A Bigger Picture Astrological Research

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Faustian Bargain for Self-importance, Insecurity, Conspiracy, Mass Hysteria and Existential Crisis

This is part 5 of a series of articles about Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in astrology that looks at the attempts to dim another’s light, by turning honourable people with valuable qualities upside down, to shut them down. This is about GODDESSES and PLAYERS and how neither believes in the visions, dreams or ideals of the other, because the gap between certain inner qualities and value systems are too wide. The misalignment of values are too irreconcilable, for one party thinks and feels in terms of what is in the best interest of all, while the other only thinks of themselves and how they can change the narrative of another’s life with bullying. They don’t want the good natured who are ‘destined to shine’ to be seen for who they really are… and to expand, instead they want them held down in the dark, with a cog in the wheel of their life; blocked. There is a satisfaction from thinking that relationships are permanently damaged, and good people are ruined and buried forever, due to the aggressive player sticking their toe into the karma wheel to trip another up, resulting in dreams and potentials destroyed.

Eris as a person was a goddess from ancient Greek mythology whose reputation preceded her, but was misunderstood due to the stark realities between lower and higher expression, and also the confusion-magic with which jealous, immoral people made themselves appear angelic, and quality persons with a heart of gold were DEMONISED as bad apples.

Eris’s very existence brought forth all sorts of knee jerk reactions from those in society who were afraid of her intimidating energy, yet she was a goddess, and this is at the heart of the discussion…

On deeper study of Eris higher expression, she has remarkable wisdom, beauty and empathy for those who are in a winter time in their life, due to knowing what that feels like. Thus having sympathy for others who are in need of nourishment, due to being MARGINALISED or DISENFRANCHISED by the system, or treated poorly by its jealous, judgemental players who wants to shine instead, but lack heart, authenticity, idealism and vision. It’s about fighting with another because one person wants what the other has…

Image: Zeus/Jupiter via Wikimedia Commons.

Eris’s mythology originated in ancient Greece from the accumulated wisdom of pioneering philosophers like well known Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, that laid the foundations of Western thought, that still influence our understanding of the world today. These brilliant scholars began to use reason and logic to attempt to understand the cosmos, human behaviour, the intricacies of human morality, and branching from those philosophic revelations into the metaphysics of divine insight. The accumulation of what they learned, was presented to society in the form of plays, comedies and tragedies.

SATIRE is a genre in which exaggeration, irony, humour or ridicule are used to criticise and expose flaws in human nature and behaviour. These mythological stories around certain people - with certain qualities, vices, follies, or expressions - are what astronomers and astrologers today are linking to the energies of astrological bodies. It’s complicated, but it works… It is particularly helpful in understanding the challenging energies of the newly discovered trans-Neptunian- and Kuiper belt objects that deals with complex and particular social and relationship matters. Find part 1 here.

Eris higher expression people are sweet, compassionate, pure of heart, wise, loving and caring, abundant, altruistic, and stable, and they live close to their divinity because they have endured, overcome and alchemised a lot to be where they’re at, and this is often becomes a huge problem at the start of Eris transits.

At the heart of the problem is the Eris lower expression, that turns antagonistic enemy and wants to degrade this upstanding, intelligent person with illusions or trickery, in shocking and upsetting ways; like not believing in themselves anymore or losing their spiritual quest. It’s the Eris polarity of vice versus virtue; getting satisfaction from causing suffering or loss for another. Inverting a confident, self-sufficient person; for a selfish gain, to win a competition for excellence, often out of jealousy or envy, due to denial of emotional truth, and wanting to feel superior to take a gain.

This is important information to understand, because although Eris square Pluto’s direct five squares are over, they will be in orb until 2024. Eris will also conjunct Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn in the next few years until 2028… The energy of Uranus square Saturn’s old versus new battle will be rapping it up in coming months, but Eris transits will be prominent from 2020 - 2028+. The following entails two extremes as it relates to a somewhat different astrological polarity regarding old and the new. Eris energy isn’t leaving soon…

It would be beneficial for investigators, detectives, law enforcers, law experts, etc. to learn about these dynamics, for they are the people who will have to be the adjudicators when these dramatic events, hate crimes, and disputes between people arise, around what is acceptable social behaviour, and who is the real maniacal villain. Eris energy often entail abuse or crimes of passion against the innocent; who did nothing wrong other than be true authentic Self, and that stirring the evil-minded devil in another to put them in bondage…

It’s the vice and virtue polarity of Eris Greek Goddess of Discord and Strife in Astrology, and the use of altruism as a perfect disguise for narcissism and control.

“Main Character Energy”a Major 2023 Trend, Refusing to be Downsized or Cut Down

“Main Character Energy”, is predicted to be a major trend for 2023, and with Eris transits in effect for many years to come, this will only continue to grow.

The following entails two extremes as it relates to old and new, if you feel triggered please read the disclaimer. This is about mankind reaching a situation in time where unfairness and gaslighting are seen and acknowledged more than ever before. The status quo cannot continue to ignore, attack or stage defeats for those who rise up with truth and new solutions that may be challenging old ways of being. Change is happening rapidly as can be on social media (an Eris issue), as the new trend for 2023, called “Main Character Energy” shows. This rising of the individual who wants to be SOVEREIGN and FREE (Eris in Aries), the best version of themselves, and the protagonist of their own life, regarding not being hindered or bullied by outdated thinking. This is a time of great energy and activity, where INDIVIDUALS are engaged in making something unique manifest in the world. These individualistic individuals

Image: One of the astrological glyphs for Eris. There are several, but this one seems to be the most used by the astrological community. More on WikiMedia Commons.

formulate their own ideas, instead of being led, influenced or gaslighted by others in the mainstream. These people refuse to allow others to force their version of reality onto them, even when they present themselves as more knowledgable, intelligent, spiritual or expert. More younger people are making it clear that they will not submit to realities that are not of their choice; rejecting that toxicity as a destiny, and the challenges that the antagonist pose for them. Eris energy is about rags to riches, and how an opportunistic antagonist wants to steal or block the protagonist’s rightful blessings. It pays to be a good person with a kind heart and pure intentions, as Eris higher expression examples show.

Gaslighting is psychological manipulation. It’s when one person or party tries to gain control over another by distorting reality, and forcing the other to question their own judgement and intuition. The idea is to make another so invested in them, that they need the gaslighter to spell out their reality for them. Eris in astrology is the protagonist/antagonist dynamic, and the infringement on another’s energy to rob their peace.

Eris: Faustian Bargain Moral Dilemma versus Human Rights and Freedoms of the Underdog

This article starts to explore the two sides of the Eris coin, hereafter referred to as the Eris juxtaposition, regarding why the Faustian Bargain and conspiracy is made by the Eris lower expression dictator who is dissatisfied with life, that leads to putting another party in some kind of a “prison” situation, to take a gain from them. This is the cruelty that leads to making some party or group of people the Eris marginalised and disenfranchised. This entails discrimination based on many things like stereotypes, age, gender, race, or from whatever superiority stance, and refusing to allow in the fresh air of CHANGE. This entrapment can also be seen as a form coercing people, or not giving them a choice, in order to benefit from their work, time or service. This draining of another’s life force energy is cheating; wanting the rewards without effort. This involves seeing abuse of power and social crises more readily (Eris square Pluto) and considering conflict resolution via a deeper look at the negative Eris, especially as Eris conjuncts Chiron in 2024…

According to Britannica, a Faustian bargain is a pact whereby a person trades something of supreme moral or spiritual importance, such as personal values or the soul, for some worldly or material benefit, such as power, wealth or knowledge. The term refers to the legend of Faust (or Faustus, or Doctor Faustus), a character in German folklore and literature. Faustian bargains are by their nature tragic, or self-defeating for the person who makes them, because what is surrendered is ultimately far more valuable than what is obtained, whether or not the bargainer appreciates that fact. It’s even worse, when the spiritual dissatisfaction, emptiness or inner torment to behold some kind of vanity or success entails harming another in the process.

To this day people talk about making a "Faustian bargain" as sacrificing something valuable, like personal integrity, for the insatiable POWER-HUNGER striving to acquire something desirable, at the expense of the spiritual/moral values of the soul, without considering the long term consequences. The term ''faustian'' is used to describe a bad deal or a deal with the devil. In a faustian bargain, a person pays a high price and gets cheated or finds that what they received in exchange was less valuable than they initially thought.

The word DEVIL refers to the spirit or power of evil tempting humans to reject the natural way of life that involve natural law and order, to accept the way of death and destruction. The word DEVIL comes from the Greek diabolos, which means slanderer, liar, or accuser, and it entails deformed thinking that disrespects human rights. Some times the faustian bargain is made with the ego, to perpetuate untruths, and then hold grudges against innocent people…

HUMAN RIGHTS recognise the inherent value of each person, regardless of background, appearance or beliefs. They are based on principles of dignity, equality and mutual respect, which are shared across cultures, religions and philosophies.

Human rights are rights we have, simply because we exist as human beings, but from a certain point of view, the political pursuit of power, doesn’t serve human rights...

The lower expression has insecurities, and bad habits, that involve using CONVENTION to shoot down those future-thinkers with a grand vision, passion, and creative inspirations for the future, that are unique, beautiful and valuable. This is what creates a group of people called the UNDERDOG. Someone feels threatened by ideas that would be beneficial for mankind as a whole, therefore UNCONVENTIONAL voices have to be silenced. There is a need for this Eris juxtaposition, where two concepts from the same coin are placed next to each other, are considered, in order to compare and contrast. To redefine what convention and EXTERNALISATION OF AUTHORITY is, and how it is not serving people, who increasingly want to operate in autonomy, authenticity, and sovereignty… and be the masters of their own reality.

Eris Conspiracy: Endurance while being Talked Down, Judged, Punished, and Socially Shunned with Deliberate Cruel Intentions for Entrapment

When goddess Eris was judged, scapegoated, deliberately wounded and ostracised by Zeus for supposedly starting the Trojan War with all that public disgrace, nobody were interested to hear about the truth, her side of the story, or even consider her potential innocence. The violent bullying, gaslighting and distortion-campaign on her honour, and the level of emotional

gravity regarding what she had been accused of were so overwhelming, that there were few options for her. Everyone was in wickedness and cahoots - hyped by hysteria - to make her life a hell fire, and cause endings and pre-mature deaths, to burn her life down to ashes. This conspiracy would be a massive test of faith experience for anyone; to have their dignity, pride and confidence afflicted like this by someone’s fabricated lunacy and hysterics, to mess with their purpose, and ruin their life.

Image: A Trojan Horse

Image: Statue of a male deity, brought to Louis XIV and restored as a Zeus ca. 1686 by Pierre Granier, who added the arm raising the thunderbolt via Wikimedia Commons.

As we have already described, situations like these, tend to put victims into an Underworld experience such as the experience Persephone had, that may cause a total change, spiritual growth, and evolution in their life. Learning wisdom, knowledge and growing faith, and believing in Self. Yet the original schemers and flying monkeys around Eris obtained temporary fired-up confidence and a sense of mission in destroying her life, but were all denying what they did afterwards. They didn’t want people to look at Eris with the blindfolds off, otherwise the lies they told about her would be contradicted, and the political game would be over. It was so much easier for them, when everyone just believed the official narrative and falsehood, and not ask questions… else the truth be discovered.

Eris was forced into a corner: to conform into an externalisation of authority, and know her “place” through unfair violence hyped up by group hysteria. It’s abuse by proxy, or having someone perform the bidding of another in a smear campaign.

In the movie The Wizard of Oz, the Wicked Witch of the West had flying monkeys who she sent out to do her dirty work, and the phrase has since become synonymous with people who end up doing the dirty work of a narcissist.

Flying monkeys get caught up in a narcissistic plan, often to damage the life of another person.

The narcissist may use their flying monkeys as piggy in the middle, carrying information from party to party. The flying monkey may use gaslighting tactics, open aggression, or guilt-tripping in order to make another person feel bad or weak. And they’re often involved in pleading the case of the narcissist. Narcissists love having at least one flying monkey, as it makes them feel important and means they can appear to be above the people below them (on both sides) who are caught up in the messy parts of the drama unfolding.

A narcissist is someone who uses others to prop up their own self-importance, and altruism is a classic Eris disguise. Zeus wanted to convince everyone that he was a certain important person, and seen in a certain light.

Zeus wanted to act all innocent and pious, concerned with social matters, and pretend that he was not the public’s foe, by restoring order, when under the surface he was staging a defeat, exploiting and raining on everyone’s parade like a self-conceited tyrant.

Thunderstorms in Greek mythology were attributed to the WRATH of Zeus, which entailed a DEEP ANGER, RESENTMENT, AND VENGEANCE, to punish someone. In Greek mythology, Zeus was the main deity associated with justice, honour, thunder, lightning, air, weather and sky, yet from his behaviour it is clear that he dispensed justice at his own whim and he abused his station. He expected for all to obey his authority, and meted out punishment when not; his punishments were harsh.

Zeus was prone to QUICK ANGER, but also to JEALOUSY, LUST, and VANITY. He had the self-righteous mindset of a God-King. His anger was often piqued by anything that hurt his EGO (like a typical narcissist) - which is why he justified his anger and aimed it, to squash the source of that insult to his ego.

Essentially, he didn’t tolerate anything that threatened his POWER, or his own EGO. He was also trapped within his ego.

Some of his other less famous powers were the ability to MIMIC anyone's voice sounding just like they would, as well as the ability to SHAPE SHIFT and look like any person or animal on earth. FLATTERY was another quality that Zeus employed repeatedly. This insincere praise and admiration was for the purpose of ingratiating himself with the subject to INFLUENCE them and making himself CO-DEPENDANT, and was all about furthering his own interests, because he wanted something from others. These are Eris lower expression qualities…

Zeus’s indoctrinated circle - who knew the truth behind the conspiracy that would lead to the Trojan War - had to stick to the story and mediate as best possible, despite their cowardice and knowing what they did to individuals like Eris, and the general public. They had to go into denial about the truth, because there was no other option than to justify to themselves why supporting Zeus’s defamation campaign was reasonable. But as they justified what they did amongst themselves, Themis Goddess of Justice and Fairness got burned horribly with dishonour (with the blindfold addition, find details here) in covert ways as it relates to her spoiled reputation due to being a silent accomplice who got her hands dirty. Themis was an oracle, and foresaw what would happen, and still she planned and participated in this gaslighting scheme with haughty Zeus. This group was making a particular

accusation against Eris, but if the public were to find the truth out, this would put the gods to a disadvantage. The lies they told were a cover up, to cover their own dirty deeds, against both humanity, the other Greek gods who lost children in the war, and Eris. The Trojan War was the brainchild of Zeus, and Themis as his accomplice, but they didn’t want to take the blame and public shame for the DEATH AND DESTRUCTION of so many, instead negotiating with ulterior motives and hidden agenda. They wanted to stay in power, continue to network, and avoid humiliation despite the disunity, yet was happy for an innocent party to be sacrificed, which spoke volumes of their character, greed and lack of morality... They were so addicted to this sociopathic way of life, that made them feel in control. Yet they operated without awareness, constantly in oxymorons, out to compartmentalise another person, to appear “better” than them, yet lacking vision and living in some bitter fantasy for the benefit of the ego.

What makes it ok, to wound another this deeply, to turn their light off, and expect not to be equally or wounded more, by the backdraft effect of the merciless emotional abuse?

Zeus as King of Olympus demanded loyalty, but once he got what he desired from people, they were left to their own devices. He lacked emotions, wore a false mask, and gave to those in this inner circle, but in truth he was cold of heart, and only cared about himself. Zeus did have feet of clay, which is a metaphor for Eris lower expression not having solid foundation, nor security or stability. How can those who indulge in player non-committal, unfaithful behaviour ever be stable?

Competitive Zeus had a huge ego problem and loved to be adored by women and put on a pedestal, but was very indifferent to the suffering inflicted on others; like the action of syphoning from others, to take their heart. He was a rampant womaniser and deceiver, leaving many women to bear and raise illegitimate children, clearly not caring for the entrapment he put them in; which is more evidence of the trickery done to devalue or destroy others. Zeus’s bad vibes marathon - snapping at people - also included other socially prominent men, and feuds with his many children. He wanted to avoid getting knocked off his pedestal by the Wheel of Fortune, and still keep on stalking, taking people’s INNOCENCE away from them. Using others as a stepping stool to his elevation, like an opportunist that bamboozles to get to the top, that puts others at a loss and defeat.

Detached from the heart Zeus used power over people to ruin them with his ruses and heists; to tear down their wellbeing with random acts of senselessness so that people have no respect to their names. Threatening people, to stop them from being in their power, and in their own victorious energy of abundance.

Compromising what is right, like an obsessed SABOTEUR, having excessive feelings of ENTITLEMENT to rule over others and not implement restraint. To create such a fracas, to confiscate something that doesn’t belong to him; using others to prop up his self-importance. In his mind there can never be more than one winner and only one person can be fulfilled.

Zeus was very concerned with power, influence, status and fortune, which is why he was so critical, defaming, and cutting towards those who threatened his ostentatious lifestyle of public acclaim.

The Convention Box Mind Game Perspective versus the Unconventional

In astrology, every planetary energy has both light attributes (higher expression) and shadow attributes (lower expression). With Eris, this polarity is very stark, which is a problem for the lower expression, as the shadow side of Eris is unpalatable to most people; which is why there has to be subterfuge to create confusion, fog and stalemates.

It’s supposed to be an illusion that appeals to, and attracts support, yet behind the appearance is the pious midas/miser, who has great anxiety and insecurity about losing their status, power, and fortune. There is a willingness to destroy another’s dreams and potentials, to secure their own. Some even go so far as putting on the ACT of the damsel, or a victim to twist the story around, when they are a destroyer.

The lower expression’s very foundation is built on conspiracy and inverting truth.

This is why their core foundation is shaky, never secure, with an innate design flaw that ultimately leads to frustration and failure as the Wheel of Fortune shows in part 9. When an individual use their energy to create things, that they end up hating, resenting or regretting, this creates stuck energy. But when people fearlessly accept their own story, they can become free of it.

It would be better to learn Eris lessons after being disillusioned, and regenerate, but creating more karma with low frequency investments, in never ending cycles and karmic loops, never learning anything, seems to be more palatable to some reckless hustlers…

Greek mythology shows that Zeus knew right from wrong very well, but used a certain NARRATIVE, established rules, regulations and customary systems that gave him clout, and utilised “appearances” by putting his principled authority face forward.

To abuse the “upstanding” and conventional systems that were in place - that he governed - because he stood to gain from forcing his way, and draining another. Lying, cheating, and destroying their reputation with mind manipulation.

Convention, social- and governmental systems offer both social security for the human population, and a false sense of security due to being innately rooted in power imbalance. It’s a calculated and twisted mind game that is designed to get individuals caught up in a web, to be stuck in a loop. Zeus gained publicity and notoriety by the distraction that this societal and political convention offered, to trap another party purposefully, isolate them and benefit from them. Zeus benefited from the rules of the system in abusing another, using the excuse of having to go with the rules and convention. This leverage enabled him to do things morally corrupt, yet able to justify that he was only following principle, AND still get his way. He used his position that he was blessed with, to take others down that displeased him. The convention is convenient for players… It is following rules for the sake of following rules, when the player’s better judgement should tell them “better” regarding having integrity.

The Convention Box Perspective Mind Game and Jealousy

This situation that Zeus and his advisor Themis concocted worked, because this convention is a culture of confusion. Zeus was able to fit into the CONVENTION BOX PERSPECTIVE, and then point a finger at Eris who carried unconventional, inspirational, individualistic, truth-seeing qualities, and were nothing like those in the system. It’s about the domination of ideas, philosophies, or belief systems to dominate others

The deeply opposing qualities of the Eris juxtaposition is conveniently used from the lower expression player point of view, making accusation towards the person of opposite qualities; to weaken Eris’s stance, dissuade people from paying her mind, and silencing her voice. It is weaponising convention for selfish reasons and to create tension; to end opposition to the lower expression agenda and idealism. By being in the convention box, and mixing in that tradition “energy soup” that also offers society security and comfort, Zeus obtained both a stamp of approval from society, and influence over society. Having clout to “other” Eris with “social consent”, as if she had no worth, nothing good to say, or was deserving of mistreatment.

Image; Zeus / Jupiter via Wikimedia Commons.

Leader of society Zeus wanted to gaslight both society and Eris, from his CONVENTION box position, from which he attacked other’s stability; to keep everyone in a maze, to stay stuck in bondage by presenting illusions.

Zeus wanted Eris kicked out of society, by creating obstacles to have Eris believe that she had no options, that everybody’s backs were turned against her in abandonment, that everyone hated her, that she didn’t have worth, and weighed down by the strife-ridden social dynamic. He acted cold because he wanted Eris to operate out of a position of loss, not feel the joy of sunlight on her back, instead in a fog abyss. He was a control-freak that was threatened and felt weakened by her creativity, autonomy and independence. He wanted her ignored, isolated, disposed of, and ineffective, and curb who she interacted with so they don’t give her SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE.

Zeus was the wrathful “official person” calling false judgements and for a cutting down, forcing loyalty, and for people to pick sides in a court of public opinion.

Zeus was acting as if there was some good reason for taking REVENGE, or for VENGEANCE to be had, when there was none; this is why it was all an illusion, that led to some sort of mental sickness.

As the lower expression example within the parameters of Greek mythology, what was wrong with Zeus? Zeus wanted to be seen as having it all together, living a life worth envying, yet it was his advisors that gave him the great advice on how to rule. Perhaps he was out of control, in illusion and confused, which is why he wanted to pass these states on to others, so they appear off their rocker instead of him. Zeus didn’t want Eris so see herself as a bright light that had potential for achievement. Why? Her prospects intimidated, triggered and made Zeus highly insecure. He didn’t want her to step outside of the box and have any kind of empathy from others. Zeus lacked the empathy gene. Zeus didn’t want her to have any influence, rank, nor institutional support, that might lead to her being seen for

who she really was, or shining brightly in CLARITY. He wanted the conspiracy over her life to trap and block her. Zeus had his priorities all wrong; wanting to trick the system and all in it, to gamble for his own selfish fulfilment. Deliberately acting in ways that are not in the best interest of all, but only his own… but hiding it well, as if the egotist was pedigree, and Eris didn’t belong in society, and his dissonance DISCRIMINATION was somehow… fair? Zeus was mentally unsound, but wanted for others to be seen in that light instead…

Perhaps Eris’s very existence stirred in Zeus all sorts of irrational illusions and fears.

Zeus’s biggest fear of all was that he be ousted, as he dethroned his own father Cronus, which is why he started the Trojan War in the first place. From a psychological point of view, this is also metaphor for the ego that is afraid of an ego death via coming out of denial and looking at emotional truth. Those who have an open heart have a BEAUTY and enjoy all sorts of benefits from being soul connected, that those with a closed-off heart get extremely DISSATISFIED, UNHINGED, HYSTERICAL, ANGRY, or RIGHTEOUS about (especially during Eris transits). From a psychological point of view, Zeus’s ego perhaps wanted JUSTICE, for having his insecurities stirred by the likes of Eris and the prediction made that Thetis's son would be more powerful than him… He wanted to erase certain people from society, so that he didn’t have to worry about feeling pushed against the wall by them… or ousted by them…

JEALOUSY, ENVY, IRRITATION and INSECURITY are at the heart of the cutting down behaviour. A happiness hater is someone who hates another’s potential, because of how it makes them feel..

This entails the cockamamie of the intimidated becoming the intimidator. This is the sick and dangerous business of the saboteur; to bully someone into being afraid and hopeless - out of jealousy - to block their destiny by spiritually downgrading them. It’s egregious and crazy, to want for an honourable person to have no remnants left of their former self, through this faustian criticism, so that the ego doesn’t feel so fragile…

Image: Zeus via Wikimedia Commons.

Wrathful Zeus’s unaddressed insecurities were so huge, that instead of dealing with them, he went overboard with the bullying, by scheming a conspiracy with Themis that would create MASS HYSTERIA mental sickness, demonisation, conflict, and strife.

The accumulation of all the lies and deception would perpetuate this sickness as through osmosis. It would unfold like the process of gradual or unconscious assimilation of ideas, that infects everyone into mental incarceration.

The “Not Good Enough” Insecurity that Entails Creating The Disenfranchised and Marginalised

These were the arrogant, antagonistic, high stress bullying tactics to create paranoia, to make it harder for Eris to be in her flow, invigorated, passionate, idealistic and on her pathway.

It entails an “in denial” grudge-holder creating distortions in perception… for both Eris and society. Perception is the way in which situation or events are regarded, understood, or interpreted. Gaslighting is the distortion of the truth and its beauty. This is about the Venus, Mercury, Pluto in Sagittarius in the 9th house in Eris’s discovery chart, and TRICKSTER Mercury (the lower mind) sandwiched in between Pluto’s stalking, CORRUPTING influence, and the heart’s desire of beautiful, loving Venus. And Sagittarius in the 9th house belief systems, vision and moral compass that are affected by this. This is about destroying BEAUTY, PASSION, VALUE, SELF-WORTH and HARMONY. The dynamics behind energy harvesting become evident in part 9.

However, also at the heart of it is NOT FEELING GOOD ENOUGH. It’s about being unable to look at the truth about self missing a ‘spark’; being inadequate in some way in the world, in lack of healthy contribution ability, instead needing to cheat, lie, steal from and dismiss another to make up for a personal weakness or insecurity. Thinking that taking away from another, or taking credit for what is the product of another’s labour, is going to somehow “give” them the success or accolades that the other have. This resonates with Chiron in the 10th house in Capricorn in Eris’s discovery chart, and the aspects that it makes in opposing Saturn, square the bendings etc. This is the energy of those who feel blocked off and who struggle immensely to work for, and enjoy their own rewards on their life path, instead feeling pain when seeing others succeed. It’s feeling the immense insecurity in being challenged by another’s earned success, and a sense of being a failure, or not good enough, that the configuration illustrates. It’s feeling greatly tested and challenged in life to overcome obstacles, to learn life’s lessons and excel. Saturn opposing Chiron square the Nodes of Fate can be representative of the institutional divisiveness that create disadvantaged individuals whose lives are severely afflicted by authoritarian opposition, as is so common during Eris transits.

These are some of the astrological signatures for why the lower expression DESPERATELY WANTS what the other has, to copy, steal and get rid of the original… but they are clout and money hungry, and don’t have good intentions for all… Instead of allowing their own unique expression, they want to feed off of another; feeling entitled to rewards without effort.

Image: via Wikimedia Commons.

Player winning-at-all-cost behaviour, fake flexing, and defamation entails a blindspot regarding the Eris juxtaposition that may put some players in a dark night of the soul experience, due to deep regret.

Two-faced players want to be the superior party, yet the Eris juxtaposition shows that the higher expression goddess energy has the deep compassion, empathy, maturity, emotional intelligence, and genuine love for humanity, and the divine spark inspiration for solutions that will benefit all of society, enabling healing, and the kind of change that is needed in the world.

True vision is in the eye of this beholder who leads from the HEALED HEART, who understands the experience of being MARGINALISED, DISENFRANCHISED and EXPLOITED by the system and its egotistical, tricky players, and still have compassion. True vision is not found in the eye of the player who lack the empathy gene, who wants to play under a guise and stuff others up out of unhealed insecurity, and over-inflated ego to compensate for insecurity… Zeus wanted to be seen as the person who embraced others, uplift them, create the abundance for people by his presence, yet that is not true of the lower expression in Eris’s mythology. Below are two charts as it pertains to Eris’ discovery chart, however these are detailed in part 7.

Eris’s discovery chart has several signatures that involves the creation of, and feeling of being INSECURE. It entails that great challenge to feel confident, stable, and grounded enough in foundation, to reach for the sun like a tall poppy. There can be great anxiety, due to knowing that there is the threat of being open to danger at the top, and perhaps lack of protection when producing something magical, because there are greedy, envious beady eyes focussed on a sabotage, or theft in the house of public acclaim.

Insecurity is also the lack of confidence in one self. It’s the inadequacy that springs from being too self-critical, perfectionist and making a life based on the ego. The ego is limited, which is why the derivatives of living an ego-focussed life, are limited as well. It is when one allows self to connect with soul Self - as a divine being having a human experience - that the limitless potentials become available in the equation… This offers the magic of a bigger picture, that self-actualisation brings, that the ego mind is unable to fathom.

The Eris Unconventional Perspective, and Limitless Possibilities

From the UNCONVENTIONAL PERSPECTIVE, the player is like a square peg that does not fit into the round hole, which is why the player is the happiness hater in the equation - fuming with frustration - because their frequency (based on past foul intentions and actions that caused injustice) may not match the frequency of abundance.

Lustful players who are hooked on the low vibrational, lock themselves out of this divine goodness, by coveting another’s blessings, that are seated in the heart space zone. Players attempt to block another’s flow and good fortune, because they want it for themselves, when that is often meant as a blessing for all of mankind. Players want to throw goddesses off of their chariot, thinking that they can take what’s coming to them, away from them, like in a staged robbery.

It’s evil behaviour because the idea is to turn someone original and special - that have something valuable to offer the world - into a nobody in the eyes of society, because their bright light intimidates. From this perspective, it is seen as the desperation of the player to get everyone to buy into their ideas and beliefs; that they are more important than others.

Cause and effect plays out over many years… Eris transits are long… which is why haters hate on those who carry goddess energy, who embrace soul growth, bringing hope and inspiration into the world, because they have key qualities, and opportunities may magically come their way.

Eris higher expression desires to let go of all limitations; to allow themselves to be a divine human being in every moment, in consciousness, ease, flow and grace. To allow their awareness to expand beyond the ego mind into new territories; more connectedness to the soul, healthy energy dynamics, knowingness, evolving, being spiritually led and seeing miracle potentials…

This is why Eris higher expression people don’t fit into the STEREOTYPES of the lower expression systems, projections and assumptions. They have inner qualities of high value, connectedness to higher consciousness, and blessings that are there to be applied for the benefit of everyone. It is in the nature of Eris transits to EXPOSE people’s TRUE COLOURS, INTENTIONS and CHARACTERS. This works to the benefit, for the higher expression’s study, research, learning and education, to reveal who the enemies are, and how opportunists operate. To end dysfunctional relationships with those who refuse to change perspective, and adopt a new way of thinking. To be free of those stuck in their ignorance, that want to block, trap or hold others down. To be disconnected from those who want to use honourable, respectable people with good energy, like their personal jackpot machine to fuel their own agenda. To be free of those who abuse kindness as weakness.

Why? If not careful, these visionary, resourceful individuals with divine spark get shut down by their those who are in favour of convention and practicality; in favour winning, control, power, status, materialism, the superficial etc. that goes nowhere wholesome. During Eris transits everyone is under a judgement of sorts, to expose who really has upstanding qualities, moral fibre, backbone, and character, and who does not. Also, who is a smiling fake liar bad apple bound to devil energy; which entails being easily seduced by the material world to be greedy, stingy, jealous, self-serving, etc. Also using third parties, triangulation, bread crumbing, and other immoral means to trick people. These are the people who tend to be comfortable where they are at; they don’t want to change, nor be enlightened. The status quo is their preference.

Eris higher expression individuals are here to organically allow the life force energy of their divine essence to blossom. To allow their life force vitality to flow into the things that give them joy, that they can nurture, love and grow, like big expansive ideas. For their life to evolve with the natural evolution of life.

They embody a lightness of being, clarity and wonder, and are blessed with a wealth of abundance and creative intelligence, that doesn’t go to their heads. As they allow their own GROWTH, wisdom and the refinement of their character, they become more exalted at a higher level, rank, and held in high regard. They naturally apply their blessings for the greater good and desire to allow more receiving from their divine self, leading from the heart. They don’t want to compromise what is right, and for the greater good of all, because they carry a vision of benevolence for the world, see the higher expression examples.

Extreme Demonisation of the Honourable, with A Sideswipe, for Spiritual Downgrade and an Existential Crisis as Goal

When the antagonist becomes criticising, anger-filled, in righteous rage, to take away someone’s innocence, or out for revenge, this dishing out of toxic energy has consequences for the target; in the form of chain of events unravelling. An existential crisis is a stage of time when someone examines important questions about their identity, and the world around them, and wonders if their life has any inherent meaning or purpose amongst all this evil strife that is out to turn sweet people upside down. Eris transits seems to bring this feeling of dread, spook and unease about… because someone is trying to sneak away with another’s GREAT FORTUNE, that wants rewards without effort… with intentions that involve detailed cruelty.

Zeus used convention to put an unconventional, expansive thinking person in a mind maze cage entrapment, to stop the wise love energy of the heart, and attempt to cause separation from the source of divinity within. It’s about blocking another’s divine essence and wellbeing, with domination and isolation.

In using false narratives and extremism to create murk and taking harmful actions in the name of principle, Eris discord of the heart springs up, that block feeling, healing, and expanding.

These are the cold facts that goddess Eris had to come to terms with; that jealous players want to play, keep a power imbalance, dominate, create impasse, devalue, downsize, stop another’s exaltation, and emotionally injure the hearts of influential goddesses who shine a bright light of benevolent change and inspiration in the world.

To end their healthy feeling heart centres, to weaken their spirit, with fast reckless behaviour, to disconnect them from all that is good. To put them in poverty, be unsuccessful or loose control.

With the hand of established systems of authority, that dispense (in)justice. That’s how the system and tradition works, that claims practicality while at the same time destroying those who think outside the box, who have a more advanced moral value system, and who are perceived a threat to the status quo that have other agendas. It’s an ugly, twisted mind game to be mean; to gain fake EXALTATION (to feel extremely happy and proud) over those who had obtained it on their own merit, by going within.

Dissipating the Opposite Side of the Eris Juxtaposition, by Giving Goodness the Evil Eye, yet Impersonating it for Fake Exaltation

Public recognition and accolade hungry Zeus didn’t want a certain juxtaposition - regarding true character, stability, morality and integrity - to come to light... Which is why having clout, wealth, social influence, and being able to execute distortion campaigns (gaslighting) became so handy when power hunger drove players to extremes… So they can police public opinion and psychologically trap… with layers and layers of confusion…

This is also a metaphor for the dynamic of the competitive, aggressive Eris player that is clout-hungry for wish fulfilment, via the miracle that authentic goddesses are to be overlooked by society. To be the enemy of their progress. The whole purpose is to impersonate someone with goddess energy; first studying them, then isolating them, then striking at them to annihilate them, and then be them, by taking on their essence as a charming PERSONA. The MIRRORING, COPYCAT and SHAPESHIFTING behaviour is at the middle of the cheating, indulgence and self-gratification.

It’s the head-trip trick that repeats itself in social and institutional settings; to steal from those who have authenticity, honourable intentions and empathy for others. To beat them down swiftly, and instil false ideas in them, and about them. To rob them of their self-respect, self-confidence, self-worth, skill, time, or money. Those who have empathy, invariably make the doppelgänger, who don’t have the authentic qualities, appear a certain way that they don’t like… that may not be socially acceptable either, which is why creating chaos, injustice, instability, and disunion are seen as these useful tools. They want clout dammit, to do as they please, yet trying to be someone other than true authentic self for extended periods of time, especially during Eris transit, can lead to MENTAL IMBALANCE

Image: Six of Wands in the Tarot via Wikimedia Commons.

The idea with the lying, sneaking and swift attack is to make those who have empathy not see or feel the love and light, so they go down a spiral of sadness that affects their health.

This may be the whole purpose of why obsessed players lower another’s vibration, to get them stuck. It’s all ego inflammation.

To get the tall poppies to see the world in a different way, and to affect their vision; because what they see, is the world they create. It’s projecting another (false) reality on them, to steal from them, and swiftly knock them down to their weakest state. It’s ruthless, predatory and sick indeed, and not socially acceptable behaviour on a good day.

The inversion mental sickness that Zeus wanted for Eris is that he be elevated in the public eye into EXALTATION, and Eris carry this fabricated facade, which is the deceptive appearance that is rooted in his lies. Zeus didn’t actually want to do what is required for genuine exaltation and honour. No, being false, while being seen in a good light, was his preference. Mimicking, shapeshifting and deceiving was his choice lifestyle. Zeus was the wolf in sheep’s clothing, in competition war, and after good natured people’s abundance. It’s innocence lost, because someone narcissistic has their preferred state of being… refusing to grow… thus will never really glow…

The MENTAL IMBALANCE entails playing a lot of games, in inauthentic energy, which is a precariously dangerous past-time… especially when the waves of cause and effect return to the sender as become evident in part 9… with the narcissistic victory of sorts collapsing…

Learning Eris Lessons and Best Course of Action: Don’t be a Martyr

The best course of action for Eris higher expression is to look within for DIVINE GUIDANCE, and EMOTIONAL MASTERY; from looking at situations and choices. Allowing for the feeling and identification of the anger, and also the pain and trauma that lies beneath. To learn about, accept and forgive these realities; about people who want to cause a disruption of the heart, for those who are pure of heart. Those individuals having this experience have to learn to put themselves as main priority, to heal their broken hearts, to learn these Eris lessons and to level up on their own terms, away from the jealousy, lack of empathy, and falseness. By looking within, self-correcting, growing and evolving. To be in the energy of renewal, hope and faith again.

What you resist persists. When people don’t learn the Eris lessons from the past, they are doomed to repeat it, but those who embrace their education, may discover in good time that they are resilient, and don’t have to make themselves the martyrs of anyone else, nor a martyr to the cause of social justice. It’s important for Eris higher expression to have the self-discipline, patience and compassion and focus on their own healing, growth and goals, not on the external energies who may be lashing out, to push them into a cage.

Eris higher expression carries a vision, hopefulness, altruism, and inspiration that may inspire or influence others, and this may not suit those who want things to stay the same, or fear change. The energies of the two parties are not compatible, which is why they are best separated from each other, because there is no flow, nor synergy.

Misery loves company, which is why the lower expression wants to hold those back who want to raise their frequency, do something positive, or elevate in life. The lack of empathy is the main problem, with people who don’t care who they hurt, indifferent to the suffering caused, and in denial of their emotional truth. A narcissist is someone who uses others to prop up their own self-importance. It’s someone who doesn’t like that another is happy or satisfied, or getting their rewards. It’s someone who takes issue with another’s joy. Being in good energy brings blessings, and this is the cornucopia the player wants to take away.

Cathartic Eris Truth is Meant to Redeem

As explained previously, this information may be challenging for some people, yet the idea with Eris energy, is for the truth to redeem you regarding wolves in sheep’s clothing acting all sweet and innocent, who are false. During Eris transits the truth has to be revealed about those haters who want to hurt another.

The Eris juxtaposition is the important missing link in the Eris conundrum, that is hidden in plain sight, due to all the illusion creation, and impersonation of the authentic. It’s the player trying to punish those in goddess energy, for being in good energy. It’s about honourable people being in their flow, knowing that they will get more blessings which is their inheritance and right, when the player is in lack mentality.

Players have a problem with those who are kind, loving souls, whose happy investment in good energy, brings them rewards. Players don’t want upstanding people who they target to be in unconditionally loving energy. Let the truth be known about misaligned values. Clarity at last. So that good people can leave the fighting behind and just move on with their own business, in self-protection and self-preservation. EVERYONE has the choice to cultivate good energy, but when they refuse to detoxify, the cultivating of more bad or toxic energy IS THEIR CHOICE.

Today, the Eris juxtaposition involves old structures who desires to keep their control, power and abuse in place, and the countless versions of “main character energy” that are rising up as Eris higher expression, who want to be free, sovereign and unbothered by the gaslighting of the mainstream narrative.

The above is a great example from Eris’s Greek mythology about how convention superseded ethics. For another great example on this, go to part 6, which is about how pretending to be principled, can be a fine (but lame) excuse for why the (dysfunctional) rules need to be followed and perpetuated… 

Part 6 is also about why learning your Eris lessons, and healing, are crucial and beneficial for everyone on this planet.

Click here to go to part 6.

Series of Eris Vanity and Clout Chasing Articles:

See this gallery in the original post

Image: A snapshot of the astrological weather around the brightest trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects.

Above is the snapshot of the astrological weather of the brightest trans-Neptunian and Kuiper belt objects as of 14 December 2022. These objects are very slow moving. Note how Eris is very close to the reaction point that makes a boomerang Yod out of the Haumea Yod. This is described in The Foundation of Change Online Course that stretches from 2022 - 2028+. Eris conjuncts Jupiter, Uranus and Saturn during this time as well, which means that the energy will be activated frequently, and for long periods of time. Note how Eris has been in trine to Varda for many years, and that the Eris square Pluto aspect is still within orb.

Other Astrology Articles:

See this content in the original post


Whatever, it just keeps making them more miserable

Wow this group wants you to get down and stay down, baaaad.

They can’t take what’s yours and they can’t defend themselves from this fallout

Used convention to destroy & outcast you. They are now confused, old tactics not working, in a fog

It’s over, they are in despair over status and people are seeing what they did to you

Wanting to win at all costs leads to jail

They are keeping this spiritual hater in the dark

They are losing everything

They can’t keep up with the energy shift, vibration too low and have karma from trying to block you

This saboteur can’t think straight, afraid they will lose what they stole

Karma cataclysm for this mean bully who can’t stop won’t stop (going to end badly for them)

Doing and saying whatever they can to not lose this money, help and status

This is what they are trying to accomplish with the distraction & tension so you miss your blessings

Justice is playing out for this couple who tried to block your destiny (money hungry fuckers)

Wow this masculine is in big trouble, sometimes the cost of winning isn't worth the price

The Enemy Wants To Steal What The Chosen Ones Have Built And Established. It Will Not Happen!

Their reputation is suffering from being reckless and sketchy trying to block you

Haunted by the reality of what they participated in and how far they went trying to block you

They Envy U MORE Now Bcuz They Tried To Block U From Success & U Still Made It! Feeling Dumb & Alone

Flying monkeys haven’t realized dirty deeds are backfiring on them

Ruthless person threatened by your autonomy & will do anything to take you down, but karma says not

The narcissist's playbook: How smart women are abused by romantic frauds | Australian Story

Maniacal group harassment & fearful confession that could lead to jail

Still spooked by the group hysterics and the way karma is playing out in their life

Bully & friends are dealing with a series of misfortunate events that has them seriously spooked

This frenemy who tried to block you will find out they were focused on the wrong thing very soon

These people are really burdened by the energy coming back at them from trying to block you

Witchy person being exposed, thinks they did permanent damage, tower moment coming for them

Happiness hater created fake persona based on your life & knocking you off your square is failing