected to each. Getting a bigger picture is easy, but it entails a lot of reading to understand… for the information is already available on this website… but who wants to do a ton of reading, and sift through large amounts of good evidence, to reach higher understanding?

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Pluto, Emotional Manipulator and Influencer Extraordinaire - Jealousy versus Envy

It is well known that Pluto is the emotional manipulator extraordinaire, but people have over the ages been afraid of Pluto’s power, and even in astrology many only skim lightly over Pluto’s qualities; as being transformative. There is a massive emphasis on Pluto’s instability and powerful emotionality due to multiple factors in the discovery chart in earnest. This article will zone in deeper on the mutual reception of Moon in Scorpio trine Pluto in Cancer.

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Pluto, the Stuck, Stagnant and Unstable Opportunist: Lord of the Underworld in Relation

The powerful but precariously unstable Pluto needs to recognise, that with great power comes great responsibility, and if they abuse fragile human relation, expect that others may not want to be in relation with them at all. Sometimes those with a strong Pluto in their astrological make-up, tend to look at other people as resources to be mined, utilised, and used. In the lower expression they are opportunists extraordinaire… with stuckness as a result sometimes…

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Soul Ties, Spell Work and Breaking Karmic Cycles, From Within the Underworld where Truth is seen

It is known that he who can look beyond the illusions, concoctions, and fabrications and can put an end to all the lies, is the victor. Yet the real knowledge of triumph is in the victor’s heart, not in being acknowledged by others. Even though the underworld is a frightening place, there is treasure to be found there, but only if one is truthful with Self… Persephone found that if one wishes to be free, one must first recognise the ties that bind you. Persephone in the Underworld became intensely aware of those who want her to stay where they are at, when it did not serve her.

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Trauma and Betrayal Bonds in Astrology, Pluto, Eris, and Persephone in the Underworld

Eris’s discovery chart describes Persephone’s journey into the underworld in great detail. Also her fright and trauma after witnessing a great power and control battle between her mother Demeter/Ceres and new husband Pluto. She observed their true motivations and intentions coming to the surface, and how each had their own narcissistic desire to keep her next to them - in emotional attachment - in effect keeping her small, stunting her growth and her elevation into a mature woman, with selfishness clearly seen.

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