Eris square Pluto, 2020 - 2028, Anticipating Awakenings, New Potentials and Change

Astrological Eris squared Pluto three times in 2020, with Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the mix.

It was an highly erratic, emotionally turbulent and aggravating time, especially with Mars in its home sign of Aries for 6 months.

The systems, institutions, and structures of our lives are shaken (the Capricorn planets). Corona virus lockdowns started, enabling reevaluation of the power and control over others, that have ruled societal norms, and the lack of integrity.

Individuation, realisation, and justice for Self (the Aries planets) are stirring. Cages are rattled. We are all in our own little cocoons; in gestation… awakening and transforming. Old emotional energy, and psychological baggage rise. Eris the Great Disrupter is one of the most ignored in the astrological community. Most people find the inner emotions that rise to the

surface unwanted and unwelcome. Eris has a decidedly emotional component, oscillating between the heart-centred, and the hard-hearted.

Pluto and Eris will make two exact square aspects on 27 August and 9 October 2021.

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The orb of influence wil be felt for years to come, and the 24 - 25 degree points on Capricorn and Aries will be triggered into 2024. There will be more conjunctions to Eris (from Chiron and Saturn) all the way to 2028. Uranus square Saturn is the main feature of 2021, but Eris square Pluto is still brewing.

Can we really afford to ignore Eris energy? Ignorance is not bliss.

This will continue to trigger people, to stir up win-at-all-costs battles, brutal game playing, competition, jealousy and disruptive heart-felt emotions, but more importantly unfulfilment, insecurity and vulnerability. And also wisdom being thrown out of the door due to ego-mind, with ramifications regretted later. Eris transits are here to teach us. This time Eris is going to hang around for many years. We can run, but we can’t hide. Kicking or screaming, we are going to do this…

In the birth chart it [Eris] describes a place within the psyche that represents, by default, a person’s insecurities and how he or she deals with them being triggered by others.

The ultimate truth is that each person needs others to catalyze him or her into growth, and with Eris this process can be difficult.
— Tom Jacobs, Astrologer

This planet is undergoing a massive spiritual awakening like never before, both collectively, and individually. Truths are told, and masks are coming off, it’s brutal and ugly. And yes, blessings are enjoyed by those who are willing to co-operate with what the energies are asking from us. Those who have already had prominent awakenings know; awakenings are messy and challenging. Everything is turned upside down. The undigested shadow comes up. Things that were previously ignored, now seem to take epidemic proportions.

It’s a time when everything going on in the hearts of men, are exposed and seen.

Everything is coming to the surface, to be looked at… so we can decide if we want to continue with these dysfunctions, or not… Eris energy is wearing and disruptive, but also effective. Bringing matters to a head.

Eris’ dual nature can make one question if she is friend or foe. She may initially make people feel frail, uncertain, having to proceed in the dark, using intuition and caution, and become self-reliant.

In mythology, Eris the Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife was probably the least popular goddess in ancient Greece. There were no temples to her, and there is no record of anyone praying for her favour. All the gods and goddesses were eager to ignore and exclude her. Despite the positive spin that Greek poet Hesiod put on his description of Eris, she remained a goddess that people would rather avoid. This and other articles on this website delves into why.

Every planet that orbits the sun has a recognised light and dark side. Even if the Greeks (in mythology) were not able to appreciate Eris’ higher expression, why should we not consider; that the 10th planet do indeed have her own kind of magic? Eris was the one goddess in the Greek world who did more than just start every fight, she was also the last to end one. Eris shows that ignorance is not bliss… Eris transits show that it is time for something emotional, feeling, unacknowledged or buried deep, to be brought out into the light. So that you can enjoy the tremendous gift of emotional release, so you can start a truely meaningful life. Until you do, there may not be an end to the personal strife.

The energies are making it difficult for people to co-exist, whether it is members of a household, in the workplace or school yard. People are emotionally triggered by those around them, like never before. With powerfully emotional disruptive moments, from time to time.

Where are we not acknowledging stuck emotional patterns and heart energies in ourselves; learning, healing, and growing?

It is very difficult for the astrological community to talk about this. Eris is an emotive topic that most want to avoid, that only a few attempt to understand, and even less get to enjoy the gifts that she

bestows. Both Pluto and Eris energy are not for the faint at heart.

Many may not feel ready for the psychological exploration of Self, perhaps because they have repressed their emotional energy and sensing to the max, yet it is in their face right now screaming for attention.

The potentials for those who look within are huge. We have the gift of foresight that astrology provides, yet with Eris, we also have highly unpredictable, potentially limitless outcomes. Having that bigger picture can help us show up with a new level of compassion and awareness, that enables the breakthroughs we’re hurtling toward...

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Astrology allows us to have perspective over whatever the pressure of the momentary crisis is.
— Rick Levine, astrologer
This dance between Saturn and Uranus is asking us to change, but that it can be really challenging and often frightening to break out of old patterns.
— Tom Jacobs, astrologer


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Mental Struggle, Mental Games and Conspiracy Theories? Really?

Times when Eris stations, and turns direction, are times when her real nature is intimately revealed. People experience extreme anxiety, nervousness, stress and sleeplessness. These are intensely stressful times when people worry, ponder, they ask why? In the mental struggle, they try to justify or rationalise things, that perhaps take people down dangerous rabbit holes or conspiracy theories. People question: what is wrong with me? We need to learn to feel the energy and move the energy; but the energy felt during Eris transits is not only mental, it is emotional and a feeling sensory overload. It’s an experience of the senses, or bodily sensations being so overwhelming, that it is more information than your brain can process effectively. When the mind is given free-range, it can go real crazy. Trying to figure things out, and assess things to fit into neat little boxes, or build mental bridges are not so productive, and can be extremely counterproductive. But when the visceral are allowed, sensed and felt, and sat with in meditative silence, it may bring a person to a grounded state, where the emotions can move through the body, and out, instead of staying stuck in the body. Relief can be found this way. This understanding alone is worth gold.

It’s useful to understand the anatomy of an Eris transit, but mindfulness is also important. This is the state of being, of being conscious or aware of your experience. This is a quality of focussing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, as a therapeutic technique. This is a great way to manoeuvre through Eris transits; where possible seeing life through a gentle, non-judgemental lens.

Eris Energy - Through Strife and Mental Health, hopefully Moving towards Growing and Glowing

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There is an illusion in our society that our emotions, sensing and feeling make us weak, and that being insecure and vulnerable is something to be pushed away at all cost.

Unlearning is essential. This is the veil that has to be lifted so we can allow ourselves to feel, and look at our own vulnerable inner Self as it begs for attention, grow into radical self-acceptance and self-love that brings freedom.

Those who know about the abundance, and inner fulfilment of the soul - of Eris energy in the higher expression - know that it is worthy to explore heart-felt emotions that rise to the surface, and allow. Those who are willing to work with the feminine energy of Eris, are indeed evolving into a higher echelon, by listening to their inner-tuition. Feminine energy is beautiful, graceful, nurturing, creative, and warm. There is grace in being. Feminine flow is focused on healthy feeling and sensing.

This deeper path may lead into a rich inner life, and living more close to inspirational sources. Self-knowledge. An understanding of dark and light nature. Faith and convergence. Heart-centred silence.

Those who live in communion with their higher Selves make their heart happiness seem effortless. However, there is a lot of discontent and frustration in the hearts of humanity, especially when they feel their own acute emotional discomfort, and compare it to others who seem to be plain-sailing or ‘lucky’. Sitting in stillness is challenging. Feeling all sorts of buried things bubble up can be discombobulating. A lot of jealousy rises from the heart; towards those who seem ‘in a good place’, or who can spend their time as they wish, perhaps not having to work at unfulfilling jobs to pay the bills. There is a deeper yearning to be doing something else other than the usual work, work, work…

Unfortunately, those who don’t acknowledge the Soul Self - the cold-hearted, unhealed enviers and haters - don’t understand that it is a person’s willingness to sit with the heart energies and allow ‘whatever’ emotions to rise up for self-awareness, and be, that actually makes a tempered, more resilient human being in the end.

It is called emotional intelligence. We are all human beings. We run on feelings and senses, and those that don’t, or are hard-hearted, have a problem…

Those who close off their hearts due to being unhealed, because they are afraid of showing their feelings, which they see as vulnerability, may actually be in a pattern of habitually sabotaging the good things in their life. Perhaps saddling themselves up for a life of many poor decisions? Thinking emotional manipulation, or control is the way get them somewhere?

Some don’t realise that they cannot emulate someone else’s life, because they have not walked that path towards feeling health, nor listened to inner tuition.

How can you expect to reap the benefits of emotional intelligence, when your heart is closed off to its blessings and benevolence?

There are many unaware people, who perhaps don’t realise that there is a path to unfathomable self-enrichment that they may never taste, because they are not willing to let go of the ego drama, sense the heart rumblings, and evolve. Those who suppress what Eris energy is trying to show them, may be feeling unsettled, like a volcano about to explode, and destroy everything around it, because there is likely to be a large amount of suppressed emotional energy in there. They may also be experiencing a feeling of being blocked off from their mind, heart and their spirit; driven by the ego mind, fear, devil-energy, and materialistic things, causing them not to be reaping the benefits of personal transformations.

If a person is stubborn or resistant to change, they may incur for themselves more suffering. A volcano seeks the path of least resistance towards the surface, and when it is repressed, it will find those paths in the most unwelcome of moments. Perhaps some people really don’t know how to fix themselves, or where to start. They may already realise that the entire structure of their life is on shaky ground, if they don’t attempt to start making better choices.

Growing healthy emotional maturity is very important during Eris transits. Elevation. Going to a new level. So you can see who you really are.

Eris asks us to make very clear choices about our Self-empowerment, no longer using suffering as an excuse. Being authentic, not putting up a fake facade, being in denial, or being dishonest with self.

Eris: The Superficial, Pretence & Breaking Barriers

All that glitters is not gold. All is not what is seems to be. Eris square Pluto is asking us to see beyond the materialistic and superficial, and the habit of dressing something up, to disguise its true nature. Re-evaluating the foundation of one’s belief systems is important.

It is human nature to adorn oneself with sparkly things, and paint a pleasant public image for all on social media. To have status, position, wealth, importance, or the stamp of authority.

This transit is asking us to probe underneath the surface, and learn to see the masks people wear, the buried emotions, and the modus operandi. Not everything that looks precious or

true, turns out to be so. Perhaps realising that, ultimately, nothing is against you. The emotional reactions to situations - that you thought

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were working against you - were in fact triggers, that took away your peace, and may in fact be there to trigger your growth. These triggers may be in your life, to bestow the opportunity to release the triggering things, like the biases, the grudges, in order to feel light-hearted again.

This is a time to break through self-imposed barriers, and break free from whatever is holding you back. Don’t let fear prevent you. Remember to keep going; don’t stop. Many things in life take perseverance to achieve, to open your own heart space, and reach the for the light within. The energy of break-through can be messy and chaotic, but eventually the situation may sort itself out if you allow it, and peace will reign.

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At this time, some may be trying to micromanage energy, people, or anything else they can, as a control mechanism, or response to feel more secure. However, they may not see how this may be having a negative impact on their emotional wellbeing. The massive societal structure shakeups may be making people nervous, but if there was ever a time to reach beyond the limitations, plough through those blockages, and gather your inner forces; it is now!

In contrast, other people may be releasing that control, no longer micromanaging things around them, and as a result; being in the flow, moving towards satisfaction and abundance, and a new reality for themselves.

Eris, Haters, Heart-Breakers & Self-Sabotage:

Those who are superficial, resistant to change, or revel in narcissistic traits are likely to struggle

Those with narcissistic traits are most likely to suffer from the Eris square Pluto transit, or Eris transits in general. It is likely to pressure them into looking at their emotions, insecurities, and vulnerabilities, the very things they work tireless at avoiding. These people tend to see success through only one lens; the ego-mind. And they tend to need social status and admiration, because they tend to have a lot of strong emotions, that they need to regulate. Social status is a way to regulate self-esteem, so they can feel good. Which is why the outcomes of emotional intelligence in authentic people are extremely desirable to them, to the point that they may become unbalanced with envy. They hate on these people, because it is a quality they don’t possess. Which is why they can be dangerous, and should perhaps be avoided. They may attempt to deliberately harm the heart centred person, thinking that by throwing them under a bus, or getting rid of them, or

putting them down will cause them to stay trapped in that pain, as a form of punishment, of course. When the person they hated on heals, cuts them off, and moves on, they don’t understand that victory either… It baffles the ego-mind. These people better get with the program… for Eris transits will be around for many years to come… Ignorance is not bliss…

According to this website, those with narcissistic personality disorder diagnosis has a grandiose sense of self importance, are preoccupied with dreams of unlimited power, thinks they are of a higher status, have a sense of entitlement, exploits others, lacks empathy, has envy troubles, and other arrogant behaviours. These are all attacks on the heart centre, their heart centre. Most people have some narcissistic traits from time to time, but those who dig in, in resistance, are likely to have a tough time ahead. Previous articles on this website delves into this deeper.

Eris Emotional Intelligence: The Feud over the Haves and the Have Not

I [Eris] help to bring justice and equality to all, but from the inside. I wake people up by making them realize that none of us are whole until all of us are whole.

I bring discord and chaos, for that is how I communicate my messages. And it is through this, that I am able to inspire change.
— Tanaaz from

As laid out in the previous paragraphs, the envied may have something, that the envier despises them for having. Yet, when the envier is ruled by the ego-mind, they may want to be the winner at all cost, feel entitled to their appetites, because they cannot accept their insecurity; perhaps feeling inferior or impotent.

The envied may have a kind of magic or success that puts them on another level. They feel, know and see things differently, because they operate on a higher vibration. They don’t settle for lower vibration ego dramas or bigotry. They don’t want to be controlled, because they have been down that ill-fated road, which is why they often may rather be alone. This asset offers a life worth living. Good things may come effortlessly. They also see when a person is not worth investing in, not even arguing with them; not even investing that energy. They know who they are, they have foresight; not settling for less. This magic and glow may intimidate an envier. They may think that the envied is not worthy of all that effortless abundance. Perhaps seeing them as not working hard enough, or not earning what they have. This may make an unbalanced envier sneaky or a merciless opponent. They may attempt to take whatever they can from those they envy by stealth, attack, or cast darkness, or ruin on their lives. Enviers may wind up hurting themselves… or disadvantaging themselves. Why? Because of their insecurities…

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Enviers may not realise that every person on this planet is worthy of abundance, if they only start to do the inner work. Those who are willing to work on themselves, and elevate themselves towards emotional intelligence, may enjoy a more emotionally fulfilling life. And those who get left behind, have a problem… Perhaps feeling like being held at a disadvantage. Or feeling the dull pain born of constraint. Or not being able to make their influence felt. It is a terrible feeling to see others succeed and flourish and be truely happy, and feeling left behind.

Psychologist Dr Ramani’s 17 minute video is gold when it comes to understanding Eris with the discord in her heart, and the strife in her relations, in the modern world from a psychological point of view.

Eris, Jealousy Reality and Blindness to the Truth

Not doing the right thing for your Self, has consequences. Validation seeking and conforming to be accepted by the world has consequences.

This is also why ENVY is such an issue when it comes to Eris transits. Some people are willing to do the work, to get themselves out of the pits, so to speak.

Others refuse to change, stay in stuck energy, and lag behind… Cycles come and go…Some time down the line, the stubborn person may suddenly recognise, that another had grown exponentially, and may be enjoying a fulfilling life; benefits that come from deep psychological transformation. Yet they may still be in limbo, with empty ego victories, consumed with emotional dramas, still looking for instant gratification (which is devil energy). They may ask:

“Why hasn’t my life turned out, like the other person’s?”

“Why are they having a massive glow-up, joy and contentedness, while I’m not manifesting anything good? Why do I have to sit with this deep seated truth about my discontentedness, jealousy, and feelings of being less than? I want what they have, for myself! What am I doing wrong? I don’t like these intense emotional earthquakes… which won’t go away! I don’t want to feel this way!”

In exasperation, they may be unable, or unwilling to see how they are the architect of their reality, by not working with the energies and the associated opportunities presented to

them. They are refusing to look at how they can make adjustments, and cultivate better energy for themselves. Many did not grow up knowing how to be emotionally happy, or be happy for others, but when we become adults, we need to face reality and responsibility for ourselves. If another person’s energy seem saturated with blessings, and they are shining brightly, and yours was the hard knocks of life, which you hated, what are you going to do about it? If you have been knocked around all your life, and your ego is bruised by looking at another - for whom life seem to ‘work out’ - what are you going to do? Are you willing to pick your Self up, or will you keep blaming and playing victim?

Why are you cherry picking when you look at another’s glow? Why do you assume that they did not have the same struggles once, that you did? Why do you assume they are ‘lucky’?

Why assume that they did not have to accept emotional discomfort for the agent of change that it is, and put in that effort of allowing themselves to feel, grow, to get those great rewards?

What is the other person supposed to do; hide their blessings, or disguise them? Put a bucket on their head? Wear a mask?

If you treat another person badly, because looking at them is too unbearable for you. If you don’t want them around, because of the mirror they hold up for you, what are you going to do? That person makes you feel bad or insecure about your Self, and your life. Feeling small, vulnerable, or insignificant? Having your buttons pushed, because you can’t compare? Guilt or shame? Feeling weak or timid?

If you want to get to a better place, look inside you heart, and clear out the stuck emotional energy there...

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Seeing other’s blessings, joy and successes in life, can create immense jealousy and toxicity in relationships. Social status and admiration are the things emotionally unaware people seek, so they can feel good about themselves. But those values in society are collapsing. Eris is squaring Pluto.

You may want to be gratified, NOW, not sit with rising and unwanted buried emotions and feelings, that are begging for acknowledgement.

Everyone has some psychological baggage from living in this dysfunctional world… no doubt! The question is: what are you going to do about your Self? Are you willing to take responsibility?

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You should NOT be passing the results of your refusal to look at your emotional baggage on to others, making their lives bitter. Deal with it, so you may enjoy the benefits of the change yourself…

Astrology can teach us many useful things.

Eris rewards those who do the work. Full stop.

These dynamics are described and elaborated on, in great detail in previous articles, which is why those details won’t be repeated here.

Not taking responsibility for your Emotional Integrity? You can run, but you can’t hide…

Some people desperately fail at the lessons in life.

They may get caught up in their ego, or morally unacceptable behaviour, but they turn the tables on others, to avoid accountability. Why? Because it doesn’t serve them to face the music. In relationships, they may value their reputation, social status, or the opinions, and perceptions of others. They may manipulate others through pity. They are always the victim. It is never their fault. They say they are innocent, and may have gotten away with it most of their life. This is a tactic. They may have a toxic mentality, or some form of narcissism, to get some benefit in return.

To be able to play the victim, they need a VILLAIN.

So what do they do? They may villainise a person behind their back, saying: they are the crazy unhinged one, the one acting out emotionally, lashing out unfairly... They are flipping the script, twisting the truth, as it suits them. They may convincingly explain why their target was at fault.... Perhaps they feel that they cannot compete with their target (at work) at the pace they were succeeding and getting

admiration, so dirty, underhanded tactics had to be employed. Someone had to have blame and shame projected onto them. Why? So the player can enjoy playing, and sneak away - undetected - with some truth or abuse of power.

The lesson of Eris? People are in your life for A REASON!

If you are trying not to be the bad guy, then don’t be the bad guy. If you don’t want people thinking badly of you, then don’t do things that justify that.

Eris asks faith from the person being unfairly demonised, and brings illumination to the player with their victim status. Justice can work magic in mysterious ways…Being at the receiving end of this kind of emotional manipulations, can be disturbing to the heart. But when Eris is active; sit back and watch the show. It has been observed, that whatever situations you encounter in life, that seem only negative, CAN ultimately work in in your favour, in a positive way. Towards a higher plan, and for the betterment of your Self. Every event we experience, and every person we encounter, may be in our life for some higher reason. No matter how bad or dark a situation may appear, some benefit may be extrapolated from it, in the end.

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Believe in the power of grace.

When we least expect it, an opportunity or door may open, and the light of grace illuminate the way forward. Players may play the victim if that gives them instant gratification… but with Eris transits; all may be found out. Like a ball of yarn that unravels itself. Every lie that a person tells, shows a truth about themselves. What an embarrassment the backfire, and the backlash will be?

Eris holds a mirror up, through other people, and synchronicity, to trigger you. Illumination. Truth. Exposure.

Ultimately, good people don’t really lose out. There may be times when they feel defeated, but if you had good intentions, and you meant no harm, eventually, there may be vindication. You may be defended. People may even see the truth of the situation.

With Eris, there is a natural balance in life, not to be underestimated.

If you think you can successfully screw another person over, in the long run, with this energy at play, think again…

Ever had that one person in your life, that you really despised, because they were always right about you, and told it to your face? Well… hello… Those who show you the truth about your Self, are the people you can learn the most from. Tremendous personal growth, a more evolved personality, and other benefits can be had, if you pay attention to the interaction, and what it asks you to look at, in your Self.

Taking personal responsibility is actually honourable, courageous, ethical, and a great achievement. It is genuine triumph and victory.

If you think that you are going to get away, or hide from your psychological baggage or buried, unresolved emotional patterns in the next few years… think again!

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Eris energy asks that you live in emotional honesty and integrity with your Self and others… when nobody is watching. Why? Because your good energy depends on it.

Heart-centred integrity is rewarded. Eris guarantees dues for those who operate from a hardened heart or ego-mind.

To understand the anatomy of ENVY through Eris’ discovery chart, and why the “My Way or the Highway” people want to dump their bad feelings through psychological projection and scapegoating, to cause harm to Eris higher expression people, see this article.

Why do players play, bullies bully, and enviers envy?

It’s all about the good energy of another which they cannot find inside themselves, due to their own bad choices. So they seek to destroy other people and their goodness.

Every experience, no matter how bad it seems, holds within it a blessing of some kind. The goal is to find it.
— The Buddha

Benefits of Time-Out, Away from devil-energy

Image: The Devil card in the tarot, click to enlarge.

One of the benefits of Co-Vid lockdown and social isolation, is detachment from materialistic devil-energy. The old ways and the hamster wheel are breaking down. In the workplace, and at the school yard, people were accustomed to operating in groups, and group thinking. Many were engaged with trying to fix a problem, bridging a gap, or make life better. In the process, there was co-dependency, emotional neediness, insincerity, energy stealing and other toxic behaviours. When there is one person in the group operating from devil-energy, usually covertly, it affects everyone.

It may scramble everybody’s energy, vibration and thoughts when people are near it. It makes clear thinking foggy and difficult. It makes seeing a bigger picture hard.

It may create misunderstandings, toxicity, pettiness, BS, dark mental games, betrayals; all low vibrations. It may end up making everyone in the situation feel helpless, isolated, and alone. These people are usually clever at disguising their true intentions, blending in, crafty, unseen, and controlling of the perception of them. Blanketing others with their energy, and energy feeding, like Paris from the mythological story of Eris.

It is important to take a proper stand back, glimpse this energy from a distance, and talk about it from a distance. Because when people come near it; it inevitably scrambles perception. It may cause people to be in two minds, in fear and struggle.

Co-Vid isolation may be a kind of a cocoon, or protective, sacred space that allows people time away from the usual influences.

In retrospect, some may recognise that some things from the past were unwholesome, yet they could not see it at the time, perhaps because they were so stuck to it. Distance from the bad energy, helps people see and detach from the ego mind drama.

Finally viewing devil-energy from a distance, brings clarity and clear thinking. It finally enables an individual to see truths, that others may not.

People may realise that they have been fighting the wrong fights, or climbing the wrong mountains. They may stop playing, clear the space, and see a better way; moving from the mind, into the heart.

Alchemy. At last!

Eris square Pluto Dates:

Image: Dysnomia orbiting around dwarf planet Eris in the outer space. A 3d render.

Transit Eris in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn five times causing opportunity for growth and awareness. The key dates are:

  • 26 January 2020

  • 14 June 2020

  • 10 December 2020

  • 27 August 2021

  • 9 October 2021

  • Personal planets will continue to stir the trigger points with conjunctions.

  • In orb October 10 ~ Feb 11 2023

  • In orb April 8 2023 ~ December 26 2023

  • In orb July 27 2024 ~ November 2 2024

  • Leaves November 3 2024.

Starting in 2024 to 2028, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris, going into 2028.

We are going to see this energy for some time to come… Better learn to deal with the energy sooner, rather than later.

Pluto first enters into Aquarius in 2023.

Eris was discovered by Mike Brown on January 5, 2005, 11:20am, Pasadena, California

At this time, Eris takes 5-8 years to complete an aspect to one degree. Its effects will be felt for a very, very long time to come.

Astrology Hub’s Special Edition Solstice Panel June 2021- A Bigger Picture

This year’s Forecast Panel had an exciting arrangement of seven top astrologers who discussed the astrological weather of the second half of 2021, as well as 2022. Host Amanda ‘Pua’ Walsh talked with the following astrologers:

  • Judith Hill, Academy for Astrological Medicine

  • Amma Li Grace, Archetypal Astrologer

  • Divine Harmony, Astrologer, Writer, Teacher

  • Ari Moshe Wolfe, Evolutionary Astrologer

  • Cameron Allen, Evolutionary Astrologer & Herbalist

  • Kirah Tabourn, Hellenistic Astrologer, Teacher

  • and Tom Jacobs, Evolutionary Astrologer, Author.

This information is an important brief of the overall, bigger picture of the energies at play. The bigger picture is important for context, but since most astrologers don’t write or speak about Eris, this website focusses on it. The panel briefly touched on Eris several times, but two astrologers made some very interesting comments - worth emphasising and re-sharing - in this article. It was a very interesting panel discussion and really well worth listening to!

Video: Astrology Hub presents their Special Edition Solstice Panel June 2021

Eris square Pluto conjunct Retrograde Venus, and multiple activations, with Divine Harmony

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At the 1hour 18 minutes time marker, Divine Harmony talks about the end of the year of 2021 when Venus, and others activate the sensitive points around 24’ Aries and Capricorn into 2022.

At the end of 2021, Eris is squaring Pluto for the last exact hit, challenging the power over others behaviour, control and domination, bringing in justice for those who have been wrongfully gunned down and purposefully disempowered . With Venus in the mix conjunct Pluto, and further activations from the Sun, Mercury, and Mars into 2022, it may be asking those who love the Pluto power-plays to look at what they value, relationships and connections, and reconsider… how they can make way for individual freedoms; allowing all to live with dignity.

Pluto will still be in close orb to Eris in 2023.

Starting in 2024 to 2027, Eris and Chiron will be conjunct in Aries.

In 2027, Saturn will start its conjunction to Eris. We are going to see this energy for some time to come… Better learn to deal with it sooner, rather than later.

Eris square Pluto with Tom Jacobs

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At the 1 hour 23 minute time marker, Tom Jacobs shared his perspective, which is that it is easy for our astrological minds, to tend to not consider outer planets like Pluto and Eris as important personal influences. He offered a chance for clarity, empowerment and growth, by looking beyond Eris as the Goddess of strife, but revealing the insecurity and vulnerability.

Tom Jacobs said the following about Eris:

“If I have something I am insecure about, or vulnerability, and I think vulnerability might make me look weak, you inadvertently reveal my thing through strife, discord or competition. I have the opportunity to grow through that, or be defensive. So we have had Pluto in Capricorn for [about a decade], revealing to us what might make us feel disempowered. We have the square to Eris in Aries now showing; how can I get to my own insecurities, about being forthright, direct, independent, stepping forward (Aries) initiating, being my warrior self, or whatever that looks like. So, there is this ongoing dance between these two themes, under the radar, revealing your opportunities to overcome your insecurities; to become stronger, and own your own sense of centred, empowered self.”

If we decide, we are not strong as individuals, because yes painful things happen; we lose things, and things happen outside of our control.
If we decide that we are powerless, we’ll feel disempowered, but if we can upgrade our version, or definition of what power is, then we can get somewhere with it.
For me, Eris with this square [with Pluto], and these years as a teacher; how can you deal with your insecurities?
How can you deal with the part of you that feels small; thinking vulnerability and insecurity is a weakness?
— Tom Jacobs, Astrologer

A Consciousness Reset & Time Out?

Before the corona virus lockdown, there were lots of protests, rioters, looters and anti-establishment movements on the streets, around the world. There are many disempowered cries in anger and pain, rage at an unfair balance of power, and exposure of those who have used power to abuse others. These imbalances have existed for centuries and eats at the soul of humanity. The lockdown saw a huge shut down of the public show of discontent, leaving people to vent their anger and frustrations online and at home. Forcing us to weep tears and feel frustrations in privacy, and sit with how we individually feel. What are we going to do with the rising buried emotions, insecurities, vulnerabilities, and awakenings? Allow. Just let them be there. Stuffing them down does not help you, does it?

This time is challenging us to grow and think outside the box, and be open to new perspectives and experiences.

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Eris shows that we may have to give up on meeting each other on common ground, and meet on higher ground instead. We need a broader perspective than we’ve had before, to create new worlds.

Solutions cannot come from the same energy that created the problem in the first place. We have to point the inner compass north, and look within. This time-out in Co-Vid lockdown is a great opportunity to explore Eris square Pluto issues, for healing to occur, reevaluation, and for people to realise new values.

Where have we been dismissing the real talents, gifts, dreams and aspirations, perhaps because someone was selfish, controlling, or envious? If someone said something that made you feel insecure, or that you are not good enough: remember that you are The Manifestor of Your Life.


Let your inner Self be the source of your happiness.

It’s time to step out of the comfort zone.

The magic you seek is inside of you.

Previous articles on this website make a very in depth dive into the expressions of Eris’ energy… that won’t be repeated in this article.

Innovation requires a mind that’s willing to look at the present moment in a way that it hasn’t done before.
— Ari Moshe, Astrologer

More articles on Astrological Eris: