A Bigger Picture Astrological Research

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Bullying, Hopelessness, Healing, Empathy, Reckoning and Consideration of Suicidal Feelings

This is part 6 of a series of articles about Eris Goddess of Discord and Strife in mythology and astrology that looks at the attempts to dim another’s light, by brewing bad juju. It looks at the Judgement of Paris and the part that multiple players (like Hermes/Mercury Messenger of the gods, Themis Goddess of Justice and shepherd Paris) played, to bring to fruition Zeus’ vision for the stamping out of competition, to allay his insecurities. In general, this is also about the jealousy and envy over a person shining brightly, being “a problem”. It’s about turning those who are able to sense, feel and process the joy and gratitude for the blessings that they have, or have worked for, upside down, to get them out of their natural element, for a selfish gain. This is about Eris lower expression that want to feed off the wish fulfilment, vision and dreams manifesting of the Eris higher expression, and the lessons that can be learnt from this manipulative dynamic where the jealous want to make generous, loving individuals, feel a

certain way (DISCORD of the heart) by creating self-worth illusions for them, or about them. To sap them, drain them, deprive and impoverish them of self-confidence, like an energy vampire that care nothing for the destruction they leave behind. It’s about bringing instability, chaos, strife and heartbreak to those who don’t deserve it. This article looks at some of the signatures in Eris’ discovery chart, to understand Eris energy better, and the various competitive players who each wanted to fulfil their own desires via bullying situations to go their way, not caring for others, nor the bigger picture. This article looks at some of the particular energies that encapsulate Eris energy; opportunism, competition, stalking, drama-starting, teaming up against, betrayal, and you reap what you sow. It’s about studying the idealistic player reacting badly to those who are in control of their own destiny, and manifesting with good energy. It’s also about learning to show kindness and consideration to the marginalised and disenfranchised who are made to take a loss, so that the narcissistic can take their self-fulfilment gain. It’s about the scheming and scamming, so that worthy people with natural talents, gifts and abilities don’t get what they rightfully deserve. This is the accumulation of the essence of a person, that a disturbed thief wants to steal.

A perfect example of some of the dynamics in this article are the NURSES who work to care for sick patients during CoVid. They work long hours, exhausting themselves to care, nurture and support the genuinely needy, yet they are forced by their employers - who are running a business - to take small salaries, work too many hours, not obtain a proper lunch break etc. It’s about the players in the system who run a profitable business, with generous bonuses and all, off of the backs of the hard work of generous, loving, caring and giving people, who had been made the marginalised and disenfranchised for too long. These people have projections put on them, and they are still gaslighted into participating in this situation, even long after the world have been made aware of the EXPLOITATION of their kind, giving natures, and the importance of their very existence. This is manipulation and dark behaviour at its worst for all to see. This is lack of respect where it is due, and lack of reciprocity of generosity, are likely to cause great DISCORD OF THE HEART in the future… because the lack of CAREGIVING nurses in the system will cause great social INSECURITY

Part 5 showed what happens when there are misaligned values between people in relationship. When one is living from materialistic and superficial values at the expense of others, this just isn’t a match for the good fortune that can be had when one lives an honest, authentic, heart-felt life, that is in harmony with natural law and order. When not operating from the leadership and wisdom of the heart, there is potential for corruption and distortion, that can create great misfortune, that cause people to go through a dark night of the soul experience, to heal, but perhaps not before feeling extremely depressed, in sorrow, depleted, or even suicidal. Find part 1 here.

The information on this website is for the benefit of humanity, because these ideas are about the energies that the TNOs and KBOs bring, that have not been grasped yet by mainstream astrology, yet are highly prominent in the collective consciousness at present.

Ultimately, this information may set others free, to live a more abundant life. If you feel triggered by this information, please read the disclaimer.

This is important information to understand, because although Eris square Pluto’s direct five squares are over, they will be in orb until 2024. Eris will also conjunct Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn in the next few years until 2028… The energy of Uranus square Saturn’s old versus new battle will be rapping it up in coming months, but Eris transits will be prominent from 2020 - 2028+. The following entails two extremes as it relates to a somewhat different astrological polarity regarding old and the new. Eris energy isn’t leaving soon…

It’s not pleasant to talk about these energy dynamics in relationships, because it is both abusive and heartbreaking, but little information is available on the internet about Eris transits in particular and understanding its dynamics.

It would be beneficial for investigators, detectives, law enforcers, law experts, etc. to learn about these dynamics, for they are the people who will have to be the adjudicators when these dramatic events, hate crimes, and disputes between people arise, around what is acceptable social behaviour, and who is the real villain.

Eris energy often entail abuse or crimes of passion against innocent people who are envied; who did nothing wrong other than be true authentic Self, and that stirring the evil minded devilish in another to put them in bondage…

It’s the vice and virtue polarity of Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in Astrology.

Goddess Eris learned from Zeus Making her a Political Pawn in his Distortion Campaign with False Accusations to Cut Down the Whistleblower into Hopelessness

The start of Eris transits is a time where priorities suddenly change, and vanity-driven players overestimate themselves, and underestimate the valuable love and devotion of goddess energy. The following is the Greek mythology around Eris, but this is also a metaphor for the relationship dynamics that can take place during that time. This is when the bigoted, manipulative players come for, to single out, those who trigger something violently emotional in them, in comparison, as was detailed in part 5… This “competition” is about the human ego that rise up wanting to be “better than” by attacking another’s self-worth… feeling invincible in manipulation…

Image: Zeus

Eris higher expression people are those who have a lot to give of themselves to help other people, yet when it comes time for others to support them in turn, to pour back into their cup in gratitude, or support them in reciprocity through a difficult time in life, a lot of people withdraw emotionally, refusing to give back.

Goddess Eris was used by drama starter player Zeus as a pawn in his faustian scheme to start the Trojan War, via creating such immense discombobulation, envy, discord in the heart and strife, by throwing an apple into a wedding crowd.

Zeus King of Olympus was a man afraid of potentials and getting consequences for his evil-mindedness. He was afraid of a prediction that clairvoyant Themis (with an M) Goddess of Justice had made, about Thetis (with a T) having a son that might be greater, more powerful, talented or accomplished than Zeus. This insecurity is why he arranged for goddess Thetis to be married to a mortal in a forced wedding. This is the marriage banquet at which the scheme he and Themis put together was put into action.

Zeus also had a problem with Eris getting social acceptance and being seen and heard, and his hidden intentions for her and his scheme would deal with her as well. He didn’t want her to be loved, respected or admired. He wanted to curb Eris’s potential in life, because he didn’t like truth speakers, nor whistleblowers of corruption, who went against the status quo and exposed the shenanigans of discriminatory players, like himself. Themis influenced Eris to throw the apple marked “to the fairest” amongst the crowd. Zeus sabotaged Eris further by making unfortunate and immature opportunist Paris adjudicator at what is known as The Judgement of Paris. This was to supposedly “resolve” the dispute over who is the fairest, but instead by design it led to such powerful discord in the heart for goddesses Athena and Hera after The Judgement of Paris, that it led the Trojan War, where those who became enemies due to Paris’s ignorant need for superiority and self-aggrandisement, fought a brutal and bloody battle, fuelled by strife and need for revenge. Zeus blamed Eris for having started the war with word witchery; she didn’t actually start the Trojan War, she was Zeus’s pawn in his scheme that had many dominoes.

Boastful Zeus wanted a hold of authority over Eris, to dominate her and have every avenue of her life journey BLOCKED, so that no doors would open for her. The heartless player felt entitled to do this to her; to spread lies and malicious half-truths about her. To play these games to single her out, that destroy her reputation, harm her honour, so he can take a gain from her; so that Eris get the shame and karma for what he and Themis had planned. The shame and social outcasting was so immense that it affected her entire life, emotional health, mental balance, and personal development in all ways. In a sense, the massive scale of the injustice, was meant to make her feel valueless, small, insignificant and unworthy. To shrivel up and diminish into nothing, due to feeling deep self-doubt, lack of self-love; perhaps even suicidal as a result of the violent bullying.

Zeus purposefully wanted a sustained prolonged scarcity, lack mindset, poverty, incarceration, and depression for goddesses Eris via bullying and destroying her harmony with the intention to win.

To make everyone violently prejudiced against an innocent, truth-speaking person, in order to protect “the dysfunctional system” that keep lack mentality players with false facades, and hidden intentions in positions of power that they abuse. Confidence-theft is the goal for Eris lower expression.

Eris lower vibrational players can get very impassioned in an evil, and crazy way. Gaslighting, for example, is psychological manipulation aimed at lowering self-worth.

It’s when one person or party tries to gain control over another by distorting reality, and forcing the other to question their own judgement and intuition. The idea is to make another so invested in them, that they need the gaslighter to spell out their reality for them. Eris in astrology is the protagonist/antagonist dynamic, as well as the narcissist/empath dynamic. A narcissist is someone who uses others to prop up their own self-importance; this “feel good” is at the heart of what Zeus wants to steal from others, and he cares nothing to bring curses, hexes and evil spells over another’s life to achieve it.

All of this cockamamie was to create tower moment, after tower moment, to completely destroy/demolish Eris’s confidence and self-worth, for there to be no recovery, and no getting up, from the injustices. Zeus wanted to kick her down, and for her to stay permanently down, because he knew that just her existence would expose him for the fraudulent player he was. Zeus wanted to disable her to the point of self-sabotage, where she would stay in a box, play small, and not reach for the great potential that every human being has (in one form or another). Zeus was very comfortable with the toxic situations where the womanising player abused and deceived multiple other goddesses and mortal women as well. Being in charge of the false narrative over Eris’s life with his smear campaign, which entailed all of society seeing her in a negative light, and punishing her on his behalf, seemed to give him immense satisfaction and ego feed. He didn’t want her to have fulfilment nor victory in true authentic self; as the truth speaker and whistleblower of corruption that she is.

Eris pushed through the darkness brought over her life, learning to recognise her own light, worth, and self-empowerment, finding hope and inspiration within. Illumination. Awareness. Deep intuition. Understanding. Finding the secret to a new beginning in abundance.

Goddess Eris didn’t know her true strength until it was tested by being scapegoated for starting the bloodiest war, The Trojan War...

Likewise, those who are tested like this tend to have a dark night of the soul experience, that leads to the seeking of the soul’s warm embrace. They have the opportunity that the conspiracy on their life presents, to gain wisdom, discipline, mastery and spread their wings in their own abundant goddess energy.

To grow the courage to embrace good energy, hope, and love, despite all the dark manipulation. Not bitter. Not played out.

Having a noble heart is a more precious commodity than most realise...

Eris Bullying: Institutional or Group Divisiveness to Take a Gain from another’s Demise

This is about one opportunist or more who are part of patriarchy, who puts in a lot of effort in being mean - with excessive force - to destroy another who has a lot of love to give, and rob them of their potential. To block someone who has inspiration and enthusiasm, and is loving, from their own place of feeling empty, or soulless (soul disconnected). Perhaps criticising or shaming an empathic person for being aligned to the truth in the heart, and having compassion for everyone; using this against them to turn them upside down. Crucified by chaos.

This DRAMA STARTING creates Eris discord of the heart, because it is not fair to treat empathic and generous people like this.

Image: Jupiter / Zeus carrying a thunderbolt and accompanied by an eagle via Wikimedia Commons.

This is perhaps to make a show of a heart-felt truth-seer getting checked, and given a painful ending. To be dramatically injured emotionally, and rejected publicly, so that the message was very clear. The message? Their status isn’t good enough. Only clout chasers, mask-wearers, the superficial, groupies, and the ego-driven get to be part of these traditional social systems that operate based on clout-gathering mentality, not those who may see beyond the facade into the farse energy of these social orders… and whose presence exposes the laziness or darkness in the heart of some in comparison…

Members of these ritualistic clout-hungry social orders get highly jealous, insecure and feel threatened by those who are idealistic, visionary, authentic, have a heart, or are specially gifted with a message or blessing for humanity, which is why they may want to demolish good people of high honour, break their heart, corrupt their character, destroy their hope or potential.

It is begrudging another person for their natural abilities, talents or gifts, and oppressing their potential, due to these strong negative and hateful feelings in the heart, that leads to excluding them. Another aspect entails the energy harvesting of a skilled, talented or spiritually gifted person, where that person is sacrificed, or collapsed, and suddenly made the black sheep enemy within a group, which is typically choreographed in these social settings. By crushing and destroying the rival permanently, another in the group can feel empowered to become, or encapsulate the version of what was destroyed. Security, ruin of another, initiation and rank within these elitist groups are so commonplace, that they may think little of demolishing and discarding a human sacrifice… for the superficial, vanity-driven benefits that is their driving force…

The cruelty in these toxic social situations need to be understood; to deliberately put another person in a prison with detailed cruelty.

This entrapment can also be seen as a form of coercing people, in order to take a benefit from their involvement, work, energy, or service until they are depleted.

It generally follows a pattern of a whole group deciding to ghost one person, and act very COLD, so that the target is confused. People act strange. Calls and emails get unanswered. They get attacked or accused of some falsehood, offered no closure, no clarity, and no explanation. It is made clear to them that they are worthless or meaningless to the group. Then words are used to defame and devalue them, that describe the opposite characteristics of their essence; to destroy them. This is the deliberate torture of the ruthless, merciless and manipulative who are very committed to creating a nightmare… meant to throw the one they envy completely off balance, to leave them out in the cold for dead, as it relates to social support, friendships, work relations or networks. These arrogant, sneaky karmic players think that they are smart, and are going against the flow of natural law, to harm those who carry divine feminine, Empress or light worker energy. It’s lunacy, and some are addicted to doing this energy stealing, not thinking of the consequences.

Two-faced bullies want their target to view themselves as if through a broken mirror; distorted and disconnected from higher Self self-worth.

This projection of energy that borders on hatred is dangerous, as some can become numb or SUICIDAL due to this bullying, rejection and isolation that aims to end another human being, to make them lose control of their own life via grief, depletion, or trauma.

The message behind this selfishness is: “I am more important than you are.”

It’s saying to another that the narcissistic has greater significance, value, rank, status, or is more influential, consequential or more deserving of attention or gratification.

It’s narcissistic, because it entails propping up self-importance, from making another less relevant, or by the appearance of them as someone that is easy to use, abuse, suck dry, or walk all over, and be rendered… useless…

Many get groomed from a young age in the family to “give their power away”, and the stuck energy is felt in the human body. This is what author Caroline Myss describes, when she calls on the readers of her books to “call their power back” or “call their energy back”, from all the places where they have given it away to others. Perhaps having been gaslighted into believing that they are “not good enough”, or that someone else and their desires are more important or relevant. This gaslighting distortion may even have been saying to the soul-connected, that they are not important, nor relevant… because the ego wants to take over in precedence... In her books Caroline explains the act of calling the soul back to the human, and the energy dynamics surrounding it, after there had been a disconnect, perhaps due to trauma.

Eris Convergence of Lack of Empathy, Sympathy, Compassion

It’s the lack of loyalty, honour, respect and commitment when the heart is shut down, that leads to a staging of a fall from grace and a perceived swap of fortune…

At the start of Eris transits, people’s priorities suddenly take a drastic change. Discord and strife starts in the heart and the interconnectedness of life is interrupted by the folly of those players with a closed off heart, who then can only see people, situations and things from a superficial and materialistic point of view, and what victories may be attained there.

Closing the heart leads to being cold and merciless. Also potential for maniacal ego corruption, pettiness, and feeling ungrounded and insecure.

This causes the disharmony and dissonance in the heart, because one vanity-driven party has no sensing and feeling ability, to understand or connect with another on a heart level; to understand how they would feel when they got abused in relationship for a selfish gain. As the PLAYER with a shut down heart injures the other with reckless words or behaviour, the target’s heart in turn may get bogged by this discord. It’s often the unprincipled player who disconnects from the wise compass of the heart at the start of Eris transits, to make those greedy acquisitions, who doesn’t think of the consequences of their actions, regarding how this will impact another person who may have invested a great deal in a shared relationship, investment, or situation.

Care, empathy, sympathy and compassion are part of the Eris juxtaposition, and are qualities that become high value commodities at the start of Eris transits, because they completely fly out the window and vanish.

This is the moment in time when those who had always been loyal, giving, considering, committed, contributing and sharing, are forsaken, and has to make way for the greedy, superficial and entitled. This entails the desensitisation of their importance in relation, and people failing to appreciate the VALUE that those who operate from empathy bring to the table. It entails NOT REFLECTING on what it might feel like to be rejected, betrayed or stabbed in the heart, by turning on them to trap them in bewilderment or DESPAIR. To assume or expect that that they will always be available to serve in some way, without minding being put at a disadvantage, not given thanks, nor recognition. It entails valuing someone valuable too lightly, who are highly deserving, and only having an EPIPHANY of having taken them for granted, perhaps long after the relationship bridges had been burnt down.

The intention behind this devaluation was to stage a perceived swap of fortune, for the empathic person to take on the perception of having to take the short end of the stick.

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary:

Empathy is the action of understanding, being aware, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. It's the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it.

Sympathy and empathy are both a caring response to the emotional state of another person. Sympathy includes “a feeling of loyalty” and “unity or harmony in action or effect”. It entails “having common feelings” with another person, who understands the person who may be experiencing misfortune, emotion or a particular condition.

Compassion and empathy both refer to a caring response to someone else’s distress. While empathy refers to an active sharing in the emotional experience of the other person, compassion adds to that emotional experience a desire to alleviate the person’s distress.

Eris Moral Status, Cutting Someone Down from Moral Standing, and not having Moral Consideration in Evil-doing

To have moral status is to be morally considerable, or to have moral standing. It is to be an entity toward which moral agents have, or can have, moral obligations. If an entity has moral status, then we may not treat it in just any way we please… Unfortunately, the dynamics behind the Eris juxtaposition entails a player who has the APPEARANCE of being deserving of moral status, who then makes unfair judgements or false accusation on honourable people, so they loose perceived moral standing. This is about how the values, secret motives and hidden intentions of players, or groups of people, create a certain NARRATIVE around a person’s worth, that is an INJUSTICE. It entails not caring about another’s feelings. It’s causing an illusion with mincing words and ideas that have no foundation.

It’s about judging a book by its cover, and not having an accurate insight, nor understanding about the inner qualities that matter the most.

According to this website, MORAL STANDING refers “to the system used to place value on people and things, ranking them according to their moral worth. It's the measuring stick we use to decide whether or not something stands alone as worthy of respect. If we believe someone has moral standing, we are saying It makes a moral difference how we treat them. Going a step further, if we give someone or something moral standing, we are claiming our behavior toward them should take their best interests into account for their sake and not just because it benefits us. In other words, they have intrinsic value all on their own. They are not mere tools to be used or factors to be manipulated. If we believe something has moral standing, it matters simply because it matters and therefore, should be treated as such. Things that are assigned moral standing by a society or culture are expected to be treated with morality, or to make it simple, with kindness and consideration.”

True goddesses have wisdom, knowledge, life experience and self-acknowledgement of being person worthy of respect based on honest and truthful merit. They walk their life, and they talk it. They are aware of their grandness, because they perceive themselves through the lens of divinity. They are aware of the fine qualities that connectivity to one’s divinity entails.

The difference between the two parties, due to misalignment of values, puts them in a different league, which means that wrongdoing and whistleblowing is inevitable.

Goddesses refuse to be stuck and stagnant, which is exactly where vanity and ego driven players who mock judgement, seem to want them. Goddesses are worthy of honour, even though players refuse to acknowledge them, but it is because fast lane players cannot seem to reach that place of being genuinely respectable, honest, and loyal, themselves. Goddesses have learnt how to become independent and want to ADVOCATE and TEACH on how to HEAL, FLOURISH and become FREE from the destructive impulses. To aid in healing the world as an advocate, by putting compassion into action. Always resourceful. The Eris polarity is massive; the choices you make becomes your reality, what you sow you reap, and karmic repercussions are based on both hidden intentions, choices, values, and outer actions in life. How are you going to avoid cause and effect, by mocking natural law? Players don’t want to be called out or exposed for their evil minded bad behaviour, yet it is in the nature of goddess energy to expose untruths, for they desire to live in truth due to life experience. The following quote is highly applicable to understanding the Eris juxtaposition:

Eris Judgement and Revelation on Morality: Right or Wrong

Players want to influence goddesses into seeing them in a false halo of goodness, yet appearances are not rooted in truth. The two parties are on two different paths, despite the fact that the duplicitous player is determined to rob the goddess their high honour. Goddesses can’t afford to keep insincere energies around them who want to “deplete to exhaust” them; there is no wholesome way to co-create, with jealousy, deep envy, drama starting, and other sabotaging energies at play…

Healthy emotional boundaries are one of the best ways for goddesses who have outgrown the player, to accept and respect that the player makes choices that stunt their own growth, as well as others they keep in unhealthy bondage. Eris transits teach us that all people have to make choices that are good for them, and then all have to live with the consequences when Eris energy draws a pertinent line in the sand between the two parties.

The challenge here is comforting and loving on someone, who has been dragged through hell, treated with violent contempt, cut down, and not shown kindness or compassion, because of someone’s intention to win, because they want self-aggrandisement from it…

Image: An illustration of Moral foundations Theory created by Aprilia Muktirina via Wikimedia Commons.

The challenge is being part of a society where the worthy are made worthless nobodies, or where the most important person is made the outcast and abandoned.

To be unfairly made to hit rock bottom by another’s purposeful design to destroy potentials.

Where there is also karma that have to play out for being evil minded and not caring about another’s wellbeing.

The Eris juxtaposition brings to light how MORAL STATUS, and who is assigned worth by social groups or the patriarchy, are a corruption for one party to gain, and the disciplinary action that is needed to shine a light on the immoral, who was unsupportive of the marginalised who needed help and protection.

There was an absence of CARE and LOVE for a goddess who was cheated out of it when they needed it the most. There were reckless and irresponsible judgements made against a goddess. Where is the justice for the lack of compassion?

Zeus and his vanity-focussed establishment claimed to have MORAL STANDING, and yet they did this without having moral consideration?

Why was their mental state so judgemental, impaired and restrictive? How can someone dish this out without conscience, when they won’t be able to bear it, if it had happened to them?

There had to be ACCOUNTABILITY for inappropriate relationship, because someone’s judgement was harsh and heartless, yet they called themselves principled and of moral code, and wanted everyone to see them in a good light? This is an injustice, due to nobody being generous and “there” for those who have been marginalised and hurt, when they needed support.

Moral Corruption: Player Hermes Allowed for Negative Influence utilising Scarcity Tactics and Distortion that created Wounds that would Prevent Healing

Hermes was the Olympian deity in Greek mythology, emissary and messenger of the gods. Hermes (called Mercury in Roman mythology) was the “divine trickster”, and “in service” of the gods, and was sometimes presented as the son of Zeus.

Mercury was considered the god of financial gain, commerce, eloquence, messages, communication and luck.

Trickster Mercury was the god of thievery and today we associate the energy with gossips, liars, story tellers, information gatherers, memory, analytical skills, etc. It’s those of over-intellectual, mental, thinking, Mercurial nature.

Image: Mercury delivers the Eris apple to Paris via Wikimedia Commons.

He was a lesser god considered the protector of human heralds, travellers, thieves, merchants, and orators. He was able to move quickly and freely between the worlds of the mortal and the divine, aided by his winged sandals. It was Greek god Zeus who sent Hermes to oversee The Judgement of Paris. Here it is important to say that the caduceus was the staff carried by Hermes in Greek mythology. As a symbolic object, it represents trades, occupations, and later provided the basis for Mercury as astrological symbol, and

alchemy, but also commence and negotiation; two realms in which balanced exchange and reciprocity are recognised as ideals. The more modern interpretation associates the caduceus as a symbol of medicine and HEALING. There is also a reference to Mercury using it as the caduceator who negotiated peace arrangements under the DIPLOMATIC PROTECTION of the caduceus he carried…

Here it is important to consider that the trickster god, comes under the guise of carrying the caduceus, to facilitate peaceful arrangements on Zeus’ behalf, yet it is his nature to dupe and deceive others…

Image: A Judgement of Paris via Wikimedia Commons. The red pointer points at the caduceus of Hermes.

Image: A Judgement of Paris via Wikimedia Commons. The red pointer points at the caduceus of Hermes and Paris holding Eris’s apple

Image: Mercury Greek god via Wikimedia Commons.

In the Judgement of Paris, the messenger god Hermes, guided the three contenders (Athena, Hera and Aphrodite) to Idi carrying his “herald’s wand”, where they appeared before stunned Paris. It was Hermes who came with a quest, to bring the news to Paris, that Zeus chose Paris to be adjudicator of who was to be the fairest of the three goddesses, and to award Eris’s golden. Hermes came with a SCARCITY TACTIC though… only one goddess can be awarded the apple, despite the fact that they each had such amazing and unique qualities. This scarcity strategy was a marketing catch, because of the psychological principle that we tend to want what is in demand, or hard to attain to feed vanity. This scarcity complex made everyone increasingly eager to participate in the superficial, with its built in psychological persuasion INFLUENCE. It’s POVERTY CONSCIOUSNESS, also an Eris in astrology issue.

It’s also called FOMO (fear of missing out) and this mental anxiety set everyone up to be invested in an emotional outcome, but the reality was that this situation would set everyone up for failure…

Trickery was the tool, and sly investment in superficial ideals were the lure, to stir discord in the heart, anger and immense heartbreak.

To reap what they had sown; stuck to a superficial outcome where a victory was assured for only one… It’s a situation where there was perceived to be NO more opportunities for fair judgement left, after Paris’ superficial judgement was passed… because Paris was SWAY-ABLE and BRIBED by the INCENTIVE that Aphrodite offered. Paris’ judgement decided that Aphrodite was the ‘rightful’ owner of the apple, because she had promised him in exchange the inducement of the most beautiful woman in the world, Helen of Troy. Today we know a bribe as an illegal, unethical gift, lobbying effort or political corruption bestowed to influence the recipient's conduct.

Image: Mercury via Wikimedia Commons.

Both Hermes/Mercury, and Paris by proxy, were given these powerful positions by Zeus, which then became a situation where they had enough POWER that others responded to it in a certain way, followed by this corruption starting to consume Paris. This sudden gift of power and influence made hapless Paris a little DISTURBED at the sudden potentials open to him, and DRUNK ON POWER, which is a little sickening considering that the shepherd’s boy was simply minding his flock in the field while playing the lyre when the party found him. Paris was bamboozled by the super famous three goddesses (who each took GREAT PRIDE in their qualities) that offered him three highly desirable bribes… They each lavished him with attention, being overly eager “PICK ME” on his vanity, which must have inflated his sense of significance and importance…

Hermes was yet another player who played his part in the planned domino effect conspiracy that led to the Trojan War.

He was on instruction from Zeus, as a DIPLOMATIC NEGOTIATOR, on a DIPLOMATIC MISSION overseeing the BRIBERY with passive drama starting.

To gently guide the situation along in silence, watch reactions and memorise keen observations… perhaps step by step inching closer to his own silent victory or KICKBACK

Hermes/Mercury was both the TRICKSTER and OVERSEER at the Judgement of Paris, in active supervision of the situation, that led to the exchange in the quarrel not being fair, and that fair reciprocity not take place. Hermes was part of the sequence of events and communications that went awry, with unfortunate Paris making a poor judgement influenced by his reckless lust and greed. HUSTLER Paris wanted to gain from the situation as well. It would seem that some deliberate neglect on Hermes’s part, ensured that great pain, discord, anger and offence would stir in the goddesses hearts regarding moral standing and worth not being assigned to where it was due, that would take significant healing of the heart.

Relationships and trust got damaged beyond repair… perhaps also as a result of Hermes’s trickery ensuring a certain unfair outcome due to poor supervision.

What led to the Judgement of Paris, was a key prerequisite to the outbreak of the Trojan War. Book 24 of the Iliad lines 30-33 explains that unfortunate Paris were CONTEMPTUOUS of the goddesses, and it states that he had chosen “the one who volunteered to serve his dangerous lust”. It was Paris’ weakness and folly that made him support Aphrodite and make the hasty, greedy choice, which created such DISCORD IN THE HEART, that it fuelled the bloody Trojan War. From a certain point of view, Paris’ SCORN, disrespect, and insult was a form of bullying. The meaning of CONTEMPTUOUS is manifesting, feeling, or expressing deep hatred or disapproval, and another article describes why Paris had a chip on his shoulder, that turned into CONDESCENSION.

Was this creation of discord in the heart deliberate? For sure… because this was Zeus’ plan all along… for the dominoes to fall; to remove the challenge to his power that made him feel qualm and insecurity.

Mercury/trickster energy is very adaptable, versatile, smooth-talking, word love-bombing, and other gentle manoeuvring accordingly; to create certain outcomes that TRICK and DEPLETE others…

Below is Mercury with Zeus and his wife Hera bringing messages and inside scoop information from DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS. Mercury holds out his hand. What reward is the god of buying and selling expecting in return?

Image: Mercury/Hermes Delivering a Message to Jupiter/Zeus and Juno/Hera, with Neptune in Attendance via Wikimedia Commons.

You Reap what you Sow, Illusion in Exchange for Superficial Gain, the Stalking Clout Chasing Dynamic, and Eris Collaborations

All three the goddesses had great qualities, value and beauty, but somehow after the judgement of Paris, only one goddess was perceived to be the winner… It’s offence at insult of DIMINISHED SELF-WORTH due to trickery, and an unfair verdict that caused immense discord and strife, with long term consequences that led to the Trojan War, where the parties would war it out against one another, just as Zeus wanted, and oracle Themis foresaw.

This is about the principle of ‘WHAT YOU SOW YOU REAP’ in multiple, unexpected ways… The Trojan War brought forth immense SUFFERING, another Eris issue. Multiple clout-chasers were willing to appease Zeus and do his bidding as his minions, due to what they might benefit from his favour (NEPOTISM), not caring about conscience, propriety or the potential outcome of getting their hands a little dirty or stained by TEAMING UP… It’s the groupies doing DRAMA STARTING COLLABORATIONS without mercy, because they were informed or instructed beforehand. It’s self-fulfilment at another’s expense….

Here it is important to look at the MUTUAL RECEPTION of Venus in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Libra, as relationship and fortune commingle to become a pronounced energy. It spells out this strong clout-chasing, distorted altruism and collaboration for a benefit dynamic. It’s the desire of the planet of relating (Venus) in the house of vision for the future (9th house), and the optimism of the planet of expansion (Jupiter) in the house of partnerships and open enemies (7th house). This speaks of a strong desire to be ‘all up’ in someone else’s business - in romantic partnership or business relationship - as an OPPORTUNIST, and keeping an eye on their passions, progress, and prospects, and how a person can benefit, or feed off it by being in partnership…

It has the potentials to be very parasitic, unhealthy, unholy, toxic and co-dependant… when someone stands to benefit from keeping the relationship f****y going with all sorts of tactics. Perhaps also adding the strength in numbers element in groups… as players appear to be on certain sides, when there are ulterior motives…

Eris lower expression wants to manipulate REALITY, this is the very definition of darkness and devil energy.

There is another MUTUAL RECEPTION of Neptune in Aquarius in the 11th house, and Uranus in Pisces in the 12th house, where the energies come together for a strong focus on the impulsive behaviour of secret agendas and enemies, and the illusions that idealistic groups of people can fall under. It’s the planet of volatile change, rebellion, revolution and being resourceful (Uranus) in the house of the unconscious, the unseen and invisible enemies (12th house), and dreams, emotional intelligence and intuition in its sign of rulership (Pisces). This comes together with the idealistic planet of inspiration, receptivity, confusion (Neptune) in the house of friendships, social groups and community (11th house), marked by the highly intellectual and idealistic creativity of the sign of the house’s rulership (Aquarius).

In the positive expression, this is groups of people coming together because there is a common goal (11th house Aquarius) or dream that requires inspiration and creativity (12th house Pisces). To create and to infuse magic into the creation/project/vision for everyone’s mutual benefit and satisfaction. It’s the inspiration, enthusiasm, and creative spark to move forward with idealism that serves large communities of people in benevolence for all.

In the negative expression, this entails breakdown of good energy, and needing to heed the inner call to turn away from a dream, after finding that unhealthy influences or bad energy had turned it into a nightmare. This is the ill-intentions, ulterior motives, or illusions that had been injected into the mix, in exchange for a superficial gain. It’s aborting, to make a clean break to start afresh (Uranus) somewhere else, where there is a quest with heart (Neptune). This can be the image of the emotional waters (12th house) being depleted by the overly-intellectual socially acceptable approach (11th house), that kills creativity that comes from connection from within. It’s the lack of inspiration and ideas to move forward, due to loosing spark.

Like the previous mutual reception, this is also highly idealistic, but with shocking surprises in the house of secret enemies and spies to sabotage another’s dreams, and illusions in the house of hopes and dreams that can lead to a breakdown of social order in groups.

This moral dilemma also reminds of the Mercury, Venus, Pluto conjunction in Sagittarius in the 9th house, in Eris’s discovery chart, as Mercury/Hermes is sandwiched right in the middle between Pluto’s cruel, corrupting energy, and the heart’s desires of beauty-filled, relatable, loving Venus. Also remember that Mercury is trickster/ulterior motives energy… as things are not what they seem in the environment; that is full of slippery, tricky and shadowy characters… This DRAMA STARTING gossip, spying and slandering challenges belief systems, philosophy, the search for meaning, evolution, expansive ideas, and moral compass and leads to a fallout, as two dominating but shadowy ‘characters’ conjunct Venus, and there is a serious misalignment of values. It’s the players who are after another’s abundance, the dynamics behind energy harvesting become evident in part 9. This entails being two-faced, clingy, discriminatory, defaming and depleting towards the Venus feminine energy. It entails blackmail, or creating stalemates to make the receptive, loving feminine party go into a cage voluntarily; to submit to controlling people’s toxic f*****y in relationship. It’s about disarming the feminine energy, getting played out, and lack of conscience. To make another hit rock bottom thinking they will never self-actualise with all the bullying. This is about destroying BEAUTY, PASSION, VALUE and HARMONY in the house of idealism; to make a person think that their ideals and vision had gone down the drain (also see the mutual reception of Neptune in Aquarius in the 11th house and Uranus in Pisces in the 12th house which is also highly idealistic, but with shocking surprises in the house of secret enemies, and illusions in the house of hopes and dreams.) 

Eris’ discovery chart has multiple signatures around BETRAYAL when you consider Mars conjunct Varda, Ixion and Quaoar in Sagittarius in the 8th house…

The betrayal dynamic is detailed in other articles in the Eris Vanity Series, see below:

See this gallery in the original post

Potential for Self-Actualisation and Jackpot after the Perfect Storm of Bullying, Taunting, and Hopelessness for the Innocent

This reminds of Chiron in the 10th house of reputation. Chiron can be seen as the achilles heel, where weakness is exposed and where a cure is needed. This is the house of how one is seen in the world, reputation, recognition, career, vocation and public image. Chiron in the 10th house on its own is having trouble with authority figures, however Chiron is opposed to Saturn, which rules Capricorn, square the bendings, making this issue highly pronounced. The North Node of Fate is seen as a person’s life path, destiny, their fate, or their fortune, with Saturn (the patriarchy) blocking or weakening this. This Grand Cross is all about those who have put themselves in positions of some authority, who want to make harder or restrict another’s destiny, and cause them sorrow in their public appearance. It’s the authoritative person wanting another to be “checked out” of their life journey and purpose. It’s bullying someone into not being the best version of themselves, not SELF-ACTUALISING, due to the fear of them OUTSHINING them. To trap their life journey in stagnancy. It’s the self-elected judge, jury and criticiser of another’s social standing in life. It’s the OXYMORON of someone who says that another is unworthy, and then spends all their time to make them appear unworthy in other people’s eyes, which is an unworthy action... To have the accumulation of another’s natural gifts, talents and abilities be hidden from the world, unrealised and in unfulfillment, so that the enemy in charge can sit in their SUPERIORITY throne. It’s can be seen a signature for DEFAMATION of honourable character, and BLASPHEMY against what is sacred… To disturb someone’s life to the point where it will HAUNT them for a long time… Below are two charts that are elaborated on in part 7.

Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology, and the solution for the Chironic state is to turn the key by going within and finding solutions on the inside for the feeling of hopelessness, by connecting with the divine Self. Chiron entails working the magic on the inside, in order to build a person of strong moral character, resilience, wisdom, foresight, and discipline; becoming worthy of praise for the inner qualities, as to qualify to shine in the brilliance of that Sun in the 10th house Capricorn. This is MERIT with SUBSTANCE. This is the accumulation of the divine essence, talents, natural abilities etc. that an honourable, gifted person has, that shows in how they are seen and RECOGNISED in the world, that the disturbed thief wants to steal. This signifies the sacred happiness JACKPOT that is destined for the innocent, rightful and strong of spirit, who earned it by genuine effort, healing themselves after misfortune, and prospering again, despite the challenge from the jealous squares from Eris and Jupiter/Zeus, and opposed by Varuna. This is detailed in another article in the Eris Vanity and Clout chasing series.

North Node of Fate

Also consider the irritating inconjunct/quincunx energy between the Mercury, Venus and Pluto conjunction, to Saturn. It is curious that Chiron is in the10th house in Eris’s discovery chart, and also in the 10th house of Pluto’s discovery chart. In Pluto’s chart, Chiron is in Taurus conjunct the North Node, and it speaks of the qualities of the house of reputation, public acclaim, in a slightly different way in terms of finding REDEMPTION IN HEALING as stability, as was detailed in the Pluto blog.

In Eris’s chart, HEALING (Chiron) in the 10th house is greatly challenged, weakened and limited… which is why the huge gap between Eris lower to Eris higher expression, is crossed by healing the heart within, through forgiveness and letting it all go, which is a mammoth task due to discord, anger and great pain…

The rewards of turning the Chironic key are highly sought after and valuable, but who are truely willing to detoxify themselves of all that is low vibrational, to allow the light of the divine Self in instead? The most valuable resources, are the ones that can be unlocked… from the inside…

In Eris’ discovery chart, Chiron at 25 degrees Capricorn and the Sun at 15 degrees Capricorn, and the aspects that they make, both being in the 10th house, is the ultimate signature of the Eris polarity between being in self-doubt or being in faith shining brightly.

CHIRON astrological glyph

Image: Caduceus via Wikimedia Commons.


Isn’t it obvious how deliberate the desire and intention was to win at all cost, in the bigger picture?

To deliberately injure, betray and inflict pain on another?

To leave a situation so open-ended or unresolved, that it can drag on for years… with the intent that people don’t recover, move on, nor heal…

It’s as if Hermes had been OVERSEEING THE SITUATION, to make sure that foolish loss and bullshit go down, due to people’s inherent weaknesses, flaws or temptations tripping them up… in terms of how they are viewed in the world. It’s as if everyone’s destiny were weakened and syphoned from them, keeping them in their lower nature, satiated by low vibrational emotions, like anger, obsession and thoughts of revenge, by them being in illusion. Dragging them down to hell on purpose… because their weaknesses were easy to play on…Their life path forever changed, and the better version of themselves lost due to participating in the devaluation.

All because of indulging in something that wasn’t real, and getting emotionally and mentally caught up in the discord of the heart, with the trickster quietly looking on at the situation… like the devil himself…

To make sure that everyone lost control over their own life… in this series of abuse of power that flipped the dominoes down the ranks… resulting in lack of integrity that is personified in Chiron as a weakness in character, that got exploited by those who put themselves in authority (opposition from Saturn).

Everyone had their own unique value, inner qualities and beauty, but they had to indulge in competition for superiority due to self-worth issues, jealousy and greed of what another had, and compete out of feeling insecure in themselves…

Many clout-chasers were happy to appease and do the bidding of leader of the social status quo Zeus, and this situation was exploited by Zeus, for his own selfish aims… to squash his own restlessness around his insecurities…

Reckoning and Reality Check after the Brutal Trickery, and Healing from the Discord in the Heart and Mass Hysteria Mental Sickness

Image: Hector Censuring Helen and Paris, by F. Hendrickx, Dutch, c. 1820, oil on canvas - Princeton University Art Museum, via Wikimedia Commons. Click to enlarge.

Hermes can be seen as another cruel silent ACCOMPLICE of Zeus who manipulated the drama reel situation, who didn’t want those involved to see where they were going, and what they were involved with.

Hermes was overseeing the situation and bargaining on hapless hedonist Paris making a particular choice to feed his own vanity, that would injure others that were emotionally invested in a fair outcome of which Zeus made Paris judge…

Paris was offered the opportunity to achieve something great and NOBLE, but (predictably) turned it down so that he could have the trophy wife and hedonistic life that he did not earn on MERIT. When a man has the love of the most beautiful and desirable woman, it usually means that he has a strong character and has achieved something notable, having done the work to earn his fine reward. Paris put in none such effort. Paris' immoral judgement revealed a debased, frivolous, ignoble ‘character’, worthy of scorn. Upon realisation of Paris’ true character, ill intentions and disregard for the fine but unique qualities of the goddesses, they must have been very angry at the unqualified FOOL that Zeus appointed for what became known as The Judgement of Paris.

Isn’t it obvious how small the prospect of healing, forgiveness and recovery really was for scorned goddesses Hera and Athena?

Only those of the greatest inner fortitude, strength, and ability to forgive, heal, and allow the transformative process, get to move on from this deliberate attempt at entrapment within a distorted sense of self.

When all the choices, events and dominoes that led to the Trojan War are examined, it becomes obvious that there was NO OPPORTUNITY, nor room for healing in this situation; everyone was stirred into INFLAMED DISCORD OF THE HEART and MASS HYSTERIA MENTAL SICKNESS, as described in part 5.

It was the perfect storm for destruction, chaos and strife… called for and planned by Zeus, foresaw and prescribed by Themis, executed and overseen by clout-hungry accomplices, resulting in a feeding frenzy of low vibrational behaviour.

The Illiad called Paris a "self-centred catalyst for war" and morally corrupt, although on the outside, his surface was pleasing. His brother Hector highlighted Paris’ ability to ruin virtually everyone’s future often, and named all of his superficial vices frequently, shaming him for it…  

A Magic Wand of Healing, Peace and Alchemy that cannot be Utilised, because Discord and Strife had to be Cultivated Instead

Image: Mercury/Hermes statue, holding the caduceus, with a fig leaf placed over the genitalia. The fig leaf was placed there under the more "chaste" Popes; later, most such coverings were removed. via Wikimedia Commons.

In Greek mythology, Zeus had a lightning bolt that was used as a mighty weapon of PUNISHMENT and DESTRUCTION that also struck fear in men. Not only did the object of thunder help win the war against the Titans, it was also used to kill others who threatened the Zeus’s authority. Asclepius, the god of medicine, was killed by a thunderbolt from Zeus, because of his powers to heal humans and raise them from the dead. The rod of Asclepius is synonymous with the caduceus, a symbol of healing that Hermes/ Mercury holds (see image to the right). Zeus used the lightning bolt to gain absolute control over gods and men. It was mainly by this weapon of control that he abused, that the thunder god ultimately “conquered the universe”.

It’s quite obvious, that the fanatical, destructive, control-hungry Eris lower expression, don’t want healing, flow, temperance and good fortune in the world, yet that is exactly what Eris higher expression stand for…

The concept of rods/magic wands was used by the ancient Greek writer Homer. In The Iliad, Homer wrote that Hermes generally used his magic wand Caduceus to make people sleep and wake up. It is described as having “transformative powers” though.... Hermes/Mercury seems to carry this staff/rod during many of exploits, yet he doesn’t use in a spirit of medicine, nor healing capacity. The caduceus has various ancient and consistent associations with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy, and wisdom. It’s as if trickster by nature Mercury/Hermes religiously carried the caduceus, but often when he was involved in trickery in relationship matters, as can be seen in several traditional paintings about The Judgement of Paris, in his capacity as herald and cruel nemesis, out to fool others on Zeus’ instruction, or his own whims.

One myth suggests that Hermes (or Mercury) saw two serpents entwined in mortal combat.

In separating them with his wand he brought about peace between them, and as a result the wand with two serpents came to be seen as a sign of PEACE. Yet this is a magic wand that was used for its APPEARANCE, and in changing appearance. These are SUPERFICIAL qualities… as if he came in peace, yet he was a SHALLOW trickster with ulterior motives, and hidden agendas that involved the entitled King of Olympus, who didn’t want anyone to outshine him, nor get what he deemed should be exclusively his.

According to Greek poet Homer, the bloodiest battle in history, the Trojan War, went on for ten years. This is about the timeframe that Eris’s strife and conflict energy can stay active in one degree of the zodiac if you consider the following. Eris can stay in one degree of the zodiac for up to 9 years depending, unlike Pluto transits where the energy is active in one degree for up to 2-3 years depending. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years, where for Eris it is 558 years. When orbs around this one degree of the zodiac are added, one may be able to justify why Eris energy can stay active for up to 10 years… and when the Wheel of Fortune as it pertains to Eris energy is considered, this is quite plausible.

Eris lower expression energy has the potential to be extremely destructive and manic with the DOMINION OVER OTHERS dynamic, to cause immense suffering and hopelessness, but the higher expression energy holds the potentials for alchemy and benevolent change that breaks that stalemate energy.

Eris is all about how some fail to evolve, and how some do evolve despite great odds.

When disconnected from the wisdom of the heart, this leads to a blindness and inability to make good choices. Having an open, healed heart leads to a balanced state of mind and clarity. The two energies don’t match, as there is no synergy. One seeks to build up, while the other seeks total depletion and destruction.

For Eris higher expression there is a knowing that unhealed players don’t give of themselves, and seem unable to make sacrifices for the greater good.

Players don’t want to see the bigger picture nor face conscience, because the desire for a victory, a win and a burial for another’s dreams are too much of a priority… Distorted altruism is used to disguise the narcissism.

Their indulgent and self-gratifying desires entail dethroning and hurting goddesses; for them to be in the space of having nothing, being sad, feeling forgotten, lost and unprotected. Ganged up on, and betrayed. Damaged. Players want to keep on wearing a mask of pretence, copy the goddess energy as if it is their own, being triggered and dramatic. Influencing people to buy into falseness and illusion, and being around other fake, inauthentic, non-committal karmic friends who they cannot trust.

It is the same shit, different day. For players to feed off of whatever energy they can get, spiritually downgrading themselves into more degradation as they go. Ego inflation.

Cathartic Eris Truth is Meant to Redeem

As explained previously, this information may be challenging for some people, yet the idea with Eris energy, is for the truth to redeem you, regarding misalignment of values between those in relationship. As is evident, one party had been put through hell, due to another’s insecurities, jealousy and anger problems. The targeted has the opportunity to either become just like their abuser to carry forward the pattern of abuse, or heal, forgive and move forward. The mythological story of Eris is a long one, with many different players and characters, however we do know that there is a question that begs to be answered. Who is the fairest, and why is there an urgency around

the question, and smoke and mirrors? The answers lie in Eris’ Greek mythology, and in studying goddess Eris and warrior Achilles’ worth and value, in comparison to the enemy who staged a discord and strife defeat for them from afar.

This Eris issue - around who is the fairest - returns towards the end of Eris transits, with the detached from the heart players finally seeing what certain people who carry visionary goddess energy really bring to the table; their worth, their value, and their fine qualities. What was once denied, cannot be denied no more… as Eris’s apple create cause and effect that spins the Wheel of Fortune, to teach valuable people their worth, and expose the self-elected, insecure counterfeits. It’s Eris chaos that can ultimately bring a conclusion, even a celebration… as truth is released. Even the bitter truth sets hearts free.

To learn about “who was the fairest?”, go to part 7.

Series Eris Vanity and Clout Chasing Articles:

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Other Astrology Articles:

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The narcissist's playbook: How smart women are abused by romantic frauds | Australian Story

In their feels, deep down they feel this karmic was a test that they failed, missed a fated gift (EXCELLENT)

They threw rocks & made fun of you in the empty field that was the grounds for your bountiful garden.

Sharing what you learned will set others free! The world needs to hear what you have to say

They're going downhill fast, losing a home and some kind of trouble with the law

Malicious people really thought they had you, trippin on you while their lies fall apart around them

Depression setting in, they shouldn’t have come for you or said what they said

Group upset at your light, low vibing energy aimed at you, will get back exactly what they put out

They're broke, trying to network with group who see them as jealous & false after lie exposed