A Bigger Picture Astrological Research

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Eris High Honour, Hubris, and the lack of belief in True Worth that is the Pride before the Fall

Image: Attribution: Luis García via Wikimedia Commons.

The Eris square Pluto aspect was exact with five hits between 2020 - 2021 bringing with it a massive mental health crisis, but will still be in orb of influence until 2024. As this article is written, Eris square Pluto is very nearly within 2 degree orb of influence, and the energy is felt… Eris in Aries also trines Varda in Sagittarius exactly. The interaction of these three planets coincides with the extreme amount of trolling, hacking, scamming and social engineering we are seeing. We have certainly seen a lot of mental antagonism since the start of 2020, envy and hubris, which is the insulting and degrading treatment that entails committing an injustice against another. A research paper on Aristotle’s views on Hubris and Injustice by Douglas Cairns examines how these dynamics interplay, and how an injustice involves a way of going wrong about honour, which is in fact a form of greed or acquisitiveness with regard to honour. Even though hubris in astrology is an Eris issue currently

strongly at play, Sedna in Taurus started to trine Pluto in earnest since the start of 2022, which put even more emphasis on the greed for power, control, materialism and acquisition. In addition, both lower expression Eris and Sedna entails mental imbalance, which is why this potentially is the biggest problem currently facing mankind.

Eris is the Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife, and the trans-Neptunian object in western astrology that will be prominent in our collective consciousness from 2020 - 2028+. There’s a dynamic between two opposing polarities that creates immense discord and conflict, and irreconcilable differences. There is often no common ground, which is why it is up to divine justice, rearrangement, and recompense to sort out the mess, and bestow just due. Bringing to each party the harvest of what they had sown. And it will be fair and just.

Polarity of Eris in Astrology:

These polarities vividly illustrates the character of two very different sets of people, with very different values. It also vividly illustrates a commonality, which is the extraction of fulfilment and satisfaction. One loves genuinely and gets satisfaction from helping others in community. The other gets the satisfaction from propping up their own superiority, off of the downfall of another, in one sided charity. One’s fortune is the other’s misfortune.

Divine judgement is the only scale that can restore balance to this big ego/heartbreak mess… and a separating of the ‘wheat from the chaff’. Why? One sees real value in them self being a loving, benevolent helper to raise the downtrodden up. The other sees them self in the illusion of arrogance and self-aggrandisement that promotes prejudice and discrimination, to stomp on another’s life in wastefulness. One promotes fortune for the disenfranchised, and the other misfortune for the caretakers of the marginalised. It’s a vicious dynamic that need to be recognised for what it really is… (Politics is a revolving door around this polarity.) We are all divine beings having a human experience, but some just cannot find their own true worth inside of themselves, thus the act of deliberate disrespect, ruin or disgrace towards, and creating illusions about those who embody divinity; to make the ego feel superior.

Eris Higher Expression Experience of Virtue

Eris Higher Expression has blessings, a caring heart for the disenfranchised, loves to help, and be of service to community.

They may have a compassionate, graceful nature and good fortune from having divine connectedness, and may be held in high regard in a community. They may be open to allowing and receiving benevolence, always hopeful for the good. Higher Expression Eris is the nurturing caretaker who cares for the hungry, cold, or in need in the dead of winter, often with unconditional love. She overcomes crises through compassion and nurturing. Sharing and caring. Wise, authentic, and practical. She makes people feel warm and welcome through selfless giving. Helping those who are less fortunate with her generosity of spirit, often without expectation of reward, sustaining them through

a trying time, with her acts of kindness. Knowing what it feels like for those who are experiencing hopelessness, despair, or the anxiety that comes with instability or the unknown. Yet these empaths need to temper themselves, and learn that not everyone who is needy is deserving of help, because people with narcissistic traits tend to flock to her authentic light. Some come to admire, but some to sneak up on her. To turn a sweetheart upside down with bullying, sabotage, ruin, or to cause in them; a self-destruction from the inside out… with the Eris discord of the heart. This breaking of empathic people’s hearts and disgracing them leads to a significant Dark night of the Soul, or journey through the Underworld experience; to seek healing, forgive, gain personal restoration, and reconnect with divine Self within. For the phoenix to rise again, more radiant and beautiful than before… which is a “high honour” Eris higher expression experience… The learning of lessons, letting go and elevating is the justice, and divine recompense. Shining more brightly as a beacon of light, divinity, self-love, and hope in a broken world. Worthy.

Eris Lower Expression Experience of Vice

Lower Expression Eris people want to dishonour and disrespect their counterpart and holds a grudge, as their demons are irritated by this kind-hearted person who are admired and may be on a pedestal.

Perhaps out of hubris, obsession, resentment, jealousy or ego, that had progressed into a mental imbalance problem; to be in competition with, or to feed off that person’s energy, and a betrayal, like a vampire. To dominate or overpower their light; to stop their self-actualisation. To isolate that person, to create an impasse for them, or make them feel hopeless, so that what they have to offer is blocked. Feeling invincible to take them down, ruin their reputation, or to take their happiness from them. To make the inspirational lose their inspiration. To make them cry, break their heart, make them bitter, take away their

support system, or ousting them out of a group, for personal satisfaction. In essence, to prevent another from getting good things, wealth, or being celebrated. Unable to tolerate the higher expression being seen and admired for who they really are, and getting their just due. Getting fuel, drawing from darker energies, and “feel good” from another’s downfall. Wanting to win at all cost, to block another’s fortune, and cause injustice, even at the cost of becoming more mentally unstable themselves. The disgruntlement at the fine attributes of the higher expression person, makes them deliberately nurture a grudge against them. They are shortsighted and have superficial values, which is why - in their minds - the competition has to be squashed. (Think the Evil Queen in Snow White, where Snow White had no other choice but to flee the vitriol aimed exclusively at her. The Evil queen demanded the taste of satisfaction that came from establishing her superiority at all cost.) Mean, greedy and evil, trying to cause pain. Refusing to allow another person to blossom and be loved for who they really are. Not wanting them to gain from their hard work or efforts, nor getting what they love either. Perhaps even to permanently end them with a huge loss.

Image: School of Athens Aristotle in blue via Wikimedia Commons.

Hubris, Pride and Ego as Eris Qualities

In ancient Greek thought, the term hubris refers primarily to actions that dishonour or humiliate another person, rooted in dispositions toward excessive or domineering self-assertion.

Hubris is described as the intentional use of violence to humiliate or degrade the victim, often for the gratification of the abuser.

The most knowledgable person on hubris seems to be Aristotle, an ancient Greek teacher who was a pioneer in many fields of philosophy and science. The meaning of hubris has changed with the passing of time, but it is still defined as over-wheening presumption that leads a person to disregard the divinely fixed limits on human action, in an ordered cosmos. It is the insolent encroachment upon the rights of others. It is wanting something that another one has - perhaps without working for it - or scheming hard towards another’s detriment, becoming unbalanced in the process…

Wikipedia describes hubris as an exaggerated form of self-esteem and over-valuation, which is actually a lie used to cover the lack of self-esteem, that the committer feels deep down.

It is a personality quality of extreme or foolish pride, or dangerous overconfidence. In Greek mythology there are many examples of the hubristic behaviour that brings the downfall of the perpetrator of hubris, like Zeus’s scheming that led to the Trojan War. He did not want to take the blame for it, thus Eris was scapegoated, shunned, and made the black sheep. If ancient Greek definitions were compared in legal terms today, we would know it as assault, battery and sexual crimes, or the theft of public or sacred property. In modern western astrology, we recognise hubris and its intentions to humiliate, dishonour, and harm a victim, as Eris in astrology. The pleasure that is derived from the distress that is inflicted on the victim - via hubristic behaviour - is also known in modern psychology as schadenfreude, and also Tall poppy syndrome. Although hubris only has negative connotations and consequences, there are other words with strong associations that have a double meaning…

According to Wikipedia, "Pride is sometimes viewed as corrupt or as a vice, sometimes as proper or as a virtue. With a positive connotation, pride refers to a content sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions, or toward a whole group of people, and is a product of praise, independent self-reflection, and a fulfilled feeling of belonging. With a negative connotation pride refers to a foolishly and irrationally corrupt sense of one's personal value, status or accomplishments, used synonymously with hubris."

In the extreme pride can become an evil sin, a form of self-idolatry, sadistic contempt, or vanity.

Image: Roman statue of the goddess Persephone (also known as Proserpina). The restoration of the statue has her holding a theatre mask, like one of the Muses. c. 140-160 CE. (National Archaeological Museum of Naples) via Wikimedia Commons.

Merriam-Webster defines pride as “reasonable self-esteem” or “confidence and satisfaction in oneself”.

This may be related to one’s abilities, achievement, positive characteristics, level of maturity and character. Healthy pride is good and a virtue. It means we are worthy of praise, feeling fulfilled in our sense of self, and a belonging, based on healthy independent self-reflection.

Wikipedia describes that philosopher Richard Taylor define pride as “the justified love of oneself”, as opposed to false pride, vanity, or narcissism.

Similarly, St. Augustine defined it as "the love of one's own excellence".

Ironically, the word proud comes from late Old English prut, probably from Old French prud “brave, valiant”, from Late Latin term prodis “useful”, which is compared with the Latin prodesse “be of use”. The sense of “having a high opinion of oneself” may reflect the Anglo-Saxons’ opinion of the Norman knights who called themselves “proud”.

These are the polarities associated with Eris in astrology. Many other articles in the Eris blog have described how the lower expression become bothered or feel threatened, and then aim to get a high from getting inside of higher Eris expression’s head; to corrupt that ability for healthy independent self-reflection, by putting them in mental traps and imprisonment. To control another’s value and abundance as if they are property to be devalued. To trigger and break down their sense of personal worth, status or accomplishments, by flipping the script on them, perhaps with psychological warfare like love-bombing, gaslighting, or simply lack of clarity. Trying to manipulate with some magic how they see themselves, how other people see them… or make false judgements on their merit, excellence, or honour. These are the issues that happen in society all the time, and those who are delicately stalked sometimes brush off the many red flags, but during Eris transits the Great Pretender’s mask fall off, and the hidden, shapeshifting enemy is seen for who they really are, and the damage that they are deliberately doing. Always be grateful for Eris transits for revealing people’s true colours, intentions and motivations. Happiness-haters routinely fake self-esteem, and often hate and reduce on those who have the genuine qualities. They are triggered. Deep down they feel disconnected, melancholy and pain, which they try to hide under pretending, “smiling” facades, and false congenial personas. Note the statue above of Persephone holding a theatre mask, signifying the masks that lower expression Eris people tend to wear. The wolf in sheep’s clothing feel a deep dissatisfaction and discord when they look at the stability, success, fulfilment or happiness of their counterparts.

Aristotle: Healthy Worth and Pride versus False Pride

Greek philosopher Aristotle set out the following elequently. It shows why each human being innately want to believe in their value and worth, to be a great person, and to have great things, but in order to have that they need that connectedness to an authentic self within. According to Wikipedia,

Image: via Wikimedia Commons

“Aristotle identified pride (megalopsuchia, variously translated as proper pride, the greatness of soul and magnanimity) as the crown of the virtues, distinguishing it from vanity, temperance, and humility, thus:

Now the man is thought to be proud who thinks himself worthy of great things, being worthy of them; for he who does so beyond his deserts is a fool, but no virtuous man is foolish or silly. The proud man, then, is the man we have described. For he, who is worthy of little and thinks himself worthy of little is temperate, but not proud; for pride implies greatness, as beauty implies a goodsized body, and little people may be neat and well-proportioned but cannot be beautiful.

He concludes then that

Pride, then, seems to be a sort of crown of the virtues; for it makes them more powerful, and it is not found without them. Therefore it is hard to be truly proud; for it is impossible without nobility and goodness of character.”

By contrast, Aristotle defined the vice of hubris as follows:

to cause shame to the victim, not in order that anything may happen to you, nor because anything has happened to you, but merely for your own gratification. Hubris is not the requital of past injuries; this is revenge. As for the pleasure in hubris, its cause is this: naive men think that by ill-treating others they make their own superiority the greater. Thus, although pride and hubris are often deemed the same thing, for Aristotle and many philosophers hubris is altogether an entirely different thing from pride.”

What is Hubris and the Shame it Creates for both parties?

Image: Aristotle via Wikimedia Commons.

Hubris (húbris) is pride, insolence, outrage, or less frequently hybris describes a personality quality of extreme or excessive pride or dangerous overconfidence, often in combination with (or synonymous with) arrogance.

The term arrogance comes from the Latin adrogare, meaning "to feel that one has a right to demand certain attitudes and behaviors from other people". To arrogate means "to claim or seize without justification... To make undue claims to having", or "to claim or seize without right... to ascribe or attribute without reason". The term pretension is also associated with the term hubris, but is not synonymous with it.

According to studies, hubris, arrogance, and pretension are related to the need for victory (even if it does not always mean winning) instead of reconciliation, which "friendly" groups might promote. Hubris is usually perceived as a characteristic of an individual rather than a group, although the group the offender belongs to may suffer collateral consequences from wrongful acts.

Hubris often indicates a loss of contact with reality, and an overestimation of one's own competence, accomplishments, or capabilities.

In ancient Greek, hubris referred to “outrage”: actions that violated natural order, or which shamed and humiliated the victim, sometimes for the pleasure or gratification of the abuser. Shame was often reflected on the perpetrator, as well.

Image:The School of Athens Epicurus





Alexander the Great






Federico II Gonzaga, Duke of Mantua


Diogenes of Sinope



Il Sodoma

via Wikimedia Commons.

Honour and Shame in Social Context

Aristotle defined hubris as behaviour that gratuitously and intentionally slights the honour of another person, shaming them publicly in order to get pleasure out of that humiliation. This is why the antagonist block those of high honour and most worthy of public standing; the ego doesn’t like meritocracy and good character.

Crucial to the definition of hubris are the ancient Greek concepts of honour and shame. Honour is the idea of a bond between an individual and a society, as to the qualities of a person, that is both a social teaching and a personal ethos, that manifests as a code of conduct (with elements like valour, honesty and compassion).

With Eris in astrology there is often trickery and lies. Who is worthy of honour, and who is the fraudulent instigator who threw bricks and hid their hands? Sometimes only one party is violently slandered, but what about the shame of the hubristic?

This concept of honour is akin to one person’s fortune, is another’s misfortune, that can oscillate. Consider the following, and then see the example of Lady Justice…Hubris denotes overconfident pride combined with arrogance. Hubris is often associated with a lack of humility. Sometimes a person's hubris is also associated with ignorance.

The accusation of hubris often implies that suffering or punishment will follow, yet Eris lower expression people find crafty ways of avoiding taking accountability; by being in denial, and in doing so, becoming fragmented, and unstable. Projecting, scapegoating and maintaining illusions, to save face… Some becoming highly skilled at habitual deception, and keeping a straight face, but this too leads to their undoing. Living in untruth or dishonesty with self, entails destabilising and harming yourself. This false lifestyle never fails to deliver energetically; what you sow you do reap, in some form.

Lady Justice Themis, Zeus and Hubris as Ignorance and Gaslighting

If hubris makes people “blind”, what does that say about Lady Justice and her blindfold, and Zeus and his facades?

Curiously, another Eris article titled The Judgement of Paris was the Scheming of Zeus and Themis to Scapegoat Eris, describes the lady liberty holding up the scales of justice, and the sword of truth and clarity, in great detail. How can fair judgement and impartiality be made when one is blindfolded? Unless this piece of cloth was added, deliberately by design… with deeper meaning.

Themis was goddess of Justice and Divine Law and Order in Greek mythology, and had a good reputation. She was often represented as a woman of sober appearance carrying a pair of scales, that weighed the deeds of humans and dispensed justice based upon the contemplation of facts and evidence. Early on in ancient Greek artwork, Themis WAS NOT DEPICTED with a blindfold over the eyes, but as the centuries progressed, artwork depicted certain themes slightly differently.

The article titled The Judgement of Paris was the Scheming of Zeus and Themis to Scapegoat Eris goes in great detail to show how and why it was Zeus that schemed with Lady Justice; that brought about the Trojan War that claimed the lives of massive amounts of people.

Zeus maintained the lie that the Trojan War was Eris’s fault, for which he made sure she was blamed for socially.

It is said that narcissists often project onto others… what they are guilty of, and the evidence points to Zeus being a narcissist. Zeus loved his public acclaim, wealth and status, and even though he had many affairs, love children, and dirty secrets, he always wanted to be seen in a good light in the public, even if it meant blaming Eris, for what he was guilty of. Not caring that it is an unfair power balance, that women are stalked, charmed and deceived by an insincere, cheating love-bomber, have to bear the player’s illegitimate children, and blaming innocent people for instigating mass calamity, when Zeus and Themis had “influenced” Eris before she threw that apple into the wedding crowd… Zeus was the nefarious troublemaker, yet hid behind the scapegoating of others; it’s always someone else’s fault… It’s deliberate lies and malice, to keep the low vibrations going, so he can perpetuate his prominence as the King of Olympus, having massive amount of negative influence over others, under a guise of goodness, so that the foe can have social license to stuff everyone up… and still be catered to… Zeus wanted his winning-over-others lifestyle to perpetuate, where he pulls all the strings; to finesse and abuse others and get away with doing it over and over. He wanted to play others, make them stuck; to ensure that their ships don’t come in and their wealth doesn’t manifest. The delusional wanted to keep everyone’s trust, yet violate everyone’s trust; gaslighting them into his false reality. Pious, yet spin webs that harms others. He was empty inside.

In hubristic greed, ruthless miser Zeus wanted to hoard all the benefits (and all the honour) for himself, while making others suffer so he can have it all. He wanted the rank of charismatic leadership and control at all cost, and for it not to end.

Lady Themis wore a blindfold, because it had become a metaphor for her being an accomplice. She also wanted to continue to receive undeserved “high” honour and exaltation in the eyes of the community. She did not want to take on the shame that Eris was exclusively scapegoated, rejected, ghosted, and ostracised for… Multiple elements led to the Trojan War - like dominoes falling - but Themis and Zeus were the instigators. Zeus had the main motive and the blueprint planning, which was executed.

Lady Justice - being an oracle and clairvoyant -knew she was guilty, but she chose to keep up appearances of her “honour” and be ignorant and in illusion of her dirty deeds in the public eye… The irony is, that although she wore her blindfold, she could not un-see the truth…

Yet despite her shenanigans, future generations of artists made Lady Themis wear a blindfold for the karmic disaster (wink wink - if you know what I mean). Poets like Hesiod and Aeschylus used the word hubris to describe the transgressions of mortals against the gods, and a common way that hubris was committed in ancient Greece, was when a mortal claimed to be better than a god or goddess in a particular skill or attribute. It would suggest that Themis’s duplicity was known, yet not spoken of, because the mortals could get into serious trouble for pointing the truth out. The gods Zeus and Themis wanted everyone gaslighted into thinking Eris started the Trojan War, when it was their brainchild. Eris lower expression people are also

vehemently against the truth being pointed out, fighting hard to maintain the illusion, or their deception, in the community’s perception.

Read the article to get a bigger picture of why Zeus needed to start the Trojan War, and could not do it without Themis... Hint, Zeus had massive insecurities… another Eris issue… which is now known to lead to the fall of empires, inheritances, fortune, and legacies… due to over-riding ambition, fakery and f*****y… more Eris issues.

Gaslighting is psychological manipulation. It’s when one person tries to gain control over another person by distorting reality, and forcing the other person to question their own judgement and intuition.

Pride Goes Before Destruction / The Fall

The proverb "pride goeth (goes) before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall" (from the biblical Book of Proverbs, 16:18) is thought to sum up the modern use of hubris.

Hubris is also referred to as "pride that blinds", because it often causes a committer of hubris to act in foolish ways that belie common sense. A fall from grace due to poverty of the soul.

In other words, the modern definition of hubris may be thought of as, "that pride that goes just before the fall". What you sow, you shall reap, and multiple Eris stories on the Eris blog shows that there are often very far-reaching consequences to making low-vibrational choices.

The Hubristic Shaming and Abuse of Eris Higher Expression by the Lower Expression

With hubris, the intention to dishonour the other party, and the intention to obtain the pleasure of feeling superior or appearing superior, are complementary and intrinsically linked.

It’s about a perpetrator taking action to have more, making a victim have less… this is what needs to be recognised in order to understand the lower and higher expression dynamic.

Of what use are the hubristic deeds - to obtain the “feel good” superiority - when it is not authentic, nor long-lasting?

This is what may be realised at the end of Eris transits, when the wheel of fortune had turned, the rooster had crowed three times, and the scales of justice had been balanced. What is authentic and true fulfilment, and what is not worth investing in? Wanting to feel like the hubristic victor, and doing the dirty deeds to feel superior, may be fulfilling for the ego mind, but it does not satisfy the human Soul; which is why it is often felt as an empty victory in the end - if one is honest with oneself. Higher expression Eris - with genuine desire to be true to form and authentic - need to find ever more creative ways to manoeuvre, with so many envious eyes looking to overthrow, for that short-term satisfaction of feeling superior. When the idealistic higher expression caretakers get taken out - with this mind control bullshit - it is an abomination and a massive loss to the world. Think of all the wealth or good that might have been accomplished, and all those people that they might have helped to become great themselves. But lower expression Eris individuals often don’t want to do the inner work to go higher in frequency, they want the person they zoned in on; to go lower than them, or even better; to hate themselves. During separation, this gives the higher expression the opportunity to heal their heart - and in going within to successfully do so - may eventually get catapulted even higher than they were before… This is the lower expression’s greatest anxiety… because they know that gifted visionaries have something to share with the world that is magical. Enviers don’t look at the abundance that might have been enjoyed by everyone because the blessings blesses everyone. No, they are overly-focussed on all the love, positive attention, pats on the back, or the accolades that the hardworking and deserving might be receiving. No!!!!. This they want to block. Horror. Twisted. Conceited.

A narcissist is someone who uses others to prop up their own self-importance, this is their vanity. It’s about the desire to destroy another’s good time, by turning love and relationship into a battlefield. Confidence-theft is the goal for Eris lower expression, but at the expense of staying false and inauthentic themselves while pretending virtue.

The higher/lower expression dynamic truly is a dynamic of one person’s misfortune, is the other’s fortune.

When the higher expression person successfully heals and elevates into a new life, this spells misery for the lower expression, who may stay where there are - never grow, thus never glow - returning to being miserable that there are individuals who shine with such a light, that they go green with envy, and experience more Eris discord of the heart. Eris in astrology can be a great foe, or a great enlightener. Eris pushes people to adapt, grow, and be accountable. Eris is particularly unkind towards those who refuse to learn their Eris lessons and elevate, and those who walk on the cloud nine “feel good” illusion for a season because they had achieved a “victory of sorts” over their target, only to realise that it had been the pride before the fall. Eris transits are long, which is why it may take a few years for the wheel of fortune to turn, but turn it does… to bring the harvests that had been sown, and the rewards according to just due.

Poetic justice is often what happens at the end of Eris transits. Why?

Poetic justice is an outcome in which - ultimately - virtue is rewarded and viciousness is punished.

It is important to accept the fact, that in the extreme, Eris lower expression can be “life destroyers” for others, because the act gives them satisfaction. They tend to be lonely inside, and want others to be equally as miserable as they are. Acceptance of what is, can be a great thing for those who do want to aspire to a better life. Be realistic of who you need to set boundaries with, else you become collateral damage for their satisfaction.

Eris higher expression wants to open doors for other people who had experienced similar oppressive times, as they had gone through.

Eris lower expression wants to cause those oppressive times, and make others feel insecure.

The lower expression is desperate to steal what seems to come so easy for the higher expression, yet it is the state of being of the higher expression, that brings them deserved prosperity. Good things come from living close to what is divine, not indulging in toxicity. This is why the ‘wheat must be separated from the chaff’.

Eris’s discovery chart along with the ancient Greek mythology of her story, describes the dynamics around hubris and honour well. This resonates with Chiron in the 10th house in Capricorn in Eris’s discovery chart, and the aspects that it makes in opposing Saturn, square the bendings (in the Self/Others axis of Aries/Libra) etc. This is the energy of those who feel blocked off and who struggle immensely to work for, and enjoy their own rewards on their life path, instead feeling pain when seeing others succeed; feeling the immense INSECURITY, being challenged by another’s success, and a sense of being a failure, or not good enough, that the configuration illustrates. It’s feeling greatly tested and challenged in life to overcome obstacles, learn life’s lessons and excel.

The challenge is to shine like the Sun, that is also in Capricorn in the 10th house, when the house of reputation, public acclaim, hard work, success in the eyes of others, is under the strain of the powerful energies of being at the reaction point of a Boomerang Yod.

The Sun here is about learning to become highly skilful at a niche with great diligence, patience and practice, which is why the dilletantes get jealous, for they want the rewards, without having done the work, not attain the qualities the right way. The Sun is square Jupiter (that can be seen as Zeus), Eris and opposed by Varuna. See the images below:

Honour and hubris also has its roots in the Mars conjunct Ixion in Sagittarius in the 8th house… It’s the entitlement of the reckless juvenile player to fight and win at all cost, and to attack others in a manner that is shocking (Mars square Uranus). And also to use deliberate stealth to disadvantage (Moon in Scorpio trine Uranus). It’s complicated but there are multiple signatures in the chart, that describes all that had been said, eloquently…. The astrological signatures around Mars are detailed in part 8.

Below are two charts as it pertains to Eris’ discovery chart, however these are detailed in part 7. Hubris is clearly highlighted in the mythological story of Achilles’ interactions with Agamemnon in Homer’s Iliad. Click to enlarge them.

According to Greek poet Homer, the bloodiest battle in history, the Trojan War, went on for ten years. This is about the timeframe that Eris’s strife and conflict energy can stay active in one degree of the zodiac if you consider the following. Eris can stay in one degree of the zodiac for up to 7 years depending, unlike Pluto transits where the energy is active in one degree for up to 2-3 years depending. Pluto has an orbit around the sun of 248 years, where for Eris it is 558 years. When orbs around this one degree of the zodiac are added, one may be able to justify why Eris energy can stay active for up to 10 years… and when the Wheel of Fortune as it pertains to Eris energy is considered, this is quite plausible.

Eris lower expression energy has the potential to be extremely destructive and cause immense suffering and hopelessness, but the higher expression energy holds the potentials for alchemy and benevolent change that breaks that stalemate energy.


The diagram illustrates the orbit of (136199) Eris (blue) compared to those of (134340) Pluto and the three outermost planets (white/grey). The segments of orbits below the ecliptic are plotted in darker colours, and the red dot is the Sun. The diagram on the left is a polar view while the diagrams on the right are different views from the ecliptic.

via Wikimedia Commons.

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