Neptune’s Discovery Chart in Astrology and Understanding Transits though Mythology and the Sabian Symbol

This website was started to explore the trans-Neptunian objects, however, the metaphysics and nature of Neptune energy in astrology needs to be understood, in order to understand why the trans-Neptunian objects carry such a strong soul message.

Image: Rome, Italy. The main statue of the fountain does not represent Neptune, but Ocean. via WIkimedia Commons. Attribution: © Vyacheslav Argenberg /

The vast majority of astrologers completely ignore trans-Neptunian dwarf planets and Kuiper belt objects, because they are challenging energies. It takes courage to reach into the underworld of unawareness, which is the energy that the Kuiper belt objects and Sedna carry… Why?

In metaphysics, Neptune is emblematic of divine potential and cosmic consciousness; the trans-Neptunian objects are what happens beyond having found self-love connected with one’s sovereign divinity within… as it relates to energy dynamics and relationship in the outer world, that change as those with a heart of gold embrace higher consciousness, and how that clashes with ‘old consciousness’ individuals, especially mass consciousness ideologies, beliefs and its gravity.

It’s the start of a departure from the limitations and strong gravitational pull of human ego mind, into soul magic, and this is why the higher and lower expression of the TNOs can be so huge… It’s the rage of an envier and the blindsiding jealousy towards those of honourable character, and also punishment for those who break glass ceilings and leave mass consciousness ideologies, for soul sovereignty, as is witnessed in Eris, Haumea and Sedna energies for example. It is from understanding Neptune, that one understands the trans-Neptunian objects and other objects like Sedna.

Neptune is the planet of the unseen, subtle, intangible and ethereal. It’s spirituality, inspiration, imagination, inner knowing, compassion, empathy, receptivity, awareness, heightened perceptions, and divine creativity. It’s the waters of diligent kindness, empathy, understanding and compassion.

Neptune’s Transit of home sign Pisces in the Last Decan


This exploration is important because Neptune is currently in it’s home sign Pisces where it operates the strongest off all, about to move into Aries in 2025, to leave Pisces for the last time in January 2026. Neptune in the last decan of Pisces, has seen a lot of rain and will perhaps continue to for the forseeable future. Neptune in Pisces/Aries sextile Sedna in Taurus/Gemini makes a Yod apex on Haumea, called the Haumea Yod. Eris in Aries also plays a part as the Boomerang reaction point from time to time, as Eris is conjunct Jupiter, Chiron and eventually Saturn up until 2028. The Haumea Yod concludes in 2028. Neptune will also be in sextile with Pluto for a number of years. Object Varda conjunct the Galactic centre in Sagittarius also squares Neptune in Pisces and makes a Hammer of Thor aspect pattern apex on Varuna in Leo in 2023 and 2024.


The Discovery of Planet Neptune in 1846

The planet Neptune was discovered by mathematical calculations based on its gravitational pull on the orbit of Uranus on 24 September 1846 and was only seen through a telescope later. It has a cloud cover with a vivid blue tint and dark vortices coast through its atmosphere. Like Uranus, Neptune has an off-kilter magnetic field. It has an oval-shaped orbit and every 248 years Pluto moves inside Neptune's orbit for 20 years or so.

Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are all classified as transpersonal planets, which means that they go beyond the realms of rationality and logical understanding; they are not visible with the naked eye. It’s important to remember that Pluto too is a trans-Neptunian object and in the Kuiper belt. In fact, Pluto was the first actual trans-Neptunian object and Kuiper Belt object to be discovered, in 1930.

Neptune’s Discovery Chart, Sabian Symbol, Rational Mind, Density and Gravitational Forces

See this discovery chart cast by

In its own discovery chart, Neptune is at 25 degrees Aquarius and in tight conjunction with Saturn, with Eris at 29 degrees Aquarius. Curiously, Neptune is square an asteroid called Bacchus at 23 degrees Scorpio, who in Greek mythology was the god of winemaking. The Sabian symbol for Neptune carries the image of a hydrometer, which is an instrument of measurement for assessing relative density of liquids on the concept of buoyancy. The principle operation of the hydrometer is based on Archimedes’ principle that “a solid suspended in a fluid is buoyed by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the submerged part of the suspended solid.” It’s a measurement and study of how gravity and other ‘things’ work, to learn to turn this to our advantage and optimum benefit, to be better off. It’s an intellectual exploration of the principles of natural forces regarding how something influences another, that we can take responsibility for, that results in an intangible reward in the mastering of our lives. It’s the optimism of being able to capitalise on changing ebbs and flows, and whatever challenges arise, and how displacement cause influence and an effect. Curiously, Neptune conjunct Saturn is in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, the sign of the water bearer, yet this sign is about moisture being ‘in the air’, therefore this Sabian symbol carries more fluidity images, of water suspended in the air, and of a

substance in fluid as it would be under a hydrometer, and how it is all influenced by density and gravity. The rational mind calculation of this mathematical information with measured efficiency helps people control their environment and elements in it, to their advantage. In general, a hydrometer sinks deeper in low-density liquids such as kerosene, gasoline, and alcohol, and less deep in high-density liquids such as brine, milk, and acids. Some hydrometers may be calibrated in terms of “proof ” of an alcohol solution, or in terms of the percentage of sugar in a sugar solution. This scale tells the winemaker how much sugar, turning into alcohol, is in the juice at a given time, else the precious liquid turns into sour vinegar if not measured.

This may also be seen as a metaphor for the amount of alcohol, sugar or even salty foods that people eat ‘to cope’ when feeling melancholy, and how these effect their mood, health, sense of gravity, their ability to make measurements, or their ability to intelligently discern what will improve their lives. It may also be seen for the level of vibrational quality of one’s experience, mental alertness, equilibrium in the body or body Ph, in terms of how healthy the internal ‘waters’ like the blood or the lymphatic fluids are; if they are toxic, sluggish or densely inhibited by substances meant to mind-or emotions numb.

Awareness and consciousness are therefore strong underlying factors, when it comes to the symbol of the hydrometer, in the Sabian symbol contributing to Neptune’s ancient astromythology.

Curiously, Neptune in its own 1846 discovery chart conjunct Saturn is in tight sextile to Pluto in Aries, and makes a Yod aspect pattern apex directly on Mars in Virgo. This is a symbol of the great MASTERY and clear PERCEPTION that went into Neptune’s discovery; the diligent striving and assertion towards working and calculating towards perfection. Why?

According to Wikipedia, “the planet Neptune was mathematically predicted before it was directly observed. With a prediction by Urbain Le Verrier, telescopic observations confirming the existence of a major planet were made on the night of September 23–24, 1846, at the Berlin

Image: This illustration shows two planets orbiting about a common star. The outer planet takes more time to complete an orbit than the inner planet, so once per orbit the inner planet overtakes the outer planet. When the planets are at a, the outer planet exerts a gravitational perturbation that accelerates the inner planet, advancing the body ahead of its normal path. When the planets reach b, the reverse is true and the inner planet is decelarated. This perturbing influence is what led to the discovery of the planet Neptune. via Wikimedia Commons. RJHall

Observatory, by astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle (assisted by Heinrich Louis d'Arrest), working from Le Verrier's calculations. It was a sensational moment of 19th-century science, and dramatic confirmation of Newtonian gravitational theory. In François Arago's apt phrase, Le Verrier had discovered a planet "with the point of his pen". In retrospect, after it was discovered, it turned out it had been observed many times before but not recognized, and there were others who made various calculations about its location which did not lead to its observation. By 1846, the planet Uranus had completed nearly one full orbit since its discovery by William Herschel in 1781, and astronomers had detected a series of irregularities in its path that could not be entirely explained by Newton's law of universal gravitation.”

It was the irregular influences observed in the orbit of planet Uranus, that led to the discovery of Neptune. The discovery of its moon, Triton, took place just seventeen days later. The illustration to the right shows two planets orbiting about a common star. The outer planet takes more time to complete an orbit than the inner planet, so once per orbit the inner planet overtakes the outer planet. When the planets are at a, the outer planet exerts a gravitational perturbation that accelerates the inner planet, advancing the body ahead of its normal path. When the planets reach b, the reverse is true and the inner planet is decelarated. This COGNISANCE of the perturbing influence is what led to the discovery of the planet Neptune.

Neptune’s discoverer was a boy GENIUS who became a brilliant man with many achievements crediting his name, within chemistry, astronomy and meteorology, but he was one of many highly perceptive scientists.

Image: Position of the planet Neptune on the day of its "official" discovery, September 23rd, 1846.

The planet Neptune is marked on the star map with a cross together with is its astronomical symbol.

The ecliptic and some important right ascension and declination lines are also shown on the star map. As right ascension and declination of this map refer to the epoch 1846, the shown right acension and declination lines differ from the corresponding lines used on nearly all modern star maps. via Wikimedia Commons.

There is evidence that Neptune was seen and recorded by Galileo Galilei in 1613, Jérôme Lalande in 1795, and John Herschel in 1830, but none are known to have recognised it as a planet at the time. These pre-discovery observations were important in accurately determining the orbit of Neptune. Neptune would appear prominently even in early telescopes so other pre-discovery observation records are likely. Note that John Hershel was the son of the discoverer of Uranus, William Herchell; this alludes to the tremendous EMOTIONAL INVESTMENT that these scientists had in their PREDICTIONS and steadfast VISION. The discovery chart casted by shows Mars in the 3rd house of RATIONAL MIND, PERCEPTION and MENTAL ANALYSIS

What a feat of an ability to diligently work to perceive, discern, and analyse, without having so-called “solid evidence” to back it up?

The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.
— Pisces Sun Scientist and theoretical physicist Albert Einstein

Yet also with the vision in place… as we will discover in the information to come, about the yod energy flowing towards a reaction point in the 9th house of VISION and FORESIGHT and seeing patterns that others do not yet comprehend… These scientists believed so passionately in their ability to PREDICT and have KNOWLEDGE that ‘it was there’, despite perhaps having been mocked or ridiculed for both their nebulous HYPOTHESIS, and their sharp PRECISION. This is an interesting point to consider, because Neptune’s ruling sign is Pisces, the sign of two fish swimming in opposite directions. This is a colourful illustration of the great intelligence rooted in the element of water (emotional intelligence), that are also able to draw great mental and intellectual understandings from the ‘unknown’ or sovereign soul domain. Think of Pisces sun Albert Einstein and his quantum potential quote to the right. Insight and wisdom indeed.

The Gift in the Boomerang Yod in Neptune’s Discovery Chart?

Yods typically carry powerful and unpredictable directional energies in astrology, but sometimes the Yod apex is not where the energy flows towards, nor stops at…

Consider, that the Yod with Mars in Virgo at the yod apex in Neptune’s discovery chart, has a REACTION POINT in opposition; trans-Neptunian object Sedna at 26 degrees Pisces, and asteroid Chariklo is at 23 degrees Pisces. These are in the 9th house of the THEORETICAL and VISIONARY, that sees far into the future how things may unfold, which is a unique ability that those involved have. See the image to the right.

Sedna at 26 degrees Pisces

This Boomerang Yod reaction point speaks of that RUDE AWAKENING and deep DISAPPOINTMENTS that accompanies the spiritual awakening in Pisces in the 9th house of PHILOSOPHY and HIGHER LEARNING. It’s about how an individual, their contribution or work is sometimes not appreciated, or so valuable that it gets stolen by greedy, ungrateful, undeserving people, who want to break their soft and loving heart.

Chariklo at 23 degrees Pisces

It also speaks of the deep loving-kind GRACE, HEALING WISDOM, PATIENCE and KNOWINGNESS in the 9th house of SELF-EDUCATION and HIGHER MIND in imaginative, spiritual insight Pisces, calling in the FUTURE ENLIGHTENED SELF that eventually comes for those who allow the soul integration with the human. All of this gives us tremendous symbolic insight into the energy signature of Neptune, as transcending the ‘normal’ or known human experience…

Two Unconscious Realms of Unawareness Forced into a Boomerang Yod for Massive Renewal and Healing?

The Yod in Neptune’s discovery chart has legs Neptune and Pluto in sextile. Neptune/Poseidon rules the vast domain of the ocean, while his brother Pluto/Hades is the lord of the underworld. Both spheres are symbolic of worlds below consciousness and therefore both are rulers of the unconscious representing powerful hidden archetypal forces. One has deep, dangerous sea monsters, and the other shadowy, haunted characters in torment. Neptune is custodian of the WATER with all its emotion, feeling, potential for grudges, stagnancy of the waters, and even the waters drying up in lack of feeling, etc. Pluto is the custodian of deep, dark but fertile and rich EARTH with all its buried passions, shame, guilt, secrets, and negative feelings.

Similarly, in Neptune we discover what is not visible to the naked eye, in divine connectedness, and in Pluto we find the resources that become available as we turn to the underworld of self, to tap a SOURCE previously unknown. In facing what has been invisible to us allows a view of the assets that lies buried or hidden to our conscious self. To resurrect this hidden value, and place the AWARENESS back into conscious life, is how both a transit Pluto and Neptune operate. There is great potential innate in this Boomerang Yod, as the energy travels towards Mars and gets redirected towards the reaction point, for both profound wisdom in experiencing healing in Chariklo energy, and profound overcoming of challenges, renewed in Sedna energy.

Metaphysics is the subject which provides the vocabulary and logic with which ‘things and energies unseen’ may be analysed and studied with cognisance…

A spiritual awakening is a call from the inner Self to come into the LIGHT, AWARENESS and CONSCIOUSNESS. Yet many who start on that journey find that the journey often first entails a time of personal confusion, loneliness, cutting ties with the norms of society, a search for transcendence, and often having to come to terms with truths around extremes of dark and light. The dark is simply those thing that are not part of our awareness yet; it is the lack of clarity, illusion, confusion, the blindspot, the stuffed-away emotional sorrow, the skewed perception of what reveals to be false lovers, the delusion, trickery etc. Some times it is the GREAT LOSSES OF LIFE, RUDE AWAKENINGS or DIVINE DISCONTENT that can be a blessing in disguise eventually. And healing from the heartbreak, can lead to an accelerated motion and fast track to a more meaningful life…

In astrology, Neptune is innately the sensitive planet of imagination, intuition, psychic receptivity, spirituality and pure intentions. Neptune is the domain of benevolent compassion for all, trust in diving providence, and of dreams, idealism… and also the experience of coming across held illusions and delusions in relationships, finding that some do not reciprocating the love, shared wealth nor devotion in equal amounts… It’s finding that others may not be as nebulous, of similar benevolent intent, or of the same moral fibre, graceful quality or good character… With Neptune, there is hidden enemies and f****y at foot… The enquiring mind of the kind find lies, deceit and a malicious desire to harm…

Exploring the Qualities of Neptune in its Eighth House Manoeuvrings, Manipulations, and Debts in the Discovery Chart

Note that in the discovery chart cast by for 24 September 1846 0:15AM Berlin Observatory, Germany, Neptune conjunct Saturn and Eris is in the 8th house. The 8th house is Pluto and Scorpio’s house of rulership, therefore Neptune’s signature energy is quite intertwined with that of Pluto’s 8th house themes.

This house is about intimacy, jealousy, addictive patterns, revenge and obsession. It’s about shared wealth and power struggles over others, for control over this wealth or spiritual inheritance, and aiming to maim to get it. It’s about the sardonic, callous restrictions (Saturn) put on Neptune in its own discovery chart, with cruel conflict, hitting a raw nerve with chaos and stealth (Eris) energy’s influence not far behind that of Saturn. This conjunction is about those spiteful, cold and moody who want to knock other’s creations, dreams, sandcastles and what they are building down, in denial of what is driving their vile intoxication with destructive behaviour; they don’t want to face their own demons.

It’s about TRUST in other people being shattered, due to becoming aware of what’s in the shadow; the elephant in the room, regarding those who want to destroy their life.

Image: Pisces via Wikimedia Commons.

It’s about the imagery of encountering those who are a master at concocting schemes, deceive others, contrive plans, and invent devices to manipulate people and the surroundings in a selfish but destructive manner. It’s the pre-meditated, petty, evil planning and intention to win at all cost on purpose, knowing that it will lead to a certain self-fulfilment outcome for one party, and great loss for another. This malicious, SCHEMING and launching a CONFLICT attack behaviour may stem from lack of empathy, lack of loyalty, and lack of conscience, because the obsession for wealth, position or clout is great. It’s about the sinister ability to harbour secrets, through the preservation of a private place within themselves that is like an inner vantage point, they can pivot and change in order to conceal their true intentions from others. It’s about not caring who gets burned, no matter how innocent, pure, sweet or light-hearted. The modus operandi is to BLOCK (Saturn) and have DESTRUCTION thought WARFARE (Eris) in the house of doing it ever so secretly, lulling good-hearted people into complacency. It’s also Pluto’s house of transformation, debts, and death of old states of being. It’s the secret inner corruption of the adversary throwing bricks and hiding their hands, wanting to create nightmare and stalemate, that comes to a head, and in the light of truth and awareness, must be seen for what it is. All toxicity, and demons in unawareness must be released; by looking within, else be in denial, stuck and stagnant, not living and learning. If the root of the evil do not come to awareness via soul searching, finding the solution to leave the gravity may not occur, and it may plant seeds of bad mentality in good people.

The fish swim away from the predatory sharks to safety, but do so in AWARENESS.

Image: Wikimedia Commons.

Underworld Relationship: Pluto Crosses Neptune’s Orbit for 20 years?

Another sign of the remarkable relationship between Neptune and Pluto, is that Pluto’s orbit "crosses" inside of Neptune's orbit for 20 years out of every 248 years, see the image to the right, with Neptune in dark blue, and Pluto in pink. Despite Pluto's orbit appearing to cross that of Neptune when viewed from directly above, the two objects' orbits do not intersect. When Pluto is closest to the Sun, and close to Neptune's orbit as viewed from above, it is also the farthest above Neptune's path. Pluto is also protected by its 2:3 orbital resonance with Neptune: for every two orbits that Pluto makes around the Sun, Neptune makes three. Below is an image showing Neptune on the ecliptic along with all the other personal planets and Saturn and Uranus, and the first trans-Neptunian object Pluto, deviating from the ecliptic. There is divine order in the cosmos, read more here.

Image: Orbits of Pluto (red) and Neptune (blue); ecliptic view. via Wikimedia Commons.

Neptune in Roman Mythology and the Disappointments of Life

Image: via Wikimedia Commons. Poseidon/Neptune sculpture in Copenhagen Port (at 55.689088 N, 12.598241 E).

©2005 Hans Andersen

Planet Neptune was named after Roman god Neptune, god of the sea.

Neptune's symbol is a trident made of a receptive crescent pointing upward for spiritual receptivity, resting on the cross of matter. This glyph symbolises the soul's yearning to break free from the limitations of matter and earthly existence, and draw from the divine nature as the human. Neptune placement in the astrology chart reveals our innate connection to spirituality, mysticism, creativity, and divinity.

Our Neptune placement exposes how we dissolve structures, systems, limiting beliefs; anything that stands in the way of accessing true transcendence.

In Roman mythology, Neptune is the the god of the sea and freshwater. Salacia, goddess of saltwater is his wife, and they are seen riding a dolphin or a giant sea shell in ancient art. A trans-Neptunian object is named after her, see the Salacia blog. Neptune’s counterpart in Greek mythology is the the Greek god Poseidon, who is the brother of Jupiter (Zeus) and Pluto (Hades); the brothers preside over the realms of heaven, the earthly world (including the underworld), and the seas. In Roman mythology, Neptune was likely associated with freshwater springs before the sea. Like Poseidon, he was also worshipped by the Romans as a god of horses, as Neptune struck his trident upon the ground and created a splendid horse to spring into existence, the first of its kind, meant to be a useful object to mankind. Neptune taught mankind how to ride these amazing animals. In mythology Neptune also guided those sailors of great heart like Aeneas to change course to safe shores, and reach safety. The Romans were not big seafarers like the ancient Greeks were, and so Neptune never quite rose to the prominence that Poseidon did in Greek mythology. Neptune had one known temple dedicated to him, located between the Aventine and Palatine Hills in Rome, where a freshwater stream once flowed. Poseidon had multiple temples. According to Ovid, Neptune always had a sullen expression, while Virgil wrote that he had a mild demeanour and that even when he was angered, he had a look of serenity and majesty on his face. He held a three-pronged trident which he used to smash rocks, make waves, create new bodies of water, and call forth fierce storms.

Neptune was one of the two gods who built the great wall of Troy, and tells the story of Neptune’s REJECTION and DISAPPOINTMENT with King Laomedon of Troy NOT GIVING REWARD FOR EFFORT.

According to Wikipedia, Poseidon (Neptune) and Apollo (Phoebus), having offended Zeus (Jupiter) by their rebellion in Hera's scheme, were temporarily stripped of their divine authority and sent to serve King Laomedon of Troy for 1 year. He had them build huge walls around the city and promised to reward them with his immortal horses, a promise he then refused to fulfill. In vengeance, before the Trojan War, Poseidon sent a sea monster to attack Troy. The monster was later killed by Heracles.

It’s important to note that the city of Troy was THE MOST WEALTHY city in the ancient world due to its location. Another webpage on World, gives a more detailed account of Neptune’s attempt to overthrow Jupiter, who put him in chains, with his punishment to serve a mortal. Neptune came across Jupiter's son, Phoebus (the Roman equivalent of Apollo), who had also angered Jupiter and was sentenced to carry out the same punishment as Neptune. Reaching Troy, they approached King Laomedon, and Phoebus offered his services as a shepherd while Neptune offered to build tall walls of stone all around the city. They were promised rewards from King Laomedon in return for their hard work, and there seems to have been an EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT to a reward; the horses on offer. However, on completion of the GREAT WALL of TROY, King Laomedon refused to give them anything for their hard work, which shocked and angered the two gods. So they left Troy, swearing to bring ruin upon the city, which they did; Phoebus sent a deadly plague, and Neptune sent a flood to overwhelm the city. Out of this flood came a monstrous creature. Hercules was offered a reward by King Laomedon if he killed the monster, and the MIDAS/MISER again refused to give reward. For this Hercules killed the king, his family, except for a woman named Hesione. In committing this vengeful act, Neptune's wish for retribution got served.

Neptune’s splendid creation of the horse and another EMOTIONAL DISAPPOINTMENT of not being chosen for VALUE or WORTH of his CREATION, or being TAKEN FOR GRANTED.

Another EMOTIONAL DISAPPOINTMENT was when there was a competition to create the most useful object for humankind, in which Neptune created a splendid horse, the first of its kind, however, for the prize - the right to name a city built by Cecrops, king of Attica who was a prominent man - Minerva was chosen instead for her creation of the olive tree.

Image: Heracles binds the Cretan bull. Attic black-figure amphora, ca. 510 BC. From Vulci. via Wikimedia Commons.

Neptune BEING TRICKED and STOLEN FROM by King Minos after bestowing a valuable GIFT, that eventually goes to RUIN.

The same webpage on World details the story of Neptune who created the most magnificent bull ever seen. AMBITIOUS Minos wanted to be king of Crete and wanted to use Neptune’s favour to win him the crown. In order to confirm his right to rule, rather than any of his brothers, Minos prayed to Neptune to gift him a giant white bull out of the sea so he could sacrifice it in Neptune’s honour. However upon receiving the GIFT, GREEDY Minos was so enamoured by it and could not stand to part with it, that he TRICKED Neptune by hiding it amongst a herd of common cattle, sacrificing a SUBSTITUTE instead. Neptune punished Minos by making the bull wild, so that it destroyed everything in its wake only to disappear into the wilderness. Other versions of the story say that Neptune punished Minos by making his wife, Pasiphaë, fall in mad passion for the bull. Another version says that Hercules was called in to remove the Cretan bull, as he was devastating crops and orchards.

Image: Polyphemus via Wikimedia Commons.

BITTER Poseidon was known to hold a 10 year long GRUDGE against Odysseus for BLINDING HARM to his son.

In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus had harmed Poseidon’s son Polyphemus the one eyed Cyclops in a scheme that deliberately blinded him. Odysseys/Ulysses also boasted of his brilliant scheming mind, intellectual prowess and CONQUEST over the giant, but the outsmarted giant had a powerful father, and Odysseus was in hubris as he revealed his identity while smirking, as Polyphemus blindly casted huge rocks towards the ship as Odysseus and his men left the island, which Odysseus barely escaped. Polyphemus prayed to his father, Poseidon, for revenge. Poseidon targeted and tormented arrogant Odysseus every time he was in a boat at sea, and would not let go of the grudge for 10 years, resulting is significant emotional agony for Odysseus as he had to cross the ocean to get home. Hubristic Odysseus was powerless against Poseidon, but after his humbling and his redemption, others took pity on him and helped him get back home. This was detailed in this article about how the Iliad and Odyssey is full of Eris energy examples.

These Neptunian EMOTIONAL STATES prolonged, affect the quality and purity of the lymphatic and immune system, which is why it is not healthy to allow the gravity of them, nor to hold onto them. This results in toxicity and stagnancy, which is what the envious adversary wants. Why? So that those who are abundant and in Neptune higher expression lose their divine blessings.

The Metaphysical Lesson of these Stark and Painful Experiences?

To reiterate, Neptune’s glyph symbolises the soul's yearning to break free from the limitations of matter and earthly existence, and draw from the divine nature as the human. Neptune placement in the astrology chart reveals our innate connection to spirituality, mysticism, creativity, and divinity. Our Neptune placement exposes how we dissolve structures, systems, limiting beliefs; anything that stands in the way of accessing true transcendence.

It is often our EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENTS TO OUTCOMES that results in people taking kindness for weakness, tricking or stealing from kind, loving and giving people, resulting in their EMOTIONAL DISAPPOINTMENTS. The trick is to learn NOT to depend on other people for validation, but to put one’s own divine self as first priority. One can still be kind to others, but without compromising oneself so that others force a benefit for themselves at our expense, causing HEARTBREAK. Privacy is protection and discretion wisdom; what others don’t know they cannot use as weapons to ensnare or burn. The energies of the trans-Neptunian objects carry astromythology that is bold and stark, and tells of the very far reaching consequences of allowing other people to ‘feed’ on our DIVINE EMOTIONAL ENERGY like an ENERGY VAMPIRE that drains life force energy, as is particularly seen with Eris, Haumea and Sedna energies for example. Many people fall into the pit of not understanding Neptune energy well enough, therefore falling into deep depressions, ignorance, self-harmful substances or alcohol abuse. Or succumbing to others in relationship who destroy their creations, imprison them, snuff out their divine spark or block potentials. This is the negative VICTIM MENTALITY expression of Neptune that is so well known in astrological circles, that it won’t be repeated here.

Neptune’s ruling zodiac sign is Pisces and rules the 12th astrological house of endings, surrender, hidden enemies, sorrow and the mysterious. This is the house of dreams, of our subconscious and everything mysterious and hidden from plain sight. It speaks of imprisonment and being bound to the GRAVITY of certain unhealthy situations.

The 12th house shows us how to deal with the endings and the accompanying grief, healing and enlightened transcendence this rite of passage and the closing of karmic cycles involve. Benevolence starts with being benevolent towards the divine Self first. It’s taking care of one’s Self first, not giving to others, or putting others, or so even called collective consciousness first. Neptune higher expression is love of Self first, always.


Neptune is about surrendering to the limitations of human identity, and allowing into the experience of the expansiveness of the “I am”.

This leads to realisation, which is an act of becoming fully aware of something as a fact, of the Soul that is having a human experience, and that one is worthy of their own sacred energy, to create a life worth living in joy and grace for ourselves. We are not here to allow others to take advantage of us, unless that is your choice…


Image: Neptune via Wikimedia Commons Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech


Other Neptune in Astrology Articles: